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Tag: excluded

Ron Paul EXCLUDED in NY Times “Election Guide 2008″

RP Excluded, AGAIN
By RP212 | January 16, 2008

Ron Paul has been EXCLUDED from the New York Times “Election Guide 2008″ results on the web site :

Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson are both listed with their percentages that are lower than Dr. Pauls. It is consistent with the results section and the delegate count.


1/18 Update: Thank you for contacting the New York Times

“Fair & Balanced” FOX News: Paul Blackout


Dees created this more than a month ago to protest Ron Paul being excluded from FOX’s December 4th, Iowa debate.

Now it speaks even stronger to FOX’s second and more famous Ron Paul banishment in the New Hampshire debate .




FOX News Excludes Ron Paul from Forum: It is an Outrage

As we get deeper into the campaign, I do not have a problem with excluding candidates who are not generating any substantial public support. Gravel, I think, was an example of that in the Democratic debates. But I think the Paulbots have a pretty good case for outrage with Ron Paul’s exclusion from the upcoming Republican debate in New Hampshire.Paul’s supporters lay most of their claim to a place in the debate on his mammoth fundraising numbers. To me, the bigger issue is that Paul is consistently outpolling Fred Thompson, who is being allowed into the debate.

Click for Story


Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008. Please check here for actions to take to remedy this situation. It is now paramount that we organize a solution to show Fox the meaning of “blowback” for their apparent tampering of the election process.


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