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[ video ] Media Matters Hates Drudge Report Collaboration | Rachel Maddow spends 14 minutes criticizing Alex Jones | WWII bombers knew they were over the target when they started catching flack

This Photoshopped cover photo is part of Media Matters’ demonization tactic.

[youtube=]Media Matters Hates Drudge Report Collaboration


Published on Apr 27, 2013

Matt Drudge has long been conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ biggest ally. According to a Media Matters review, the heavily-trafficked Drudge Report has promoted at least 50 separate articles at Jones’ Infowars website in 2013, and has linked to at least 244 different articles on the site in the past two years.

Drudge announced this week that he had privately told friends that 2013 would be the “year of Alex Jones.” Considering Drudge’s penchant for promoting Jones and his Infowars website, those comments are more of a promise than a prediction.

Alex Jones is a radio host famous for pushing absurd conspiracy theories about a host of issues, including that the U.S. government perpetrated or was otherwise involved in the 9-11 attacks, the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Space Shuttle Colombia disaster, and the Aurora movie theater shooting.

Jones has lately made headlines for his most recent conspiracy that the Boston Marathon bombings were a “false flag” attack staged by the government. Drudge has provided several links to Jones’ site in the days since Jones started floating Boston conspiracies, including an article highlighting the father of the bombing suspects claiming his sons had been set up.

The links to Jones’ site in the wake of the Boston bombings are not surprising; he has sent a steady stream of traffic there in 2013.…


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  1. mythoughtsalone2

    Well all I can say is that MEDIA MATTERS must be getting a little nervous, reports on RT news today 27/04/13 show that TV Media is suffering from much lower ratings as the masses begin to switch off and turn to the internet for the real news and truth.

  2. mythoughtsalone2

    Plus all the comments they quoted about what Alex Jones reports on absurd conspiracy theories that are actually the True, research shows that a vast percent of the people think 9/11 was an inside job,and fooled none of us that have a thinking brain,just made us even more inclined to search out truth, and that would not be from the brain washing TV media.

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