Three interviews, three videos:
Category: Gerald Celente Page 1 of 4
“It’s a military takeover of America.” – Gerald Celente
“He’s another Obama. He lied his way into office.” – Gerald Celente
Is Trump a hustler, and he conned us the whole way?
• • •
Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente – Chocolate Cake, *ssholes, And ‘It’s Fun To Shoot People’
World Affairs Brief, May 9, 2014 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Russian Interim Strategy Against Ukraine
Chinese Staking Out Oil Claims in Disputed Waters
US Military Pivot to Asia a Paper Tiger
Economy: Celente will be Wrong Again
Political and Legal Moves around FATCA
Three Major Court Rulings Against Liberty
Famous trends forecaster Gerald Celente is still claiming that the economy will collapse in the second quarter of this year (we are in it already). He predicted another collapse last year and it didn’t happen. He says that currently, the financial system is still being pumped with cheap money, such as $45 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities, and interest rates remain at record lows [true]—but once those interest rates go back up, the economy will tumble. –Not necessarily.
While the US continues its behind-closed-doors propping up of the economy, “I still believe we’re going to see something like a panic level by the end of the second quarter,” Celente remarked. I too decry the inflationary tactics of the FED, but I think he’ll be wrong just like last year. Even if the high flying stock market is due for a 20% correction, the economy still won’t collapse.
I’ve never challenged the phony basis of US economic strength—fiat money. It constitutes theft of all existing values and cannot be sustained forever. But Celente doesn’t understand that the financial Powers That Be aren’t nearly out of ammunition, nor does he understand the globalist agenda whereby the PTB are going to subject us to a nuclear war, not only to drive us all into a militarized global government for “protection” but to give them the excuse to switch to a new world currency and control system—and escape the blame. “The war forced this upon us” they will say.
Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen confirmed as much this week when she said the “US Economy still needs stimulus…. a ‘High Degree’ of Accommodation is still needed.” But, contrary to what Peter Schiff claims, this does not necessarily mean hyperinflation. The Fed is perfectly capable of keeping the bailouts going while still keeping real inflation below 10%. They’ve been doing it now for 20 years, and most people keep pace, even though it is painful.
Yellen refused to be pinned down on any specifics, but did hint that “The Fed is steadily cutting its monthly purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities, now at $45 billion a month, and Ms. Yellen affirmed that it planned to end those purchases in the fall. The bank must then decide when to start raising short-term interest rates, which it has held near zero since December 2008.
But I guarantee you, she is perfectly capable of reneging on that interest rate change if they think it would cause the housing market to tumble, as Celente predicts. That’s the trouble with predicting anything in today’s manipulated economy—it’s manipulated by a conspiracy of power.
So, unless you can see, as Peter Schiff did in 2007, that a specific type of manipulation has run its course (the mortgage backed securities expanded as far is they could because they ran out of buyers who could qualify under even zero down conditions) then you can’t predict a collapse. Besides, economies never totally collapse anyway—except in a complete war of devastation. I’m predicting the collapse won’t come until war hits America.
“Young people are losing the male energy,
and they’re making it sound like it’s a bad thing to have.”
“People have lost their dignity, they’re courage and their self-respect,
and they’re listening to other people telling them how to run their lives.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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[youtube=]Trends in The House
TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Jun 28, 2013
Gerald Celente, financial forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins Alex in studio to discuss the implications of this privacy-killing industry, spending over $80 billion a year and employing over 835,000 contractors.
[youtube=]Trends in America with Gerald Celente
Alex continues with Gerald Celente on the topics of crashing economies, Government setups and coverups and how to filter for truth in the news.
[youtube=]Wave Goodbye to What We Knew
Alex and special guest Gerald Celente continue with callers discussing the topics of economic collapse, the failing health of american’s as well as the decline and fall of the American family.
[youtube=]Life Tips Celente Style
Alex and Gerald Celente continue with the topics of the american family and the loss of the male as a strong role model in American society.
[ video ] Gerald Celente ‘Trends in the News’ Reality Check: U.S. Wars Pave Way for Chinese Business
[youtube=]U.S. Wars Pave Way for Chinese Business
Published on Jun 3, 2013
Gerald Celente is a noted trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal.
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: It’s A Bankers World
Published on Apr 29, 2013
special guest host American trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente.
4/26 update: Gerald just said on ‘Coast to Coast AM’:
“Things won’t change until the individual changes.”
– –
“Nothing changes until morality changes. It’s the golden rule. Why shouldn’t America be a target? … The hatred is building around the world.”
“The world changes when the consciousness changes.”
“When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers
Published on Apr 25, 2013
Alex welcomes back trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente who weighs in on the Boston false flag.
4/26 update: Gerald just said on ‘Coast to Coast AM’:
“Things won’t change until the individual changes.”
– –
“Nothing changes until morality changes. It’s the golden rule. Why shouldn’t America be a target? … The hatred is building around the world.”
“The world changes when the consciousness changes.”
“When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers
Published on Apr 25, 2013
Alex welcomes back trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente who weighs in on the Boston false flag.
“It’s all a lie and a scam. If you go back to what they said and what is, you can see the future.”
“These problems are only going to get worse because the fundamentals are worse — and that is the health of the nation, physically, emotionally and spiritually.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
* * *
[youtube=]Gerald Celente on Obama’s budget: “They’re bankrupting the country!”
Uploaded on Feb 15, 2011
The new US budget was revealed by President Obama calling for America to rebalance the global economy, stressing that the US cannot rely on foreign governments to finance domestic consumption. However, many point to Obama’s inability to rein in spending, including Gerald Celente. He says the future will be more of the same; it’s going to be more debt and placing the burden on the American people.
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Criminal Banksters Launching New World War
Published on Sep 15, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
“When things start breaking down, you start seeing a build up [of] spirituality. And I believe that’s the only thing that can save us — the only thing!”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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Gerald’s ‘spirituality’ remark at minute 27:30 [youtube=]The Rot at The Top with Gerald Celente
Published on Aug 8, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
The Trends Research Institute analyzes world- shaping events and forecasts tomorrows trends. Many of our on-trend forecasts often go undetected by conventional forecasters or run counter to the broad spectrum of expert opinion.
[Support infowars and spread the news]
“There’s five things I say everyday:
and Passion.
… And you do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
“When the people are ready the leader will appear.
But to me, the people are not ready
emotionally, physically and spiritually.”
* * *
[youtube=]Celente: The 2nd American Revolution STARTS NOW!
Published on Jun 27, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
“To me, voting for ‘the lesser of two evils’ in a criminal organization, you are an accessory to the crime — the crime being committed against democracy and freedom in America.
If you vote for one of the two members of the two-headed, one-party system, to me, you are an accessory to the crime. And it’s a crime that that’s all we have to choose from.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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[youtube=]Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing
Published on Apr 12, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
“if things are not fixed and quick : “The cities are going to look like Dodge City. They’re going to be uncontrollable. You’re going to have gangs in control, motorcycle marauders. You’re not going to have enough police or federalis, just like Mexico, to control the situation. New York City looks like Mexico City. If you have money or they think you’re going to have money, you’re going to be a target for a kidnapping. We’re going to see major cities look like Calcutta. There is going to be the homeless, panhandlers, hookers.we are going to see petty thieves and we’re going to see pick-pockets. And the other thing, even these — even these gated communities won’t be safe, because you’re going to see criminality — you’re going to see gangs like you’ve never seen before. Listen, when people have nothing left to lose, and they’ve lost everything, they lose it. And now, you have a society — we’re a dissenting society. I mean, you look at high school graduation rates — you have under 50 percent in major cities.”!/RealAlexJones
Remember, for the globalists, their position is very tenuous while the people have an anti-government and anti-FED champion in the wings who is principled enough to shut down this corrupt system.
The PTB aren’t going to give Ron Paul that chance by provoking the very collapse that would rally people to his support. So, I’m predicting a continued inflationary downhill slide rather than collapse.
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World Affairs Brief, December 23, 2011 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Attacks on Ron Paul Go into High Gear
Sharing Secrets with China – Again
North Korean Coup?
US Military Ready for War with Iran
Pakistan has Nominal Democracy Only
Shuffling US Troops – Keeping Iraq Surrounded
Syria Attack Closer
Battle Against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpiao
Economy: Scramble for Cash
Celente’s Economic Collapse Prediction
Gerald Celente continues to ride his almost mythical reputation as the most prescient trends forecaster ever, but his recent prediction is more hype than substance. He’s definitely on the right track in criticizing the government and the horrendous debt situation the Banksters have put the world in. However, for the past two years he’s been preaching imminent collapse and he’s been wrong consistently on timing. He’ll be right eventually, but I don’t think he really understands the powers that conspire to control things in the world and how much more they can still do to prolong the illusions of prosperity.
Here are excerpts of his latest, with [my comments in brackets] “Hold onto your hat, your wallet, and your wits. After a tumultuous 2011 in which many of the trends we had forecast became headline news around the world [but the collapse didn’t happen], we are now forewarning of an even more tumultuous year to come [sells a lot of Trends Journals].
“One megatrend looms on the near horizon. And we forecast that when it strikes, it will be a shock felt around the world. Hyperbole it’s not! Our research has revealed that at the very highest levels of government this megatrend has been seriously discussed [now, that’s hype. If he were really inside the FED he’d see them working day and night to keep the system from imploding—not for our sakes but for theirs and their power].
1. “Economic Martial Law: Given the current economic and geopolitical conditions, the central banks and world governments already have plans in place to declare economic martial law with the possibility of military martial law to follow [absolutely false until real war comes]. They are going to call a bank holiday [no evidence of this at all. This is only done when there is mass panic about money or inflation and a run on the banks is occurring. I don’t see that as a legitimate threat at all in the near future.]. And a bank holiday is no holiday folks. You can’t get your money out and when you do get it out, you will get it out a little bit at a time [which would collapse the economy and accrue to the favor of candidate Ron Paul—which is the last thing they want]. It’s going to be worth a lot less. That’s what they do with bank holidays, they devalue your money [Argentina perhaps, which had it’s Peso pegged to the dollar artificially, but the US dollar is pegged to no other currency. Only gradual inflation can devalue–not a bank holiday and a lopping off of zeros].
2. “Battlefield America: With a stroke of the Presidential pen, language was removed from an earlier version of the National Defense Authorization Act, granting the President authority to act as judge, jury and executioner. Citizens, welcome to ‘Battlefield America.’[true, but you won’t see it implemented on any visible scale for several years. The PTB don’t want to prove us right while they are at risk of a Tea Party/Ron Paul revolution]
3. “Invasion of the Occtupy: 15 years ago, Gerald Celente predicted in his book Trends 2000 that prolonged protests would hit Wall Street in the early years of the new millennium and would spread nationwide [he was off by 10 years]. The ‘Occtupy’ is now upon us, and it is like nothing history has ever witnessed [actually, it’s nothing compared to real social unrest like I’ve seen in Latin America. The Occupy Wall Street movement is there to begin the process of unrest, but that too will take more time to mature].
4. “Climax Time: The financial house of cards is collapsing, and in 2012 many of the long-simmering socioeconomic and geopolitical trends that Celente has accurately forecast will come to a climax. Some will arrive with a big bang and others less dramatically but no less consequentially [He’s covered all the bases with that last sentence. I think it will be more gradual as has happened in Europe despite the premature predictions on the death of the Euro].
5. “Technocrat Takeover: “Democracy is Dead; Long Live the Technocrat!” A pair of lightning-quick financial coup d’états in Greece and Italy have installed two unelected figures as head of state. No one yet in the mainstream media is calling this merger of state and corporate powers by its proper name: Fascism, nor are they calling these “technocrats” by their proper name: Bankers! [All true. Every major problem nation in Europe has changed governments and installed someone who comes from the cadre of International bankers.]”
The fact that the PTB in Europe have maneuvered Goldman Sachs type people into power and demanded a complete restructuring of the European Union is strong evidence that the globalists are not yet willing to pull the plug and cause a precipitous collapse. They could allow the whole system to collapse, but if it happens it’s not because they couldn’t have forestalled the consequences. I believe they can and they will. As I have detailed in prior briefs, they can get away with a lot more inflation without resulting in hyper-inflation. Remember, for the globalists, their position is very tenuous while the people have an anti-government and anti-FED champion in the wings who is principled enough to shut down this corrupt system.
The PTB aren’t going to give Ron Paul that chance by provoking the very collapse that would rally people to his support. So, I’m predicting a continued inflationary downhill slide rather than collapse. The final half of Celente’s Mega Trends concerns his solutions and optimism for the future. I’ll save that for next week’s year end Big Picture Brief. Have a Merry Christmas. We still have time to prepare. [END]
“There’s no morality anymore. …
Everybody’s gaming the system!”
“They’re not going to be able to save the day.”
“It all comes back down to morality.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
* * *
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run 1/4
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Nov 16, 2011
Big players got warning ahead of time that financial broker was set to collapse
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Days before the doomed financial broker filed for bankruptcy, MF Global conducted “unexplained wire transfers” that led to a $900 million shortfall in client funds, leading customers like Gerald Celente to learn that their accounts had been looted and setting the precedent for internal bank runs as more big firms go bust.
According to Bloomberg, “Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world’s largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said.”
CME noticed the missing funds on October 30, but MF Global didn’t inform the Commodity Futures Trading Commission until the day after, suggesting that the transfers were made, “in a manner that may have been designed to avoid detection,” according to CME.
The suspicious cash movements are now being probed by the U.S. Justice Department.
MF Global trustee James Giddens said in a court filing yesterday that customers would get back 60 per cent of their account funds, prompting fury amongst clients, many of whom used their accounts for business collateral and living expenses.
Although individuals were burned by the broker’s downfall, larger clients were protected from the fallout because they had the miraculous fortune of withdrawing all their funds just weeks before the collapse.
“Both the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were charged with overseeing MF Global, their clearing member. If we are to believe them, they had no idea of any difficulties within the firm before customer accounts went missing just a few days before the collapse. But someone clearly knew of the cratering positions and imminent collapse of MF Global, as billions of dollars of accounts were “coincidentally” withdrawn,” writes Huffington Post’s Daniel Dicker, noting how funds in accounts owned by the billionaire Koch brothers were withdrawn just in time, clearly suggesting that big players got a “heads up” that MF Global was going down.
Although the collapse of MF Global was assured when it came to light that the broker was heavily exposed to the European debt crisis, causing the broker’s stock price to plummet, Fox Business reports that numerous circumstances indicate the downfall was in the works weeks before, drawing attention to the fact that employees didn’t receive commissions for the third quarter and were fired two weeks before the firm filed for bankruptcy.…
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Cradle of Democracy Robbed by Bankers 1/6
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Nov 5, 2011
Gerald talks with Alex about the continued growing debt problem in greece
and what it will mean for the rest of the world.
“When all else fails, they take us to war.”
“They’re mass murderers. They’re killing innocent people for fake reasons.”
– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
[youtube=]First Great War of The 21st Century is Here! with Gerald Celente
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Oct 14, 2011
Renowned trends forecaster Gerald Celente about the false flag op and the move toward World War Three. Celente forecasted that there will be a major war as the economy crumbles.
[youtube=]“Mafia Clubs” with Gerald Celente & Alex Jones
[youtube=]Let Them Eat Cake! with Gerald Celente
The end of October or early November,
the handwriting will be on the wall.
Look at “the wild card of distraction …
terror or war …
to detract the people’s attention
away from the economic crisis.”
* * *
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Money Addicts! 1/2
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Sep 6, 2011
On the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente. He has predicted economic depression, tax rebellions and food riots in the United States by 2012. Celente is the author of Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century.
(New section added to
[youtube=]Gerald Celente & Alex Jones: The House of Presstitution 1/2
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Aug 22, 2011
Alex welcomes back Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute to discuss the economy and related global developments. Alex takes your calls and gives his unique insight into the latest breaking news.
[youtube=]Infowars Special Report with Gerald Celente: US Dollar Isn’t Worth The Paper It’s Printed on! 1/2
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Aug 5, 2011
Gerald Celente is the publisher of the Trends Journal and founder/director of The Trends Research Institute. Gerald sounded the bell today saying that the US dollar isn’t worth the paper it is printed on. Alex also talks with the trends forecaster about the debt deal and what’s coming for the American and global economies down the road.
Yet, despite the widely available economic facts and the ample evidence of faulty forecasts and failed government policies, the mainstream media continues to sell the public the big lie. By providing cover for the politicians and financiers, the Presstitutes of the world with their stable of “well respected” pundits are accomplices in promoting the egregiously transparent cover-up as a “recovery.”
PIIGS, Presstitutes And The Global Meltdown
By Gerald Celente
KINGSTON, NY – “Read All About It!” You couldn’t not read all about it! The media was full of reports about how happy stock market days were here again. After a stormy start, June closed and July began with US benchmark indexes racking up their biggest weekly gains in two years on good news: the US manufacturing index had unexpectedly risen, and the beleaguered debt-burdened Greeks were bailed out yet again piling un-payable new debt on top of un-payable old debt.
Yes, there was some concern, but, as The New York Times reported on June 25th, “Two years into the official recovery, the economy is still behaving like a plane taxiing indefinitely on the runway. Few economists are predicting an out-and-out return to recession analysts generally expect the economy to pick up in the second half.”
The economists were forecasting strong job growth for June. But two weeks later, when the numbers came in, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that only 18,000 jobs had been created not the 125,000 jobs projected by those same economists who were also not “predicting an out-and-out return to recession.”
Accordingly, without missing a beat, the Times changed its tune writing new words to replace the old words they would never be forced to eat:
Feeble Job Numbers Show Recovery Starting to Stall
Defying Economists Forecast for Hiring, Unemployment Creeps Up to 9.2%
For the second consecutive month, employers added scarcely any jobs in June, startling evidence that the economic recovery is stumbling The government also revised downward the small gain for the previous month to 25,000 new jobs, less than half the original estimate. (The New York Times, 9 July 2011)
“Dismal Jobs Data Rock US Recovery” and “Worries Grow Over Jobs,” read the respective headlines in the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal on July 9th, dissipating the air of optimism that had recently rallied equity markets.
“Employment!” More than factory orders, GDP, corporate profits, retail sales, durable goods employment was the one big number that counted. There was no way to spin the consequences of 18,000 mostly low paying health care and hospitality jobs into the hopeful message implied by the 125,000 jobs forecast by most economists.
The equation was simple; the more people out of work, the less they consume. And in the United States, where consumer spending accounts for an estimated 70 percent of the GDP, without increased consumer spending, the economy was again recession bound.
Virtually overnight, one dire employment report unraveled two years’ worth of government spin and media complicity. In April 2010, Vice President Joseph Biden promised, “we’re going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month.” And in August 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner declared that the “actions we took at its height [of the crisis] to stimulate the economy helped arrest the freefall, preventing an even deeper collapse and putting the economy on the road to recovery.”
But almost a year later, talking on “Meet the Press,” two days after the devastating employment data was released, the new, revised Geithner forecast was, “Oh, I think it’s [the recovery] going to take a long time still. This is a very tough economy. And I think for a lot of people it’s going to be it’s going to feel very hard, harder than anything they’ve experienced in their lifetime now, for some time to come.”
Like the Biden boast long-buried and un-exhumed, the Geithner statement, a direct contradiction of his former projection went unchallenged, given the usual free pass by the “Meet the Press” Presstitutes.
There was, and is, no “return to recession.” As The Trends Research Institute had been forecasting since the onset of the Great Recession and the “Panic of ’08,” all those “bold actions” proudly cited by Geithner were no more than financial Prozac multi-trillion-dollar band aids, palliatives, placebos and cover-ups packaged as TARP, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, QE2, and so on. At best, the “bold actions” merely guided the Great Recession into a brief remission, and that is all.
Global Ponzi It was a cover-up, not a recovery. And while the US may have been the first, it was not the only nation to try to fraudulently finagle its way out of a crisis and into prosperity. Like the US bailouts, the Greek survival package praised as an important stopgap success only last week has neither guaranteed keeping the Greek banking system afloat nor guaranteed it won’t default.
Now Italy has caught the contagion. Fattest of the PIIGS (acronym for Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) the eurozone’s third largest economy with its 120 percent public debt to GDP ratio, Italy is bleeding red ink all over its balance sheet. Borrowing more to service its debt load and imposing draconian austerity measures to reign in government spending will, at best, provide a respite from the financial crisis or, at worst, foment a revolution. (See, “Off With Their Heads, 2.0, Trends Journal, Autumn 2010)
Then there’s China, who panicked when the “Panic of 08” blew out their export driven economy, and, like the West, used cheap credit and huge stimulus packages to prevent a major economic contraction. While China’s crisis differs from the West’s in that it has large currency reserves and its debt is homegrown and home-loaned, it’s still debt and has to be repaid.
And unlike the West, which pumped trillions into just keeping its economies afloat, the Chinese multi-trillion yuan infusions have created an immense, ready-to-pop property bubble. But this time, like the West, there will be no available fiscal or monetary government policies to re-inflate their faltering economy.
And as goes the US, Europe and China so goes the rest of the world. From India to Israel, Brazil to Bangladesh, Chile to Russia, no nation will escape the economic fallout and few will escape the political consequences.
Yet, despite the widely available economic facts and the ample evidence of faulty forecasts and failed government policies, the mainstream media continues to sell the public the big lie. By providing cover for the politicians and financiers, the Presstitutes of the world with their stable of “well respected” pundits are accomplices in promoting the egregiously transparent cover-up as a “recovery.”
Trendpost: After descending to $1,480 less than two weeks ago, as this is written, gold is flirting with $1,600. We see this surge as a recognition of the greater financial and socioeconomic collapse we have been forecasting since the onset of the “Panic of ’08.” We hold to our forecast of “Gold $2,000,” and depending on how the coming crisis unfolds and the responses to it made by governments and central banks, $2,000 may prove but a temporary ceiling before climbing higher.
To schedule an interview with Gerald Celente, Trends Journal publisher, please contact: Zeke West, Media Relations, 845 331.3500 ext. 1
©MMXI The Trends Research Institute®
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Everything is Not All Right, And Things Are Going to Get Worse 1/2
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 21, 2011
Alex welcomes back to the show trends researcher Gerald Celente. He is a pioneer trend strategist and author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and Trend Tracking: The System to Profit from Today’s Trends.
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Let Them Vote, Let Them Vote! 1/3
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 8, 2011
Alex talks with trends forecaster Gerald Celente about the economy and other important topics on this Wednesday edition. Alex also takes your calls.
Part 4, following the above[youtube=]
“The last thing they will do is take you to war when all else fails.”
– Gerald Celente
[youtube=]Rense & Celente – Fascism arrived while we watched TV
Uploaded by JRense on May 1, 2011
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente comments on Obama, Fascism, CIA, War, Bernanke, America unraveling and more.
“People better grow up. The game is over.”
– Gerald Celente
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Prepare, Survive and Prevail – Alex Jones Tv 1/2
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Apr 21, 2011
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente also makes an appearance. Alex also covers the latest breaking news, including the latest DHS terror alert system, and takes your calls.
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: First Great War of The 21st Century Has Begun – Alex Jones Tv 1/2
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 30, 2011
Alex also talks with trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, and business consultant Gerald Celente.