From: The Telegraph

Men and women have distinct personalities

Men and women really do have fundamentally different characteristics, according to a study which has confirmed many longheld gender sterotypes.

05 Jan 2012

A new analysis of a survey of 10,000 people found that each sex has firmly entrenched characteristics, with women showing more sensitivity, warmth and apprehension than men.

In contrast, emotional stability, dominance, rule-consciousness and vigilance are more typically male characteristics, experts said. …

But the new analysis published in the Public Library of Science One journal revealed that each sex shares a distinct set of characteristics, with just 18 per cent of men having a typically “female” set of traits or vice versa.

Past studies have shown that men and women average similar scores on the 16PF5 – a well-known and frequently used measure of personality. …

The study showed that because men scored higher in some areas and women in others the differences between the sexes cancelled each other out when viewed as a simple average, but made for a significant gulf when added together. …

The study could explain why certain professions, such as engineering, are dominated by a particular sex in spite of efforts by governments to promote equality, Dr Paul Irwing, of Manchester Business School, who co-authored the paper, said. …

Dr Marco Del Giudice, who led the study, said: … “The idea that there are only minor differences between the personality profiles of males and females should be rejected as based on inadequate methodology.”

Entire Article


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Adrian Rogers on MEN and WOMEN: Celebrate the Difference — “God made us different that He might make us ONE.” It’s time to stop trying to be the be the same or resenting each other because of our differences

(video) David Pawson: “Leadership is Male” (in the home and in the church) — “The demand for IDENTITY between the sexes has caused so many problems. …  I’ve found that every woman, deep down in their heart, want to see their men-folk taking responsible leadership”

God ordained men to be in positions of leadership, authority and covering, both in the home and in the local church. Who are we to change that? – Len Hummel

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