More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2012 FEBRUARY 24 – MARCH 2

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Bill Gates promotes GMOs as the solution to world hunger, but there have been 2 major studies that show these crops have a lower yield in the long term.[So why does Gates perpetuate this myth? Could it be because he is heavily invested in the GMO industry?] NaturalSociety 2012 Mar 2 (Cached)
Obama tells Israel Prime Minister that the US will strike Iran if present international sanctions fail to deter it from pursuing nuclear weapons. Iran has denied making weapons and, so far, there is no proof that they intend to do so. [Since Israel, the US, Great Britain, and other aligned countries are strangling Iran’s economy and threatening a military attack, we would not be surprised if Iran really is trying to develop nuclear weapons to defend itself. If you throw stones at a mean dog, don’t be surprised if it tries to bite you.] LA Times 2012 Mar 2 (Cached)
Spain’s prime minister announces that the economically depressed country will miss its deficit-reduction goal for this year and may have to pay penalties to the EU. He estimates that unemployment will jump to 24.3% this year.Washington Post 2012 Mar 2 (Cached)
US: New federal law criminalizes protests or demonstrations in the presence of a government official. An affront to the First Amendment, it sailed through Congress (388-3). New American 2012 Mar 1 (Cached)
US: Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, (said to be America’s toughest sheriff) presents probable cause to believe that Obama’s birth certificate released last year is a forgery and shows credible evidence that his Selective Service card also is a forgery. These short video exhibits tell the story. WND 2012 Mar 1 (Cached)
US: Timothy Geithner is using his position as Secretary of the Treasury to avoid a subpoena that would require him to testify about his participation in the transfer of $8 billion from Lehman Bros. to J.P. Morgan, leading to the collapse of Lehman Bros. New American posted 2012 Feb 29 (Cached)
 Judge Napolitano explains in simple terms how Geithner could be held criminally liable for his part in the AIG scandal in which he authorized Goldman Sachs to receive 100 pennies on the dollar for its near worthless assets – paid by taxpayers.
YouTube Posted 2012 Feb 29

Vermont: A bill has been introduced that would require food to be labeled as genetically engineered if it is entirely or partially produced with genetically engineered ingredients. It is estimated that 85% of the population would reject GMOs if they were so labeled. Mercola 2012 Feb 29 (Cached)

Israel says it may attack Iran without first warning the US. [Based on previous synchronization between the foreign policies of Israel and the US, we cannot help suspecting that this is a scripted scenario for public consumption to create the false impression that the US does not want to attack Iran when, in fact, that has been a continuing priority of the Bush and Obama administrations.] InfoWars 2012 Feb 28 (Cached)

Virginia legislature overwhelmingly nullifies the NDAA indefinite-detention law recently passed by Congress. Seven other states are considering similar legislation. The bill is opposed by the Governor, but the legislature could override his veto. 
 2012 Feb 28 (Cached)

Interpol arrests 25 hackers suspected of belonging to ‘Anonymous’, the group credited with hacking into FBI and CIA websites. [We are glad to see hackers brought to justice, but do we really need an international police organization (Interpol) to do it? Who will be next  and who will order the arrests?] 
My Fox NY
 2012 Feb 28 (Cached)
Managers of New York’s public-employee pension fund have been cooking the books to make it appear the fund is solvent. Much of the money paid into the fund was borrowed from the very fund it was paid into. These so-called loans then were classified as net assets. [A loan to yourself could be an asset on your books, but an honest bookkeeper also would show the debt to yourself as a liability: thus there would be no increase in net assets.] Market-Ticker 2012 Feb 28 (Cached)
Half of the nations of the world now are using biometric e-passports. (These passports have embedded digital chips that contain the same data printed on the pages plus a digital image of the passport holder’s face so it can be electronically analyzed in face-recognition software.) The number is expected to increase to 90% by 2016.
Contactless News 2012 Feb 28 (Cached)
Federal judge throws out organic farmers suit against GMO-giant, Monsanto. The farmers had hoped to prevent Monsanto from contaminating their fields with GMO seeds blown there by the wind. The court ruled that there was insufficient evidence that this was a threat. 
 2012 Feb 28 (Cached)
There have been 81 resignations of top executives in major banks across the world in recent months, possibly indicating a massive shake up in the industry. [Are the rats abandoning their sinking ships?] ChasVoice 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
Ron Paul beats Obama in latest Rasmussen Poll 43-41. This puts him in the top rank and proves he is electable. His appeal to voters in all parties is steadily increasing. State Column 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
FOIA documents reveal that the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) downplayed the seriousness of the Fukushima disaster and covered up its effect on the US. IntelHub 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
US: Monsanto settles an Agent Orange class-action suit for $93 million in favor of residents of Nitro, West Virginia, who were injured and poisoned as a result of an explosion caused by management negligence. This is small change compared to the actual damage, but it opens the door for more litigation. [As usual, stockholders will pay the damages but corporate executives who were responsible for the negligent practices will continue to receive bonuses. Nothing will change until corporate managers are held personally responsible for their actions.] 
 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
Yemen’s president Ali Abdullah Saleh steps down after 33 years in power and names his deputy to replace him. Saleh also is granted immunity from prosecution. He is the 4th leader in the Middle East to cede power after more than a year of mass protests in the region. BBC 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
Harvard study finds that milk from large, factory-farm dairies is linked to human cancers, because the diets of these cows causes excess production of a carcinogenic hormone called estrone sulfate.NaturalNews 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
EU toughens sanctions against Syria that target its central bank and Syrian officials. [Interventionism is the child of collectivism. The inevitable result is war.] VOA News 2012 Feb 27 (Cached)
The silver cartel dumped 201.5 million ounces of paper silver on the market in 7 minutes to force silver prices down. [Paper silver is a contract to deliver silver that the issuer of the contract does not have but promises to buy if necessary. It is pure speculation, not a real sale of silver. The maneuver failed, because the price of silver immediately rebounded. Another very large speculator (possibly China) bought the whole thing, and the real market hardly noticed what happened.] Silver Doctor 2012 Feb 25 (Cached)
Tokyo, home to 30 million people, now has radiation levels that are 25 times the Fukushima mandatory evacuation zone level. 
Veterans Today
 2012 Feb 25 (Cached)
Italian court ended the corruption trial of former Premier Silvio Burlesconi, because the statute of limitations had expired. [In Italy, statutes continue to run even after trial starts, so if there are delays, defendants can exhaust the clock. That’s what happened here.] Yahoo 2012 Feb 25 (Cached)
UN World Health Organization supports the publishing of scientific papers showing how to create a super contagious, lethal strain of Bird Flu. [A recent study shows that the normal strain of H5N1 has a mortality rate of only 1%, not 60% as previously claimed by the WHO and vaccine manufacturers. So now, the idea is to artificially create something that will live up to the original claim. We are not making this up.] NaturalSocietyPosted 2012 Feb 25 (Cached)
Wyoming lawmakers consider a bill to study how to survive a collapse of the federal government. It would include plans to issue its own currency and to create a standing army  even strike aircraft and aircraft carriers. Posted 2012 Feb 25 (Cached)

 Quick-change artists. How do they do that? 


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.
‘Global finance: The Shylock model’ – This analysis by Adrian Salbuchi explains why bankers and the IMF have loaned money to countries, never expecting repayment of the funds. [The objective is to ‘take a pound of flesh’ and obtain real resources in exchange for fiat currency (which they create out of nothing). In other words, something for nothing. Very simple!] RT 2012 Mar 1 (Cached)
This analysis shows that the reason the EPA rubber stamps approval for dangerous chemicals is because chemical companies supply all the safety studies, which gives them total control over what those studies contain. NaturalSociety 2012 Mar 1 (Cached)
 John Stossel shows how nearly everything in America is illegal – and they keep adding new laws to make more things illegal every day. This really shows what collectivism has done to America.YouTube 2012 Feb 26
 This short documentary shows how Goldman Sachs loaned Greece $3.75 billion and helped the government hide the debt from public view. It was all quite legal but as fraudulent as it gets. [This is a textbook example of how bankers rig the system, politicians gobble up the money, regulators look the other way, and taxpayers are left to absorb the loss.]YouTube Posted 2012 Feb 25
Syria makes progress quelling violence caused by rebels who are armed by NATO, but the Western media paints this as human rights violations. When Western governments do the same thing, the media reports it as defending human rights against rebels and terrorists. [This is the same formula used in Iraq and Libya to build support for the US goal of regime change.] InfoWars 2012 Feb 23 (Cached)
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts shows how the US-controlled media is engineering public opinion to willingly enter into World War Three. PCR 2012 Feb 20 (Cached)

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Lightning over the Grand Canyon. Click to enlarge.