“Reality is usually scoffed at;
illusion is usually king.
And they’re using this to create a police state.”
– Dr. Stanley Monteith
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(Boston bombing discussion starts at minute-20):
Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives
Date: 05-02-13 | |
Hour: 1 | |
3:00: Bradlee Dean – Christian Music & Preacher | |
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Hour: 2 | |
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief | |
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Hour: 3 | |
8:00: Pastor Billy Crone – The Bible is the Truth | |
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Hour: 4 | |
9:00: Cheryl Hancock – Current Events in the Middle East | |
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World Affairs Brief, May 3, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com)
Illegal Immigrants Flood into US Seeking Amnesty
Benghazi Whistle-blowers Threatened
More on Boston Marathon Bombing
TX Airport Shooting: A Failed False Flag Event?
Pentagon Trying to Prosecute Christians for Proselytizing
China Nuclear Strike Policies Purposely Opaque
Giving Advanced Weapons to Israel Means War is Coming
Three friends of the accused bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were arrested for obstruction of justice (hiding evidence from police or lying to protect their friend) this week. One of the boys, according to the feds, did say that Dzhokhar had bragged about knowing how to build a bomb. That is probably true, given how easy it is to purchase large fireworks and build pipe bombs, but it doesn’t change the fact that most of the evidence shows that whatever explosives the two brothers had in their packs that day, the bulge of the pack wasn’t big enough to conceal a pressure cooker. In addition, the colors of the packs they were wearing don’t match the remnants of the single exploded back pack the government has as evidence. What about the other explosion?
One of the most interesting pieces of evidence that has surfaced indicates that the other explosion was NOT a backpack on the ground but placed higher up on a building where a jumbotron big screen TV was attached. Here’s the Fox News live feed and interview: Fox Feed
At 6:45, 7:09 minutes into the video, Maria Stephanos (a Fox News reporter) said the explosion she saw came from the side of a building, higher up on the wall right where a Jumbotron (Big Screen TV) was installed. At 8:01, she said the explosion looked like it took place halfway up the building and at 8:32, she reiterated that the explosion came from the middle of the building, not at ground level. She was adamant about all this.
This is important because it is the first evidence that places the bomb at a place where neither Tsarnaev brothers could have had access. Nor does it match FBI claims (as yet unbacked by any video proof released) about the activities of the brothers that day. This clue about the second explosion is also important because this Fox video was aired immediately in the aftermath of the attack and none of the other media picked up on it, and even Fox News ignored it during subsequent coverage.
Video evidence and voice recordings of the brothers themselves contradict the claims of the hijacked SUV owner who the Boston Globe claims to have interviewed. Here’s the first interview from the Chinese person who the Boston Globe claims has finally surfaced after the alleged hijacking of his Mercedes SUV. I might add that the Boston Globe is a reliable government mouthpiece and had exclusive access to this person:
The 26-year-old Chinese entrepreneur had just pulled his new Mercedes to the curb on Brighton Avenue to answer a text when an old sedan swerved behind him, slamming on the brakes. A man in dark clothes got out and approached the passenger window. It was nearly 11 p.m. last Thursday.
The man rapped on the glass, speaking quickly. Danny [not his real name], unable to hear him, lowered the window — and the man reached an arm through, unlocked the door, and climbed in, brandishing a silver handgun. “Don’t be stupid,” he told Danny. He asked if he had followed the news about Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings. Danny had, down to the release of the grainy suspect photos less than six hours earlier. “I did that,” said the man, who would later be identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev. “And I just killed a policeman in Cambridge.”
This is all very convenient to have second-hand confessions from someone who the FBI kept hidden for days and who now emerges but stays in the shadows of a pseudonym. Why the fear to come forward openly? His claimed version is at variance with the boys own protestations when surrounded by police. Paul Joseph Watson had the story at infowars.com
Video footage from the scene of the shootout with the alleged Boston bombers appears to contain audio of the suspects screaming out, “We didn’t do it!” as police fire on the two brothers.
Although by no means clear, the words below appear to be shouted by the suspects as they come under police gunfire.
– 24 seconds: “chill out”
– 26 seconds: “chill out”, “chill out”
– 31 seconds: “chill out”
– 37 seconds: “we didn’t do it”
– 41 seconds: “we didn’t do it”
– 45 seconds: “we didn’t do it”
– 1 minute 9 seconds: “hey officer”
Despite being described as a “shootout,” the audio suggests that shots are only being fired in one direction by police and that the brothers are not returning fire at this point in the exchange.
I still think the boys were involved in some portion of the bombing plot, at least as far as being instructed on how to make rudimentary explosives, but the evidence is far from conclusive that the actual bombs that went off were both placed by them. It still looks like they were part of a larger plot—and simply set up to take the fall, while the others, protected by government’s exclusive focus on these two, are allowed to escape.
It is also strange that the police immediately blamed the killing of the MIT policeman on the Tsarnaev brothers. They have no witnesses to the murder and have presented no ballistics matching the one weapon in the brother’s possession. No charges have been filed weeks after the bombing. How long does it take to get a bullet match?
The Military style clearing of a house in Watertown, MA is an object lesson in how easy it is to cower people into submission when government exaggerates an emergency and starts using military tactics—no warrant, no asking permission—just demands for compliance at the point of a gun. The police forced all 8 residents including 2 women to exit with hands up at gun point, while constantly issuing threatening words and brooking no questions or protestations. They were demanding instant compliance. House Clearing
Former Congressman Ron Paul lambasted the Boston Police for Police State tactics. “The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city.”
After seeing the video, I completely agree. Every patriotic American ought to make plans to relocate out of any large city that trains and operates as a militarized police force, ready to push citizens around without cause or warrant, and without any sense of duty to protect a citizen’s civil rights. Steve Watson from Infowars.com had these comments:
People think because these men in uniforms show up on their porch that they have to obey, that they have no right to refuse or any legal leg to stand on. Nothing could be further from the truth, but who is going to tell them? Not the police. If you stand up to them they will beat you. It’s going on all over America all the time, but you’ll only see it or hear about it in the alternative news or videos.
The story floated in the mainstream media that the door to door searches were conducted with the voluntary consent of the residents of Watertown is clearly false. 9000+ Police locked down an entire city and went in with full force, with armored vehicles and combat gear, all to search for an injured 19 year old kid who turned out to be cowering in someone’s back yard.
Katy Waldman of Slate wrote an article claiming that under dire circumstances police can suspend 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches:
In exigent circumstances, or emergency situations, police can conduct warrantless searches to protect public safety. This exception to the Fourth Amendment’s probable cause requirement normally addresses situations of “hot pursuit,” in which an escaping suspect is tracked to a private home. But it might also apply to the events unfolding in Boston if further harm or injury might be supposed to occur in the time it takes to secure a warrant.
This activity, once again, sets a shocking precedent. Police and military are training in these circumstances every single day of the year. They are fully acclimatized to the process, as if it is completely normal. They do not hesitate in carrying out such orders, which are now being implemented whenever the authorities deem a situation to be an emergency.
According to Israeli doctors at Beth Israel Hospital where both bombing suspects were taken, “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may never speak again.” The younder Tsarnaev brother, 19, was wounded in his throat, according to expatriate Israeli doctor Kevin Ilan Tabb of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Initially, the government claimed this was the result of a suicide attempt, but they’ve stopped claiming that little lie after it became known he was unarmed.
The CIA connection with the uncle: The most interesting new story this week is evidence linking a high level CIA operative, Graham Fuller, with the two suspect’s uncle Ruslan Tsarni. According to the New York Times in 1988, “Mr. Fuller’s name came to public attention last year when it was disclosed that he was the author of a ‘think piece’ circulated in the intelligence community in May 1985 suggesting the possibility of pursuing openings in Iran.” That’s mild CIA doublespeak for Fuller being part of the team that put together the illegal arms for hostage deal with the Iranians.
Evidence of this type of connection rarely proves that someone was actually under the control of the agency, but when all the pieces come together, it doesn’t paint a benign picture about Tsarni, his background in Russia, nor his ability to come back and forth to the US after dealing with some very bad people overseas.
The following are the claimed by various internet sites about Ruslan Tsarni and Graham Fuller, a high level CIA operative:
1) Tsarni was married to the daughter of CIA agent Graham Fuller in 1995.
2) He became an American citizen after the marriage to Fuller’s daughter, then divorced her.
3) Tsarni didn’t speak English very well back then. Fuller says he also spoke in Russian to him all the time back then. [which raises the question of how did the daughter communicate enough to marry him?]
4) Ruslan Tsarni’s listed residential address that of a home owned by Fuller—but Fuller wasn’t living there at the time
5) Tsarni filed incorporation papers for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations at his father-in-laws address, in 1995, right after “marrying” his daughter -which ended up being just for citizenship, as it didn’t last.
6) The Congress of Chechen International Organizations is a terrorist organization that let in a known terrorist, who went on to lead organization for rebels in Chechen,
There are errors in these claims: In reality, the marriage lasted for 3 years, so it may not have been a marriage only to provide citizenship for Tsarni, though that was certainly a part of it. The length they stayed together may be related to the CIA connection with the father.
The claim about the Congress of Chechen International Organizations connection is problematic for a couple of reasons. Connecting a single listed terrorist with an organization may simply be a reflection that this is a CIA front group providing false leads for future terror acts they want to blame on Chechnya. The Russians did that a lot when Chechnya was being blamed for attacks on Moscow apartments which were actually done by the KGB/FSB.
And then there is other data showing that the U.S.-based Congress of Chechen International Organizations was created in 1995 by Mohammed Shashani, a former professor of Pittsburgh University and an ethnic Chechen—not Tsarni. Something is amiss here.
But the more interesting article is by Bloomberg showing Ruslan’s shady past—perfect material for CIA black operations:
The uncle of the suspects in last week’s Boston Marathon bombing told a London court in 2010 that Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev had overseen the theft of state assets worth billions of dollars.
Ruslan Tsarni, who is from Kyrgyzstan, the former Soviet republic to the south of Kazakhstan, worked “in various capacities” with a closely knit network of associates led by Nazarbayev’s son-in-law [Ablyazov] from 2000 to 2008 that regularly engaged in fraudulent business practices, he said in a witness statement to the High Court in London in December 2010…
In his witness statement in defense of Ablyazov, Tsarni said Nazarbayev gave his “blessing” and protection to the group that rigged auctions of state assets, seized banks to sell for a fraction of their value to pre-determined buyers, and engaged in tax fraud and money laundering.
Comment: This is all pretty unusual for a common guy. After leaving America and Fuller’s daughter, he immediately gets involved with President Nursultan, his son-in-law and various shady associates in a deal that involves billions of dollars, and winds up testifying in a high profile London court case. They he simply waltzes back into the US, no problem.
However, the CIA monitors all these kinds of activities overseas. Are we to believe that Tsarni comes back into the US without the CIA monitoring his every move or tagging him as a person with unsavory connections? I doubt it, unless he’s already working for them.
Believe me, when a high level CIA operative like Graham Fuller (who helped initiate the Iran Contra arms deal with Iran) lets his daughter do a marriage of convenience with a foreign asset, there’s more to the story than love—and the relationship with the family doesn’t seem to end even after the marriage dissolves.
This whole story takes on even more significance after uncle Ruslan lashes out at the boys and tries to point the media toward the boys supposed handler who radicalized them—but he conveniently refuses to name the handler, or help the FBI find this source of radicalization. This leads to the suspicion that Tsarni may have been trying to point the media away from his own potential role as the boy’s handler.
Graham Fuller has been questioned about his connection with Tsarni.The UK Dailymail says:
Mr Fuller was forced to explain the relationship today as news of the family link emerged online. Ruslan Tsarni,[used to be Tsarnaev] who publicly denounced his two terrorist nephews’ actions and called them ‘Losers’, even lived with his father-in-law agent Graham Fuller in his Maryland home for a year.
He told Al-Monitor that his daughter, Samantha, was married to Ruslan, whose surname was then Tsarnaev, for three to four years in the 1990s. The couple divorced in 1999 more than ten years after he left the agency in 1987. “they lived in Bishkek for one year where Samantha was working for Price Waterhouse on privatization projects,” Mr Fuller said.
Of course, no one can be sure that a former CIA agent isn’t still employed by the government once he leaves the agency. Anytime a known CIA agent goes undercover as a civilian the process begins by publicly quitting the agency—even when they continue to get paid via other channels.
Price Waterhouse, by the way, is an insider big 3 accounting firm that has carried a lot of water for government black operations, and has, in the opinion of several critics, whitewashed many CIA front company’s books in the name of “national security.”
It is also of interest that Fuller now works for the RAND Corporation, a known CIA front, according to many sources. Paul Joseph Watson filed this report on RAND with Prison Planet.tv in 2010:
Cuban-born journalist and author Alex Abella was allowed exclusive access inside the RAND Corporation to view their archives. What he discovered was a plot driven by scientists, behaviorists, and generals who were intent on starting world war three and fleecing the American people in the process. Once he was a skeptic on the subject of conspiracy theories and the new world order, but after his work with the RAND Corporation he is now convinced that this top secret think tank has been pulling the strings of American government for at least 60 years.
People who don’t understand the conspiracy often come to incorrect conclusions like this—thinking that Rand or the CIA runs the government. It isn’t true. Others, totally unseen, run these secret bureaucracies from somewhere above the level of public government]
Abella charts how RAND started off as an organization centered around building new weapons for the military but ultimately expanded into politics, science, history and economics and was closely allied with the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations [all insider-connected foundations promoting globalism and detente with our enemies]. RAND’s decision in the 50’s to re-model the globe towards a new world order [It wasn’t RAND’s decision—they were following orders] changed everything… RAND’s ultimate goal was to have technocrats running every aspect of society in pursuit of a one world government that would be administered under “the rule of reason,”
[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Marathon Bombing Update 4/26/13 — Answers Lead to More Questions
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up
[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag
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