[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ2BvYhlpjM]MoRtiS NoCTu – What If . . . ?

mortisnoctu | August 24, 2010

MoRtiS NoCTu – What If . . . ? LISTEN 0N 480p Lyrics Below

Beat from Dert’s album Westside of the Moon (made from Pink Floyd samples!)

Lyrics/vocals/final mix with quotes and sound effects by MoRtiS NoCTu


What if America knew the truth?
What if the government wasn’t a spoof?
What if the average citizen knew all about the bankers treachery?
What if they hadn’t ruled from the shadows for the past century?
What if we chose to make our money gold again?
What if these sheeple didn’t just do what they’re told and when?
What if Dr. Ron Paul had won the election?
What if Obama hadn’t won using race-based hype and deception?
What if human rights were really protected?
What if the patriot act had been rejected?
What if America was still respected?
What if we didn’t go to war with our fellow man?
What if we didn’t preach PEACE with LOADED GUNS in our hands?
What if we didn’t ship our children off to die in the sand?
What if our future didn’t include a nuclear waste land?
What if Kennedy hadn’t been shot?
What if the central bankers plans never had a chance to be wrought?
What if The Towers hadn’t collapsed?
What if the New World Order wasn’t given birth out of the aftermath?
What if WE THE PEOPLE took America back?
What if we put her on the right track?
What if we manifest the American vision of Liberty,
and end imperialism and tyranny?
What if?
What if?
What if?