I have never, ever called a police officer a pig. In fact, I ellipsed the word ‘pig’ out from a recent post, but I can see how Officer Pike was not acting like a human created in God’s image when he pepper sprayed the peacefully protesting students at UC Davis.

I’m glad the memes are getting such widespread attention:
[Satire] ‘Pepper Spray Cop’ The People Rise Up: My Favorite ‘Pepper Spray Cop’ Images — Turning something bad into something good!!
[More Satire] ‘Pepper Spray Cop’ The People Rise Up II: My Favorite ‘Pepper Spray Cop’ Images Continue — Seeing BULLIES in a new light!!!
Fox News video] Predictably — war & torture advocate, reverse-peacemaker/Ron Paul basher, ‘pinhead’ labeler, sexual harasser*, heartless bully, America destroyer, BILL O’REILLY DEFENDS PEPPER SPRAYING COP (who is likely Fox-News inspired and empowered) — Note: many have died from police pepper spraying!
[SHOCKING, UNBELIEVABLE Video] Police Pepper Spray PEACEFUL UC Davis Students — “Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!”
About Pepper Spray — Pepper spray can cause death and eye damage!!
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