Freedom from Alaska!

[ video ] John B. Wells on Skype with Alex Jones: We’re in A Cold Civil War — “This is not a game!” — John talks false flags; Hitler; mentions study finding that physically weaker men tend to be leftists. So the sicker people get from GMOs, fluoride, etc. the more they’ll want government to be their daddy? | Alex is tired of evil: “I’m sick of evil being sold as sexy!”

“I’m tired of evil. I’m sick of evil being sold as sexy!”

– Alex Jones

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John comes in on Skype at minute 10:15[youtube=]We’re in A Cold Civil War


Published on May 17, 2013

On today’s show Alex welcomes the Saturday host of Coast to Coast AM, John B. Wells to examine the massive scandals engulfing the White House and the accelerating panic to demonize all opposing voices.

A recent Department of Defense instruction alters the US code applying to the military’s involvement in domestic law enforcement by allowing US troops to quell “civil disturbances” domestically without any Presidential authorization, greasing the skids for a de facto military coup in America along with the wholesale abolition of Posse Comitatus.…


Children as young as 10 are ‘sexting’, says study — Routinely having sex and sending explicit pictures of themselves to classmates


Hops compounds have potential to treat diabetes and cancer — Why the fondness for IPA beer?


  1. There’s a completely logical reason why physically weaker men tend to be leftists, and stronger men tend to be right-wingers.

    It has nothing whatsoever to do with morality or right and wrong, it has to do with the fact that even though people talk morality and idealism, what people truly believe in is SERVING ONE’S SELF.

    Even thought that philosophy is championed by capitalism as a whole, its more overt representative is the right wing political party, which is the obvious reason why men with power join that party, they need an ideological justification for their completely immoral actions and motivations.

    The left wing generally comprises people who no power, and so they adopt the “look out for the underdog” mentality. It is actually a total lie however, as it is just an angle to get an edge over their competition. If they were the powerful ones, then they would be the exploiters. This is why democrats who become powerful never help the people they claim to care about. They are all opportunistic liars, working angles.

    It appears from many of your articles that you are a right-winger, but unfortunately the simple fact is that both parties are transparent frauds. They are nothing but tactical tools of manipulation, created to make self-serving individuals feel that they are acting in OTHER people’s interest.

    Things won’t change until human beings see clearly that political parties do more harm than good – which is exactly the case.

    • I agree with much of what you say, and I also think John is onto something significant.

      Regarding my own stand, I’m mainly a libertarian, and agree with Ron Paul on just about everything, except he ran from 9/11 truth so he wouldn’t get demonized and ousted. And I believe that Russia and China are a huge threat, and that we’re getting set up the way Joel Skousen explains.

      I also believe in this, that the left and the right are on the same page regarding most of the key issues destroying America: the ‘Federal’ Reserve money system, the military industrial complex, and the police state.

      We’re getting set up for a fall, and both parties will be responsible. Ed Griffin explains how they do it here, if you’re interested:


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