Lying Fauci


I wrote down what Fauci specifically says in the ad currently running on KENI radio Anchorage:

The man in the ad says they ask Dr. Fauci about the claims that the Covid vaccines are not safe. Then they play a clip of Fauci saying what he knows their data so far does not prove:

“You can be sure they’re safe and effective.”

Big Pharma’s short term data shows a much higher injury and death rate for these new RNA vaccines of which some aren’t even technically vaccines, but that’s how the drug companies get immune from liability and are allowed to fast-track them.

And they don’t yet have the long term data to see if people die when infected later, which massively happened to the animals in a previous RNA vaccine trial. Animal testing was skipped on these vaccines.

They’re using the American people and people worldwide as Guinea Pigs, not knowing what will happen, claiming they do.