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Category: John Hagee

Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees

[youtube=]Protesters assaulted and spit on by Christians United for Israel Summit Attendees

codepinkaction | July 23, 2010

CODEPINK and other organizations peacefully rallied against Christians United for Israel for their support of colonization, occupation, and apartheid and in turn we were spit on, assaulted, and followed.

Preemptive-Striker John Hagee Endorses 100-Years-in-Iraq John McCain

From: Think Progress

McCain ‘Very Honored’ By Support Of Pastor Preaching ‘End-Time Confrontation With Iran’

Yesterday, hard-line conservative Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, endorsed John McCain. Hagee said that McCain “is a man of principle, [who] does not stand boldly on both sides of any issue.” McCain, who had been courting the endorsement for over a year, said that he was “very honored by Pastor John Hagee’s endorsement.” …

In a 2006 address to CUFI, Hagee declared:

The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.

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Related: McCain Hedges on Hagee Endorsement

John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

[youtube=]Hagee Heresy

“It [John Hagee’s book: In Defense of Israel] scripturally proves that the Jewish people, as a whole did not reject Jesus as Messiah.”

“It will also prove that Jesus did not come to Earth to be the Messiah.”

“Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered?”

Actual John Hagee quotes transcribed by Jeff Fenske


John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

If evangelical Christians are hesitant to support Ron Paul’s candidacy for the Republican nomination for President, two reasons are usually proffered: he does not support Israel, and he wants to bring the troops home from Iraq.

Unfortunately, many (if not most) of today’s evangelical Christians have bought into the whole neocon warmongering mentality. Somewhere along the way, evangelicals have forgotten the historic Christian understanding of “just war,” not to mention our Savior’s promise of divine blessing upon peacemakers [“For they shall be called children of God” – ed.]. They have allowed President George W. Bush and his fellow warmongers to hijack the legitimate use of defensive war and turn it into a commitment to aggressive and preemptive war.

If the United States continues on its current path of aggressive, preemptive war, incessant nation-building, empire-building, and globalism, our country will collapse. …

However, it is evangelical Christians’ misunderstanding of Ron Paul’s position on Israel that seems to be the most problematic. …

In this regard, it is incredible to me how evangelical pastors and leaders can continue to associate with–and support–radical Israel apologists such as John Hagee. His ranting about Jewish people having a special covenant with God and needing not to come to the Father through Christ–and even that Jesus never claimed to be Christ–is nothing short of blatant apostasy. …

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John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Other Chuck Baldwin articles

[video] John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran


Related: John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

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