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Vatican Observatory launches LUCIFER Telescope | PROJECT LUCIFER and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior


Vatican tied Mount Graham Observatory launches LUCIFER Telescope

After more than a decade of design, manufacturing, and testing, the new instrument, dubbed LUCIFER 1, provides a powerful tool to gain spectacular insights into the universe — from the Milky Way to extremely distant galaxies. An identical twin instrument will be delivered to the telescope in early 2011.

LUCIFER 1 and its twin are mounted at the focus points of the LBT´s two giant 27.6-foot-diameter (8.4 meters) telescope mirrors. Each instrument is cooled to -351° Fahrenheit (-213° Celsius) in order to observe in the near-infrared wavelength range. Near-infrared observations are essential for understanding the formation of stars and planets in our galaxy as well as revealing the secrets of the most distant and young galaxies.

LUCIFER´s innovative design allows astronomers to observe star-forming regions in unprecedented detail, which are commonly hidden by dust clouds. …

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From: News with Views


By Thomas R. Horn

January 1, 2013

Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican’s astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior. You only think you know what’s coming…

Christians will not immediately need to renounce their faith in God “simply on the basis of the reception of [this] new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations.” However, once the “religious content” originating from outside the earth “has been verified” they will have to conduct “a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…” – Vatican Astronomer, Eminent Theologian and Full Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome [Connected With Opus Dei], Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

“L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” — Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science Magazine

Following the release of our 2012 best-seller Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, we were inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. These included segments in The History Channel’s “Countdown to Apocalypse,” which premiered November 9, 2012; a special feature on Canada’s largest Christian channel VisionTV titled “I Prophesy: The Apocalypse Series” (complete with re-enactments) that aired nationwide on Tuesday, November 20, 2012; invitations to Rome to discuss with Italian media our findings on René Thibaut, a Belgian Jesuit whose meticulous analysis of the Prophecy of the Popes predicted the arrival of Petrus Romanus in this era; a “best of” interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, and dozens more.

Entire Article Here
Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
[ video ] Is Pope Francis the LAST POPE? Tom Horn & Cris Putnam on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth
Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For “Brother Extraterrestrial”


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  1. Anonymous

    I read a lot of Alex Jones and Steve Quayle but Tom Horn is just a nutjob in my opinion. He comes up with the most far fetched alien theories based on zero evidence. Tom Horn’s books are just empty words reiterating what we already know about America. He brings no new information to the table.

  2. Charitas

    gotta wonder. Alex Jones, Quayle, Horn, Missler et al. are ALL nutjobs employed to spread a lot of nonsense and keep people confused. Alex Jones especially is nothing but a media sponsored bully, loud and obnoxious, appealing to the masses who enjoy dramatic showmanship – and he’s an expert in that if absolutely nothing else. Piers Morgan is another spreader of disinformation designed to dupe, entrap, confuse, divide etc. They each use sprinklings of truth supposedly as ‘evidence’ for whatever malarky they are spreading. So, as for valuable information, NONE of these provocateurs bring anything worthwhile to the table.

    • The only person in your list who is “employed to spread … and keep people confused” is Piers Morgan. The others are independent thinkers trying to discover and share the truth.
      Alex is often dramatic, and he’s also almost always right, and he’s sponsored by his listeners. He is absolutely NOT “media sponsored.”
      And he is not even talking about this telescope, anyway.
      I think Alex gets attacked mainly because he has the Holy Spirit in him; though, he doesn’t always stay on the narrow path to righteousness. But there is no doubt that Alex is to a great extent doing what he’s called and empowered to do, so he’s really good at it. And Satan hates this.

      • Anonymous

        You need to re research alex jones if you still fall for his crap
        Pro tip: willam cooper
        Another pro tip…if alex jones new anything about anything he would be dead…you k ow like bill cooper….

        • Many like to throw stones at Alex, which is sad. Mostly, I find it’s those who aren’t Christians.
          He is dedicating his life to try to expose and defeat the NWO, and is dead serious.
          My concern about Alex is that he can be a hot-head, and could end up like William Cooper when he’s like that.
          Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but evil spirits…, which he sometimes forgets.
          I would like to see Alex get right with everyone he’s hurt, instead of just traveling on — but he’s not a preacher who has to be elder-qualified, according to what Paul said.
          He deserves our support. He’s standing up for the truth, but I’m only interested in the infowar, myself. And that’s all I will support him in.

  3. The audacity of them to name anything Lucifer is astounding to me. It’s like challenging the Lord sort of like when “man” declared the Titanic unsinkable. They said ” not even God could sink this ship. Side note; Lucifer is NOT the ‘morning star’, believe it or not Jesus is the morning star but you’ll only find that out by reading the King James,(not the New K. J.) The NIV and every other corrupt translation is what calls him morning star. Actually Lucifer means The Light Bearer, the beautiful Cherub in Heaven till pride was found in his heart. Look for Mike Hoggards’ watchman videos as well If you also like to learn about these things. I’ve learned a great deal from him. Nevertheless God Bless all of those that are working on the side of The Almighty GOD.

  4. sylvester

    you shall know the trueth and the trueth will set u free

  5. Anonymous

    Popular Magizine could not have put out this article if it were not true it’s been on the discovery channel too.
    Christians will not immediately need to renounce their faith in God “simply on the basis of the reception of [this] new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations.” However, once the “religious content” originating from outside the earth “has been verified” they will have to conduct “a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…” – Vatican Astronomer, Eminent Theologian and Full Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome [Connected With Opus Dei], Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti
    “L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” — Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science Magazine

  6. I think a bit of clarity is needed here because the title is quite misleading. First of all Lucifer, the large binocular telescope is not owned by the Vatican. There’s a few organizations that operate in Mount Graham including the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. There are a few more that operate there including the European organization that built Lucifer.
    Here’s how someone from the VATT put the whole situation:
    “The truth of the matter is that the Vatican Observatory is a member of the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO) consortium, together with a number of other institutions from Europe and the USA. The MGIO comprises a large number of stake holders, most of whom have nothing to do with the Vatican Observatory or its telescope.
    How does this work? It is quite similar to share holders in a company. Supposing you had a six percent share in a company, while Mr XYZ had a four percent share. What could you do if Mr XYZ decided to name his pet hamster “Demon”? ”

  7. Reblogged this on edomsthorn and commented:
    From “The Daily Galaxy” March 22, 2014
    José Gabriel Funes, an Argentine Jesuit priest and astronomer, and the current director of the Vatican Observatory says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations perhaps more evolved than humans.
    “In my opinion this possibility exists,” said the Reverend José Gabriel Funes, current director of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI, referring to life on other planets.
    “How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere,” he said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. The large number of galaxies with their own planets makes this possible, he noted.
    Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: “Certainly, in a universe this big you can’t exclude this hypothesis”…
    EDOMS THORN asks, “Is the Vatican joining in on the ALIENS are coming hype or just aiding in preparing people to except they are Aliens and not DEMONS?”
    The Reverend José Gabriel Jesuit JEW?
    The first Jesuits were Crypto Jews
    From my research and observations, EDOM created the Vatican, and Dr. A. True Ott has provided evidence that backs up what I have found.
    EDOM created the Vatican.

  8. Nor Cal Common Sense

    Could there be another definition for the word ignorance? To think the Vatican isn’t involved, to think this “instrument” with the “acronym” L.U.C.I.F.E.R. is not a relevant defamation to the belief in the Word of God? Alex Jones, Steven Quayle and the like are not the ones that created this nor should they be defamed or belittled for their honest and intelligent commentary as provocative as either one may sound. There once was a man who’s only crime was being provocative and he was ordered to die upon the cross. Could there be another definition of blasphemy? To use one of Satan’s many names, in the name of science in an attempt to cast doubt on God and his creation? I am a huge proponent of science but this will ultimately open a door that Catholicism cannot close. I do believe without a doubt that things will be found through this advanced optic that will give society reasons to cast doubt if not renounce their Christian beliefs altogether but may God have mercy on them for they know not what they do. Although mercy is in His hands, not the hands of man. My “rambling” to most of you readers is almost over and to those who read it, like it or not , I thank you. It’s never too late to ask for salvation. We are all sinners but I leave you with one grain of Truth. If you are not following Christ, you are following L.U.C.F.E.R. Good luck with that

  9. Wow I bought the books

  10. Anonymous

    Hi pope francis the first one to be the first time in my life true be told mis
    Concordia i lve ya happy Easter

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