World Affairs Brief, June 8, 2012. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Ron Paul Concedes Race for President
Bilderberg Meeting and Webster Tarpley
US Military Brass Marching to CFR Agenda
France Shoots Itself in the Foot
Union Backlash in WI fails to Unseat Walker
Obama Justice Dept. Actively Shielding Illegals
Secret Surveillance Warrants Increase
Skepticism about Secret Killing List Meetings
Protecting the President Goes to Extremes
Although little insider information was extracted by Bilderberg watchers from last week’s annual meeting of globalist leaders and wannabees, the meeting at the Westfield Marriott Hotel near Washington DC generated large protests and a lot of well deserved negative publicity. Lyndon LaRouche disciple, Webster Tarpley, an anti-establishment historian often interviewed by Alex Jones and Jeff Rense, was also on hand to spread his opinions. I have always opposed conservative attention given to Tarpley because he’s never been on the side of individual liberty. His virulent attacks on Ron Paul and Austrian free market economics during recent interviews have quite openly exposed the real FDR worshiping socialist that Tarpley really is. [Russia Today, which is not a trustworthy news outlet] gave a summary which set the stage for this controversy: “The items discussed during last week’s Bilderberg Conference might remain under lock and key, but some eyewitnesses on hand at the elusive meeting of the elite say they might know who was involved in the top-secret talks.
The Bilderberg Group has officially released what they say is the list of attendees invited to last week’s conference outside of Washington, D.C. in Chantilly, Virginia, but others insist that they caught one high-profile personality on hand that was excluded from the official roster. According to some sources, presidential hopeful Mitt Romney made it to this year’s event [pretty weak evidence].
Charlie Skelton, a contributor for the UK’s Guardian, claims that “four eyewitnesses on the hotel staff” have confirmed to him that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was on hand at the 2012 Bilderberg Conference.
Skelton says that, when reached for comment, Romney’s office would not confirm or deny the rumor but eventually insisted that their official stance is one that does not put Romney at last week’s meetings.
“Journalist Webster Tarpley adds to Skelton’s Guardian report that the elite politicians and bankers that make up a good chunk of the Bilderberg Group roster want a Romney administration to take Washington by storm [pure supposition on his part. See below] and suspects that the recent meeting might have had something to do with the secret society’s plans for the upcoming election [true insofar as the Vice Presidency is concerned].
“’They want Romney and Mitch Daniels, who will run together as moderate Rightists,” Tarpley tells the Guardian. Daniels, the Republican governor of Indiana, was listed on the official sheet of Bilderberg attendees. Investigative journalist, Jim Tucker adds in his own report that Governor Daniels was most likely picked to be Romney’s running mate during this year’s conference [the only part of Tarpley’s analysis that may come true].
My opinion on Tarpley: Webster Tarpley is not on the side of liberty. He is a socialist and former follower of Lyndon LaRouche who, in turn, has many links with the Socialist International (a communist front) along with his European communist wife. LaRouche wormed his way into the conservative political scene by putting out a lot of anti-Jane Fonda material and bashing the extreme environmental movement. But his agenda was not liberty—it was anti-capitalism.
Tarpley fits into the same mold. He’s a rabid anti-capitalist and his acknowledged hero is Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal. All his solutions are socialist. He’s been a regular contributor to the Alex Jones show because he is rather effective at slamming the New World Order and it’s globalist promoters—but NOT because he is against globalism if he or other “enlightened moderates” could run it. From his remarks, he detests the free market. He views rich capitalists as the real enemy, not government.
Professor Kevin Barret was shocked to hear these views as he interviewed Tarpley about the Bilderberg conference. If you can get past the rap music intro, Tarpley shows his true colors. Here’s the link with my analysis below:

Tarpley makes all kinds of mistakes in judgment in this interview. He starts off by saying that the Bilderberg leadership is getting old (at least the most visible ones), and that they are preparing up-and-come “young turks” like Peter Thiel to take over.
Actually, there has always been an ongoing seamless process for vetting and training new leadership. The globalist conspiracy has been going on for decades. This is not something new or unique as Tarpley explains, and there is no evidence at all that Thiel is on any fast track to leadership. He only attacks Thiel because Tarpley hates capitalists and especially ones who contribute to Ron Paul.
Tarpley makes the erroneous link that because Peter Thiel attended the Bilderberg Conference and donated money to Ron Paul, that Ron Paul and libertarianism must also be part of the globalist plot—which Tarpley condemns as a capitalist plot, instead of the socialist plot it really is. He said Thiel wants to spew this poison of libertarianism and Austrian [Free Market] economics—the Americans want the New Deal.
When Barrett launched into the conservative-libertarian doctrine of a constitutionally limited government, Tarpley has an “Oh, My God….” moment—apoplectic that a professor would actually believe such an idea. He then expounded the liberal doctrine that the welfare clause justified all the expansive programs, and praised welfare, food stamps, and education programs.
When Barrett talked about government being the problem, Tarpley said the Private Sector was the problem—not government. You see, to Tarpley and LaRouche (who I believe are closet socialists) they see this globalist conspiracy and it’s historic attack on Marxism, and they exert all their efforts to condemn it—but NOT for the same reasons we do. They condemn it because they think globalism is a capitalist conspiracy. In fact it is a socialist conspiracy that has lured capitalists into collusion with government for personal gain. Tarpley would not condemn the same globalist power structure if he or Larouche were running it.
Then Tarpley shows his antipathy towards Ron Paul. In his interview with Alex Jones below, he attacks Paul continually (to Jones’ shock, who supports Paul). Tarpley claims that Ron Paul is locking up the anti-establishment vote—keeping Gingrich and Santorum and other “good guy” from winning.
He claims a vote for Paul is a vote for Romney, who the Bilderbergs supposedly support. But this is superficial analysis and fails to explain why the establishment has tried to stop Romney both in 2008 and this election cycle in preference for globalists camp followers like Perry, Gingrich, Cain, and Santorum. The globalists have only jumped on the Romney bandwagon (for control purposes) and packed his team with neocon advisors as it became obvious Romney was going to win.
Worse, Tarpley calls Ron Paul a hypocrite and a warmonger because he voted for the initial Afhgan deployment of US troops. It is true that Paul voted with the majority for the original Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists in Afghanistan. However, this was immediately after 9/11 and was an unthinking response on Paul’s part to the September 11 attacks. He has openly stated his regret in backing that vote, and advocates withdrawing troops from Afghanistan because he believes a decade of war in Afghanistan has yielded ongoing suffering and hatred for the US. For Tarpley to label Paul a warmonger for this one mistaken vote shows his skewed dislike for real champions of liberty.
Here are Mr. Paul’s real feelings about Afghanistan: “There really is nothing for us to win in Afghanistan. Our mission has morphed from apprehending those who attacked us, to apprehending those who threaten or dislike us for invading their country, to remaking an entire political system and even a culture … This is an expensive, bloody, endless exercise in futility. Not everyone is willing to admit this just yet. But every second they spend in denial has real costs in lives and livelihoods “
Tarpley calls right wing anarchists Facists—which is not true at all. This harks back to his Leftist theology where Hitler and the Nazis (all socialists) were, according to the Left, on the Right, and the good guys were “moderate” progressives on the Left. He says Bilderberg reminds us that the private sector is where the evil is, implying that all private markets lead to governments controlled by conspiracy. How does he explain Hitler and Stalin? Private Sector tyrants? Hardly.
Tarpley says Romney is their man now—because they are meeting in this Mormon Hotel chain. Again, this is superficial coincidence and an erroneous analysis. Sure the Marriotts were successful Mormon entrepreneurs, but it has long since become an establishment hotel chain run by others. He claims that Ron Paul was intending to deliver to Romney any needed convention votes, which is now a moot point. Romney doesn’t need them.
He continues his implication that it must be “the Mormons” when he points out that Marco Rubio is also a Mormon. This is not really true, except in a technical sense. While Rubio was baptized Mormon by his parents when young, he has never been a Mormon since or claimed it as his religion. He erroneously continues his anti-Mormon rant by saying that former candidate and Utah Governor Jon Huntsman (also in attendance at Bilderberg this year) represents the wealthy backers of the Mormon Church.
The Mormon Church is not run by any wealthy backers. The Church is completely supported by voluntary tithing of its members which dwarfs the income of even the wealthiest Mormon members. 80% of that tithing goes back into Church operations, buildings and Temples around the world. The Mormon clergy is a lay clergy, without salary.
Lastly, Tarpley laments how the new Bilderberg-backed Romney will take advantage of the backlash to Obama to cut America’s throat–by killing health care, Soc Security, and all these other “wonderful” New Deal programs. I’m glad Tarpley has finally been so open about his true allegiance. Hopefully, talk show hosts like Jeff Rense, Kevin Barrett and Alex Jones will be more careful in the future about showcasing Tarpley and his New Deal infatuation.
Here’s a 5 minute video of Alex Jones trying to interview Webster Tarpley. They get into a tiff toward the end over Tarpley’s attacks on Paul
As a side note, some of my readers wanted to know why Russian writer Daniel Estulin, author of a trilogy that exposes the so-called Bilderberg Club met with Fidel Castro in 2010. During the discussion, Estulin thanked Fidel Castro for the inclusion of fragments of his texts in his most recent journalistic columns and reaffirmed that their mutual antithesis toward the global elite who were “trying to overthrow communism.” So, once again not all anti-Bilderberg authors are on our side.
Here’s a partial list of key attendees at this year’s Bilderberg conference:
USA    Alexander, Keith B. Commander, US Cyber Command; Director, NSA
USA    Altman, Roger C Investment banker [United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton]
USA    Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. Governor of Indiana [watch for him as a VP nominee]
USA    Hoffman, Reid Co-founder and Executive Chairman, Linked
USA    Graham, Donald E Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
USA    Gephardt, Richard A. Former US Congressman
USA    Ferguson, Niall Professor of History, Harvard University
USA    Evans, J. Michael     Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs
USA    Donilon, Thomas E. National Security Advisor, [White House handler of Obama]
USA    Harris, Britt CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas [globalists are big into controlling public education]
USA    Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. Huntsman Cancer Foundation [Liberal former Utah governor]
USA    Jacobs, Kenneth M.  Chairman and CEO, Lazard [globalist investment banker]
USA    Kerry, John   Senator for Massachusetts
USA    Kissinger, Henry A.  Chairman, Kissinger Associates [probably top echelon globalist]
USA    Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute [estab. think-tanks are globalist]
USA    Krupp, Fred    President, Environmental Defense Fund [environmentalists controlled too]
USA    Li, Cheng       John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution [Leftist, globalist]
USA    Lipsky, John             Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University
USA    Liveris, Andrew N.   President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company
USA    Noonan, Peggy          Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal [yes, even the WSJ]
USA    Orszag, Peter R.       Vice Chairman, Citigroup
USA    Perle, Richard N.      Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute [arch-neocon]
USA    Rose, Charlie             Executive Editor and News Anchor, CBS, PBS
USA    Ross, Dennis B.         [Roving globalist Diplomat], Institute for Near East Policy
USA    Rubin, Robert E.      Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
USA    Schmidt, Eric E.       Executive Chairman, Google Inc. [startup connection w/CIA]
IRL     Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
USA    Thiel, Peter A.           President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital [Sent in to influence the libertarian movement]
USA    Warsh, Kevin            The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
USA    Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company [Neocon]
INT     Zoellick, Robert B.   President, The World Bank Group [highly placed globalist]
Some foreign attendees of note:
RUS    Kasparov, Garry      Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia) [Chess Champion, co-opted into fronting for a supposed opposition party, controlled by the Kremlin]
FRA    Izraelewicz, Erik       CEO, Le Monde [major French daily]
CHN   Fu, Ying         Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, China, former Amb to UK. [not a member of the Anglo-American conspiracy but invited in as part of the on-going globalist strategy of giving China access to what’s going on in the West—helping China feel more confident that she has the upper hand.]
GBR   Dudley, Robert         Group Chief Executive, BP oil
GBR   Micklethwait, John   Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
GBR   Rachman, Gideon     Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
CAN   Wright, Nigel S.        Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister of Canada
CAN   Redford, Alison M.   Premier of Alberta
GBR   Voser, Peter   CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
What you can’t see in this list are the hundreds of other globalist connected CEOs of big corporations, controlled media heads and government ministers that are not attending and who may never attend. You cannot tell in any definitive way much about those who are invited to Bilderberg other than, 1) only a tiny fraction of those involved in the globalist control system are invited, and 2) those that do come are not on our side. But you cannot tell how deeply each is within the system, or to what degree they agree or know about the hidden and more evil agenda.
Sure, the old leaders like Henry Kissinger are always there, but it’s an ever-changing cross section of leaders of media, industry and government that show up to hob-knob with the rich and powerful. In large part, the meeting is about introducing pet globalist agendas to new initiates or people the globalists are cultivating for future membership in the control system—of which the Bilderberg meeting is only a tiny part. At the meeting they watch to see how invites react to global issues and solutions proposed, to see if they are going to be players or non-enthusiasts who go nowhere.
You have to have a lot more information about each individual to know how deep they are into the globalist conspiracy. You cannot tell from attendance alone. The only thing we can be sure about newcomers that attend, is that the Bilderberg’s look with favor on them as a possible future member. Some don’t pan out and are never given any higher position.