I feel badly especially for Kurt Haskell, whose shows I closely followed and care about.
Mike Adams, The Health Ranger is very disappointing! Mike, you need to come clean and apologize to all you hurt.
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From: thechembow.tumblr.com
Mike Adams Destroys Talknetwork.com, Betrays Hosts, Cancels Everyone
By Schloss, Sharon Daphna

Talknetwork.com launched in October 2015 offering the promise of uncensored liberty minded radio, featuring a diverse array of topics and talented hosts working outside of the confines of the mainstream media. The revolutionary radio network was the brainchild of producer Dean Ryan…. The network gained popularity quickly, offering a real time broadcasting schedule with archived episodes, however poorly maintained, that could be downloaded by listeners.
The network got off to a strong start, featuring morning shows focusing on news and current events. Throughout the day were topics ranging from health and science to liberty issues to false flags and hoaxes. …
The memo came in on January 31 that “Talknetwork 2.0” was in the works. In an mp3 message sent to all hosts, Mike Adams explained that Talknetwork would no longer be airing a regular show schedule with archives for people who missed the shows. He said that most people don’t listen in real time, so he would allow anyone, including people who were not signed with Talknetwork, to submit content and he would pick his favorites to air in the live stream. He made it clear that the late night hosts who spoke of things like UFOs would be de-prioritized and that the favored content would revolve around permaculture, food issues, and natural remedies, the topics that Mike focuses on for Natural News. Talknetwork would be using YouTube or SoundCloud going forward, which was clearly an excuse for Don Naylor, Director of Operations, failing to archive the episodes in a timely manner or at all. Many people looked forward to the shows in the live stream, and if they missed them, the archive was supposed to cover their needs.
The news came as a blow to the hosts, who had worked so hard these past months to make Talknetwork great. I feel that this move violated the contract and was a slap in the face after all of our hard work producing excellent broadcasting and promoting the network and network store. The hosts were hand selected by the producers based on their broadcasting ability, and it was made clear that these were not podcasts, but serious radio shows. Mike has torn down the structured format and created a forum for anyone, professional or not, to submit content, cheapening the experience for the hard working hosts, and violating the contracts, which were for scheduled episodes to air each week for the year term.
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