More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2010 MARCH 27 – APRIL 2

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Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

US: A “sovereign citizens” group sent letters to 30 state governors demanding that they step down within 3 days or “be removed.” The FBI is investigating to see if the group is dangerous or may inspire others to violence. [We think sending such letters is a silly waste of time, and the FBI is merely doing its job in this case; but mainstream media already is using this story to demonize any group that is critical of government policies by lumping them together with race supremacists and domestic terrorists.]
2010 Apr 2 (Cached)

US: Mission Creep seen at the EPA as it expands its power to regulate, not just pollutants like smog, but non-pollutants such as CO2, based on the myth of global warming. More stringent regulations are planned for vehicles; then homes and factories. Legislation to strip the EPA of this authority is being pursued. Fox News 2010 Apr 1 (Cached)

UK: Climategate invesigation by House of Commons is, as expected, a monumental whitewash equally fraudulent to the fraud it investigated. InfoWars 2010 Mar 31 (Cached)

Bush Administration found guilty of illegally wiretapping 2 lawyers without warrants. Bush and Obama Administrations defended against this lawsuit saying that the key evidence was a state secret, but the judge ruled against them on circumstantial evidence alone. No one will be punished. Wired 2010 Mar 31 (Cached)

US: A national association of doctors and surgeons files lawsuit against Obamacare, charging that it is unconstitutional and, if not challenged, “spells the end of freedom in medicine” in America. IFAwebnews 2010 Mar 30 (Cached)

Dutch court grants
immunity to UN in a case where Dutch troops claim they were abandoned by UN “peacekeepers” in Bosnia while trying to protect civilians. 8000 people were slaughtered as a result. This ruling confirms that the UN can not be called before any national court of law.
2010 Mar 30 (Cached)

UK: Pet shop owner was caught in a sting set up by local officials and fined £1000 for selling a goldfish to a 14 year-old boy, violating a law forbidding the sale of pets to children under 16. She was made to wear an electronic tag and observe a curfew for 7 weeks. This punishment is normally handed out to violent thugs and repeat offenders. The prosecution cost taxpayers £20,000 and has left her with a criminal record. Daily Mail 2010 Mar 30 (Cached)

US: Police in Raleigh, NC have begun using cameras on top of their cruisers that can scan hundreds of license plates within seconds and send the data to a national database. Other states will follow. This is funded by the federal government.
2010 Mar 30 (Cached)

US: Government plans to sell its shares of Citibank, which were acquired from 2008 bailout funding, and make $15.4 billion in profit. Mainline economists are praising the move. However, the banks continue to lose money; so profits, if any, must come from taxpayers. Time will tell how this is done, but we can count on it.
Yahoo News 2010 Mar 29 (Cached)

Australia proposes mega-filter for Internet, on a par with China’s censorship to fight terrorism and pornography, of course. US government issues statement of concern, which is hypocritical in light of same trend underway in America.
2010 Mar 29 (Cached)

North Korea sinks South Korean ship with 104 onboard. 59 rescued. It is feared that growing tension may escalate into further conflict.

Daily Mail
2010 Mar 29 (Cached)

US: Congressional testimony reveals that gold and silver is traded on a fractional-reserve basis similar to how banks create money except only more so. Banks can loan 9 times the amount they possess, but bullion banks loan 100 times the amount they possess. They call it “Paper gold.” Some firms even charge storage fees for the imaginary commodity. The system is hopelessly corrupt and is destined to collapse. If you buy gold, take delivery.
Zero Hedge
2010 Mar 28 (Cached)

Utah Governor authorizes use of Eminent Domain to take back some of the state’s most valuable parcels from the federal government.
[This is good because it asserts state sovereignty but bad because federal land will simply become state land, and private property will not be enhanced. Still, this is an important step toward a return of state sovereignty.] News Max 2010 Mar 28 (Cached)

Los Angeles: 9/11 Truthers join anti-war parade over the objection of parade organizers. [The anti-war movement is influenced by Left-leaning organizers who seek to use revulsion against war to motivate people to follow anti-American leadership. 9/11 Truthers are loyal Americans who want no part of collectivism – either Left or Right – and desire to rid their government of corruption. That is the reason for the conflict.] YouTube 2010 Mar 28

California attorney, Richard Fine, exposes how LA County pays state judges to throw cases in favor of the county. After watching this, read the news report that follows about how Richard was arrested and jailed by the LA County Sheriff’s Department under the guise of being “hospitalized” with no valid records to provide a legal foundation for the action. YouTube Posted 2010 Mar 28
News report here. [This is exactly what happens in Communist China, but do not expect mainstream media to carry this story.] (Cached)

Obama campaigned for a civilian “security” force equal in size to the military and equally funded. Well, he just got it. It was enacted into law through the Health Care bill.
InfoWars 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

Central banks are increasing their stockpile of gold reserves and now own 18% of all gold ever mined. The investment sector is stockpiling as well.
[Although bankers and financiers want to possess gold, they do not want paper money to be backed by it, because that would prevent them from collecting interest on loans of money created out of nothing.]
Money News
Posted 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

UK: Politicians caught on tape boasting of selling their influence to change policies in favor of commercial interests. This was part of a journalists’ investigation of former ministers who lobby for money. [No surprises here, but worth reminding ourselves of the fact that collectivism breeds corruption.] Posted 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

Whistleblower releases CIA document describing strategy for manipulating European public opinion to support the war in Afghanistan. Talking points include women’s rights issues to appeal to the French audience and exposure to terrorism, opium, and refugees to appeal to the German audience.
[It’s all about perceptions.] Raw Story Posted 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

UK: Britain losing power over its own budget under new plans for an ‘economic government of the EU.’
Daily Mail 2010 Posted Mar 27 (Cached)

UK: Brits face being snooped on by a new European intelligence agency some are calling it a Gestapo which has been handed expansive powers to pry into their private lives, including their political opinions. Sunday Express Posted 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

Woman at California town meeting blasts Congressman for supporting compulsory government health care. Crowd goes wild in support. She exemplifies the rising American spirit of resistance. Posted 2010 Mar 27


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

US: Here is an excellent summary of all the legislation being introduced in the various states to implement the 10th Amendment, assert state sovereignty, and nullify unconstitutional acts of the federal government.
10th Amendment Center Posted 2010 April 2 (Cached)

US: Bob Schulz, Chairman of We The People Foundation (WTP), discusses the First Amendment regarding the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Fox News 2010 Mar 30

Learn how “Smart Grid” programs for control of energy consumption are a rebirth of an old blueprint for collectivism called “Technocracy”. This is what is planned for you in the near future.
August Review
Posted 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

US: Judge Napolitano explains what parts of the new health care law are unconstitutional.  He explains why it has a good chance of being struck down in the Supreme Court, but cases may not be heard until 2014, when it goes into effect and damages have alreqdy been incurred.
Posted 2010 Mar 27 (Cached)

US: An excellent explanation of the coming HYPERinflation  explained in a conversational and entertaining manner. If you are wondering what may lie ahead, the answer is here.

Backwoods Home Magazine
2010 Mar 23 (Cached)

US: Katherine Albrecht, co-author of “Spy Chips”, joins Gary Franchi on the Reality Report to discuss the latest on Real ID and RFID technology to track people worldwide. This is a highly recommended update. YouTube Posted 2010 Mar 20