Perhaps Monsanto will be right next to the willfully sinning pastors who refuse to get right with the people they’ve hurt, acting like nothing is wrong. And they won’t teach the truth about reconciliation, holiness, and Jesus’ desire that we’d be ‘ONE’ — “that the world will know” (John 17).
Many regularly James-3 curse the whistleblowers who try to warn the people.
Please, pastors who fit the above description, repent so Psalm 50:16-22 will no longer apply to you. And please look into what really happened on 9/11 so you won’t continue to support the police state and the end of America, by supporting the Republican establishment in all of their reverse-Christian and reprehensible-to-God endeavors.
Big Pharma will be down there too — and the PRESStitutes who sold out America for a few $$million a year, the globalists who sold their soul to the Devil for money and power, the entertainers who know they’re doing wrong, the secret society controlled politicians who act like they’re ‘Christians,’ etc..
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Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
Paul’s Elders’ Qualifications Revisited: Pastors and their Wives NOT ‘SOBER’ from Pharmakeia’s ANTIDEPRESSANTS? — Which can SEVER the SPIRITUAL Connection = Dulled CONSCIENCE … “Can no longer feel God” … even “Constant ruminating thoughts of killing” (James-3 cursing people!)
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!
The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Naming Names? Is that Biblical?: Paul did — Those who teach “any other gospel” are “accursed” of God and to be marked
Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!
The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “Let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned.”
The R-Word: ‘Reconciliation’ is Required to Worship in Spirit and in Truth — Why is this key to revival a taboo subject?
Dennis Cramer: “Most ‘Christians’ curse for the purpose of retaliation and vindication … ‘Christian’ leaders are even more vulnerable”
‘Christian’ Leaders James-3 Cursing People Example: Jesse
Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”
Wes Hall to church leaders: “There’s a cry in your heart saying ‘I am not prepared to walk forward another step in dead works and dead religion”
Wes Hall: Many ministers weren’t even called into the ministry. “The reason you’ve gone to seminary is to prove to God…how dedicated you are.” • “Some of you should have been in ministry, and you went into business; and you tried to become the best you could to earn your father’s approval in the natural.”
My Theory on Divorce and ‘Marriage’: It’s time to get out of unbiblical ‘marriages.’ “God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers.” We must all be clean.
Clarifying my perspective on divorce and marriage: The role of the Holy Spirit
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
Francis Chan left his 1600 member church to reassess. “There’s a LACK OF PEACE in so many people … WE PRETEND.” “There is this NARROW ROAD … FEW will find it.” “Let’s go back to what THE TRUTH has always been…and has NEVER BEEN POPULAR.”
Francis Frangipane: Beware, It is Easy to Fake Christianity — “The moment we stop obeying God we start faking . . . .” “If our Christianity does not work in this life where we can test it, it is foolhardy to hope it will successfully transport us into eternity . . . if we fail the test, we suffer eternal separation from God.” “Let us re-examine what we have been taught.”
How CLEAN do our Hearts have to be from the Hebrews-12 root of bitterness that defiles many? Where is the place of SAFETY — RESTING, KNOWING for SURE we’re going to heaven? Selah …
[WordPOWER!] In Psalm 50 God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)
Steve Hill: Violent Revival — “Your salvation depends on your waging violent warfare against sin. … The violent man goes to war with his sins. He doesn’t make excuses for them, he annihilates them!”
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