Freedom from Alaska!

[ video ] Mark Dice: People Think Obama Found WMD’s In Iraq


[ video ] Professor Griff of Public Enemy: World Unites Against the Illuminati — Obama’s lies, why hip hop stars are in the White House, world’s deadliest corporations… — “This is just what it is” — “Fine tune, and raise the vibrational pitch of your thinking. Let’s stay in synch with one another.”


CNN anchors unsuccessfully try to PRETEND they are not in the same parking lot


  1. mythoughtsalone2

    So sad that it looks like most of these people have no idea what is going on in the world…
    Many Americans seem to think there country IS the world, and have no idea apart from what they are fed by the media, as to what is really happening over the globe.
    They are walking into tyranny and happy to do so.

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