By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 25 – The law firm of Finkenstein Thompson LLP, with offices in San Francisco and Washington D.C., has launched an investigation into the issue of “faked” blueberries being used in cereals and bread products. As reported… |
By Neev M. Arnell
May 25 – “Should the FDA be so permissive with chemicals in food, suspect or not, that amount to little more than marketing?” asks The Daily Green (… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 25 – A landmark new study out of Canada exposes yet another lie propagated by the biotechnology industry, this time blowing a hole in the false claim that a certain genetic pesticide used in the cultivation of genetically… |
By Neev M. Arnell
May 25 – Going back to the land has always been thought of as a thing for hippies, eco-nuts, and doomsday survivalist, but now hedge fund managers are jumping on the bandwagon too. The New York Observer recently spoke… |
By Neev M. Arnell
May 25 – A majority of the estimated four in 10 hospital websites in the United States that publicize the use of robotic surgery, tout the superiority of robotic surgery over conventional surgery, despite a lack of scientific… |
By S. L. Baker, features writer
May 25 – Today’s doctors-in-training are learning how to think critically and clearly about the need for — and potential dangers of — any drugs they prescribe. And surgeons only operate if they are physically and mentally… |
By Jonathan Landsman
May 25 – Let’s end the confusion about diet and supplements. The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Powerful Nutrition – How to Promote Self Healing with our special guest Liliana Partida. We’ll talk about the connection… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 24 – Health freedom champion and civil rights defender Maryanne Godboldo was victimized by an armed attack led by Child Protective Services. CPS officials conspired with local law enforcement to threaten Maryanne… |
By Tara Green
May 24 – The highly controversial and potentially lethal anthrax vaccine may be tested on US children if the federal government gets its way. Although adverse event reports related to the vaccine among adult test subjects… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 24 – It seems like it was just last week that I warned NaturalNews readers about how the TSA was expanding to become the new Nazi Secret Police of America. Actually, it was just last week (http://www.naturalnews… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 24 – In response to massive public outcry, the US Senate has finally reintroduced the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act, or S. 587, which will once again hold natural gas drilling companies… |
By Neev M. Arnell
May 24 – The Atlantic recently posed the obvious but, as yet, unasked question: What is in the new BPA-free plastics that are now flooding the market, and how do we know they are safe? (… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 24 – The number of pregnant women who choose to have their babies at home instead of at a hospital has risen by 20 percent over the past four years, according to new statistics released by the US Centers for Disease… |
By Kshamica S. Nimalasuriya MD, MPH
May 24 – We all know fructose is some type of sweetener, we see it listed on so many food labels: ketchup, soft-drinks, energy drinks, cereals, cookies, breads, crackers, ice creams, canned soups, and more. And most… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 24 – For years, biotechnology companies have been making lofty, unsubstantiated claims that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the cure for world hunger, and that without them, people will starve to death… |
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