Where’s the feminist outrage as #RapeMelania trends on Twitter?

(NaturalNews) Remember how Twitter kicked out Milo Yiannopolis for being mean and censored the hashtag #HillaryforPrison?
Well, I guess that censorship is a one-way street because the repugnant hashtag #RapeMelania was trending this morning and no one at Twitter seemed to feel that was worth censoring. Other recent allowable Twitter trends have been #DieWhitesDie and #AssassinateTrump – but that’s cool too.
(Article republished from DaisyLuther.com)
And Twitter censors aside, where is the feminist outrage? They call President Elect Trump a misogynist but they don’t denounce this?
Perhaps I misunderstood “feminism” and thought that their good will towards women meant all of us, not just the ones who agree with them politically. Maybe “rape culture” is okay as long as it happens to a woman married to a man they don’t like. Maybe Melania is asking for it because they don’t like her husband.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/056023_rape_Melania_Twitter_hashtags.html#ixzz4QJTA4je8
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