Excerpt from: Linda Boyle: The Covid cult continues

An article published just recently in the Journal of Public Health provided a systematic review and analysis of what happened to people who wore masks.  The research did not focus on why the masks were useless, instead it looked at what side-effects occurred. 

The results weren’t good for the mask zealots. The research review demonstrated“mask wearers had decreased blood oxygen, increased blood CO2, increased heart rates, higher blood pressure, more difficulty breathing, higher skin temperatures, and higher reports of headaches, acne, skin irritations, feeling overheated, voice disorders, and dizziness.” …

The researchers found even wearing masks in the short-term can cause long-term medical problems. They stated “Long Covid” may be the result of mask wearing—not recovering from Covid.

The Study: Physio-metabolic and clinical consequences of wearing face masks—Systematic review with meta-analysis and comprehensive evaluation 05 April 2023