“Young people are losing the male energy,
and they’re making it sound like it’s a bad thing to have.”

“People have lost their dignity, they’re courage and their self-respect,
and they’re listening to other people telling them how to run their lives.”

– Gerald Celente

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulx0cr2OClA]Trends in The House

TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Jun 28, 2013

Gerald Celente, financial forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins Alex in studio to discuss the implications of this privacy-killing industry, spending over $80 billion a year and employing over 835,000 contractors.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxc6L5cxaE0]Trends in America with Gerald Celente

Alex continues with Gerald Celente on the topics of crashing economies, Government setups and coverups and how to filter for truth in the news.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxarXTV54Aw]Wave Goodbye to What We Knew

Alex and special guest Gerald Celente continue with callers discussing the topics of economic collapse, the failing health of american’s as well as the decline and fall of the American family.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh-Zz26xkF0]Life Tips Celente Style

Alex and Gerald Celente continue with the topics of the american family and the loss of the male as a strong role model in American society.


Gerald Celente: Top Trends During The Collapse of 2009 — Whole Health Healing, Quality, The Sharp Look …

Trends Forecaster, Gerald Celente: The GREATEST Depression Coming — “This is the time for innovation … The best of times for the people of a higher moral character”

Gerald Celente: How to make money on the elegance trend