World Affairs Brief, June 1, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Provoking Armed Intervention in Syria
Neocons Purging GOP of Anti-War Patriots
Marriot Hotels Shield Bilderberg Elite from Scrutiny
US STRATCOM Commander Says Chinese no Threat
Romney Claims Delegate Victory
CNN Denigrates Trump and Birther Issue
Where does Ron Paul Go from Here?
Appeals Court Rules Against DOMA
Spain Follows Greek Bailout Path
Why We Cannot Win Politically
With idiots like this in charge of US deterrence, America is doomed to suffer a nuclear first strike. AFP News tells the horror story of ignorance. Notice that the naive General is speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations who is promoting this disinformation. “China’s nuclear weapons do not pose a direct threat to the United States, the man in charge of America’s arsenal said Wednesday in calling for greater dialogue with the Chinese.
“’We would like to have routine contact and conversations with China’s military,’ General Robert Kehler, head of Strategic Command, which oversees US nuclear deterrence, told the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. ‘We think there would be tremendous benefit to that in both China and the United States, in particular to help us avoid some misunderstanding or some tension in the future.’
“The STRATCOM commander said that although the United States and Russia account for roughly 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons, dealing with the Chinese on the matter would become increasingly important [Not True. Nobody knows how many missiles the Chinese have, so how can they quantify. But the miles of underground tunnels hiding missiles in China indicates their arsenal is much larger than the US is admitting]. ‘I do not see the Chinese strategic deterrent as a direct threat to the United States. We are not enemies,’ he said.” He’ll have to eat those words someday, but he’ll be retired by then and unaccountable.