By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
November 5 – Biotechnology company AquaBounty has had quite a bit of trouble getting quick regulatory approval for its genetically-modified (GM) salmon, called AquAdvantage, because the “frankenfish” is not always sterile as claimed and could spread its corrupted genes into the wild… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
November 5 – The days of internet anonymity are waning as the veil of privacy that used to accompany making comments on articles and blogs is a thing of the past. TIME – Techland reports that Google has updated its “Googlebots” technology to track and index AJAX / Javascript comments… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
November 5 – A powerful tool that allows ordinary citizens to obtain crucial information from government archives, the US Department of State (DOA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is under attack. The Daily Caller reports that the US Justice Department wants to revise the law to… |
By Dr. David Jockers
November 5 – Sulfur is a mineral that is present in every cell of the body. It plays a key role in liver metabolism and the function of the joint cartilage and keratin of the skin & hair. It is also critical for metabolism and anti-oxidant defense systems that protect the aging patterns… |
By Mike Bundrant
November 5 – July 2, 2009 – our wedding day in beautiful Marin County, the San Francisco bay area. Hope and I are to be married in a few hours in a stunning redwood forest and then enjoy a drive along the coast to begin our honeymoon. In the present moment, we sit in a dental office… |
By Alex Malinsky aka RawGuru
November 5 – Mycotoxins are dangerous substances that are often found in coffee. Despite this fact, coffee has been shown to improve health, help enhance performance, and keep your mind focused. So, how can you continue to drink coffee without ingesting the harmful mycotoxins? By… |
By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D.
November 5 – As we get deeper into Unplugging from the Man, we invariably come face-to-face with our addiction to petroleum. Sure, we like to sit around and do the “ain’t it awful” with our peers, but we keep using gasoline. Classic addiction: I’ll stop tomorrow. And, tomorrow never… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
November 4 – Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, an Israeli citizen living in Brooklyn, NY, has pleaded guilty to illegally purchasing kidneys from desperate Israelis, and trafficking them back to the US for transplant in patients at prestigious, but unnamed, American hospitals. Rosenbaum has… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
November 4 – In the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, some countries have decided to rethink their energy policies and initiate moves towards safer energy alternatives. Following in the footsteps of Germany, the European nation of Belgium has reportedly decided… |
By Paul Fassa
November 4 – Just a couple of decades ago, quitting coffee was a prerequisite for establishing a healthy diet and adopting a healthier lifestyle. But gradually, several new research studies into coffee drinking have provided health benefits from drinking coffee. So now we have both… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
November 4 – A Hawaii couple was recently arrested and their three-year-old daughter taken into state custody for accidentally forgetting to pay for a sandwich. KHON 2 News in Honolulu reports that Marcin and Nicole Leszczynski had eaten a sandwich during a recent shopping trip at… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
November 4 – The debate over whether or not so-called “global warming” is real, and whether or not human activity plays any role, will likely continue on for years to come. But one climate scientist says that even if past data suggests that global warming did occur many years in… |
By Dr. David Jockers
November 4 – Kelp is a group of large sea algae that is commonly referred to as seaweed. This amazing plant species has been used for many years by sea dwelling cultures. It is renowned for its powerful nutritional benefits. Kelp is part of the brown algae family in the order… |
By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
November 4 – The silence of governments and the world press about the radiation dangers from Fukushima is alarming to say the least. We have an open nuclear sore on the planet, a radioactive boil that continues to burst casting a toxic shadow on the people of Japan and a few other… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
November 3 – As recent events surrounding Adya Clarity (black mica extract) have revealed, a great many people within the raw food community departed from their usual advocacy of plant-based minerals and natural foods in a rush to consume (and promote, in some cases) a product made… |
By John Phillip
November 3 – Humans have been consuming omega-3 fats from natural fish, nut and seed sources for countless generations. Our core genetic structure depends on a regular supply of the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA to form cell wall structures and perform millions of metabolic… |
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