By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
December 24 – You may have noticed we’re on an abbreviated publishing schedule right now, and that’s because we’ve given our staff the holidays off. But I’m still working, and I wanted to wish all NaturalNews readers a Merry Christmas or whatever appropriate holiday you may be celebrating… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
December 24 – British scientists have developed a new variety of broccoli that contains up to three times more of a powerful heart-health nutrient than conventional varieties — and they did so without the use of genetic modification (GM). However, the “super” broccoli, known as … |
By JB Bardot
December 24 – Gout and arthritis have two things in common. Each condition makes the body hurt, and they respond to the powerful nutrients found in cherries that eliminate pain. Cherries contain high levels of antioxidants and anthocyanins, nutrients known to relieve pain, inflammation… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
December 24 – Is gorging on a bag of nacho cheese-flavored corn chips, for instance, the same as snorting a line of cocaine? A number of scientific studies, many of which were conducted within the past year, have found that junk food addiction is essentially the same as cocaine addiction… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
December 24 – Those crafty television commercials that claim high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is basically the same thing as conventional sugar have gotten the Corn Refiners Association (CRA), the group responsible for creating them, in a heap of trouble. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution… |
By Amelia Bentrup
December 24 – Walk faster to stay one step ahead of Death, according to recent research published in the Christmas edition of BMJ. (During Christmas, this normally formal publication publishes more unconventional articles.) A team of scientists from various schools, hospitals and… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
December 24 – Biking, running, or even walking in the town of Hull, Wisc., without official government permission could soon become an “illegal” offense. The Stevens Point Journal reports that a public safety committee in Hull is working towards mandating that all non-automobile travelers… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
December 24 – For many people, the cold and often dreary days of winter can translate into seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the “winter blues.” But one way to help you and your family to avoid the winter blues and stay healthy and happy this winter is to eat plenty… |
By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D.
December 24 – Patricia Williams wrote in The Nation this week that, “You know these are interesting times when Glenn Beck, Dianne Feinstein, Rand Paul and the ACLU all stand on the same side of an issue.” She was referencing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Here is what… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
December 23 – With all the controversy surrounding the willful use of steroids and other illicit, performance-enhancing drugs by some professional sports players, it might come as a surprise to some readers to learn that professional sports leagues themselves may also be responsible… |
By Tara Green
December 23 – The coming new year which is 2012, also happens to be the name of a 2009 Hollywood disaster film in which a lucky few survivors, mostly political leaders and the very rich, board huge insulated arks to ride out a massive civilization-destroying tsunami. As the real 2012… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
December 23 – For the first time, a federal report has verified that chemicals used in natural gas hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking,” can, and do, cause groundwater contamination. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a 121-page draft report on… |
By JB Bardot
December 23 – No one likes a hangover; however, most people like to eat and drink until they burst during the holidays. Tempting treats peak around every corner. Hangovers are not only relegated to those drinking alcohol. Gorging until eyeballs roll back into one’s head and the always… |
By PF Louis
December 23 – Are you aware of the Arctic Circle Doomsday Seed Vault? Technically it’s the Svalbard International Seed Vault. The media has hailed it as an attempt to create a doomsday ark containing a wide variety of seeds to ensure the future of agriculture in the event of widespread… |
By Lindsay Chimileski
December 23 – Pericardium 6 or Inner Pass (PC6, Neiguan) is one of the most well-known, highly researched and often utilized Acupuncture points. It is indicated to calm the spirit and regulate the heart, making it useful for conditions like heart pain, palpitations, hypertension,… |
By Hesh Goldstein
December 23 – We are living in a time that makes great demands upon our efforts to keep healthy through a well-managed dietary program. With all the devitalized and synthetic foodstuffs at our disposal, it is often very difficult to obtain the necessary natural foods that will… |
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