By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 20 – What would all the world’s experts and authorities say today if the Titanic were sinking but nobody was willing to admit it? The U.S. economy, after all, is sinking and taking on an unprecedented volume of water… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 19 – Representing the first time the substance has been detected at the crippled plant, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) reported on Sunday that seawater and groundwater samples taken near the ravaged Fukushima… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 19 – Last week, NaturalNews reported that rising Missouri River flood waters prompted officials to declare a “Notification of Unusual Event” as the Fort Calhoun Nuclear plant just outside of Omaha, Neb. (http://www… |
By J. D. Heyes
June 19 – Millions of Americans have, for years, been aware of a growing police state mentality in the U.S. If you’re a dog owner in an Atlanta suburb you are especially aware of this because many of you just got singled… |
By J. D. Heyes
June 19 – NaturalNews) In a growing U.S. entitlement economy, where even $2 million lottery winners still collect food stamps, it should not be surprising to find that they can be used to purchase steaks, lobster and a whole lot of… |
By J. McDonough-Horton
June 19 – Concerns about radioactive materials accumulating in soil and water since the nuclear accident in Japan this year have led individuals to look at natural ways to clean their property of possible radiation. One… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 19 – The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is launching its first ever “Idaho Organic Week” to be held from June 18-24, which will showcase the Gem State’s growing and diverse array of organic fare. With… |
By Hesh Goldstein
June 19 – Before getting to the solution for combating fear we have to look at how, where and why fear manifests. One question that arises regarding fear is: which came first the chicken or the egg? From the time we… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 18 – Sometimes organizing like-minded individuals, petitioning, and showing up to city council meetings to express your thoughts actually does make all the difference in instigating positive change. Health-conscious… |
By Kimberly Suta
June 18 – If you’ve been watching Jamie Oliver’s show, Food Revolution, you know he’s been battling the Los Angeles School Board for months now. The show may be canceled but his efforts have proved fruitful, as the L… |
By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D.
June 18 – So, how did it happen? How did we all get complacent enough to accept the phrase “commercially produced food” without even blinking an eye? How did Uncle Sam, in WWII public service announcements, go from advising… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 18 – A new study published in the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry highlights a new beneficial use for poplar tree leaf buds. When extracted, the antioxidants and other… |
By Nicole Parsons
June 18 – In the ongoing quest to find cheaper and more energy effective alternatives to gasoline, researchers at MIT have developed a radical new approach to the design of batteries. This new development could provide… |
By Hesh Goldstein
June 18 – Can you cry under water? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Why do you have to ‘put your two cents in’, but it’s only ‘a penny for… |
By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
June 18 – Is hypnosis just a trick of stage magicians or hocus pocus for gullible New Agers? Not according to new research just presented at the European Anesthesiology Congress in Amsterdam. Professor Fabienne Roelants… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 17 – I’ve been wanting to write a story on this subject for at least two years now, but until recently there wasn’t any study to cite which would back up my position on this. But now a study has come out and it’s… |
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