
Ron Paul is getting in the way of the globalists’ agenda, which requires the fall of the United States, which their hand-picked Presidents have been fulfilling.

They would probably make it look like a heart attack or similar; otherwise, an obvious assassination would cause an uproar and even more of an awakening.

Wow! They’re getting a bad rap for their obvious media blackout of Ron Paul. Ron is reaching too many people with the truth. People are starting to see.

Ron is actually doing very well in Iowa and New Hampshire: Ron Paul is surging, an Iowa and New Hampshire front-runner and powerful third-party possibility

There are now multiple polls that show Ron Paul has gained support and has a legitimate chance to come in first or second in Iowa and New Hampshire.

And Dr. Stan, having studied the globalists for 50 years, doesn’t say things lightly. He is not a shock-jock, but rather a careful historian. Dr. Stan is serious about this.

Please pray, and please support Ron Paul.


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“Pray for Ron Paul,
because I’m afraid they’re going to kill him.”

– Dr. Stanley Monteith

on Radio Liberty 11/21/11

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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(guest is Bob Chapman):