More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2012 MARCH 3 – 9

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Greece: Holders of government bonds have agreed to accept a write-off of $124.7 billion as a last-ditch measure to avoid an official default in the scheduled repayment, which is due on March 20. [Those who trusted the government to make good on its debt have paid dearly (they lost 70% of their investment) for their naiveté. Political leaders and financial pundits describe this as a partial “solution” to the debt crisis.
Business Spectator
 2012 Mar 9 (Cached)
 Syria: Rebels say they have received weapons from the US & France. This video shows how easy it is for them to cross open borders, smuggle in weapons, stir violence, and quickly leave. [Contrary to this, Western governments (which want an excuse to attack Syria) are blaming the violence on the Syrian government.] Gateway Pundit 2012 posted Mar 9
Coca-Cola and Pepsi have altered the caramel-coloring formula of their colas to avoid having to print cancer warnings on their labels. The companies claim the warning is not scientifically founded but have agreed to change the formula anyway.
Natural Society 2012 Mar 9 (Cached)
US: Mainstream media has gleefully reported that Ron Paul did not win any straw polls in the Super Tuesday primaries. What they did NOT tell you is that he still could win the GOP nomination through his strategy of collecting delegates. Here are the facts. AJC 2012 Mar 8 (Cached)
 Shocking testimony from Defense Secretary Panetta and Joint Chief of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey reveals they think the US military serves international interests, such as the UN and NATO, above those of the US. [Panetta says the military seeks international permission for military action before determining if they want to consult Congress.] InfoWars 2012 Mar 8
US: Federal judge rules that citizens do not have to prove a need to carry a gun beyond the desire to exercise their constitutional right to do so, as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.
New American 2012 Mar 7 (Cached)
US: FBI turns off 3,000 GPS devices secretly attached to cars of people being tracked. [It fears these devices could cause their cases to be overthrown if it were to be discovered that they were planted without court orders or if they have been in place for a long time.] ABC News 2012 Mar 7 (Cached)

US: Six of Mitt Romney’s relatives are actively campaigning for Ron Paul. InfoWars 2012 Mar 6 (Cached)
 US: Companies that received billions of taxpayers’ dollars from the Obama Administration to create American jobs and ‘green’ technology have failed to meet expectations. [They have spent most of their money, have produced nothing practical, and have paid executive bonuses. Here is a hard look at two of them, which are producing electric cars for the super-rich. One company assembles its cars in Finland. So much for American jobs.] ABC News 2012 March 6
Russia: Putin wins the presidency by more than 63% and dismisses claims of vote fraud. Hundreds of protesters are arrestedAJC 2012 March 6 (Cached)
Virginia’s state legislature last week overwhelmingly passed a bill to reject the federal NDAA indefinite detention law, but the Senate changed the bill slightly, so now it must go back to the House for another vote. [Opponents of the bill are hoping to delay passage until public pressure dies down, and they are making thinly veiled threats of loss of federal funding.]
Downsize DC 2012 Mar 6 (Cached)
 Ron Paul explains what he means when he said, if elected President, he could get gasoline prices down to a dime per gallon. [He really can, as you will see, and you will realize that gas is cheaper today than it was 20 years ago. Really! This is a good introduction to the reality of price inflation.] DailyPaul 2012 Mar 5
Australia: New legislation allows children of any age, without parental consent, to be sterilized if a psychiatrist says they are mature enough to make such a decision. Also, 12 year-olds may elect psychosurgery and electroshock. [Since the psychiatric profession is rampant with corruption, fraud, and scientific ineptitude, putting psychiatrists in charge of such important decisions is insanity itself.]NaturalSociety 2012 Mar 5 (Cached)
BP Stock rises on word that it has agreed to an out-of-court settlement of $7.8 billion to individuals and businesses for damages from the Gulf oil spill. [Why would investors view that as good for BP? Because, if the company had not settled and had to go to court, it is likely that the facts brought out in trial would have led to far greater damages. Out-of-court settlement has saved the company untold billions of dollars.]
Reuters 2012 Mar 5 (Cached)
AIG is selling $6 billion in shares of an Asian insurance company to go toward repayment of $182 billion in bailout it received from the US government (taxpayers). [The article says there is an institutional buyer but it was not identified. Perhaps the reason is that further questions might uncover the fact that the US government has guaranteed that the buyer will make a profit (at taxpayers’ expense) even if the stock never pays a dividend. That’s not as far-fetched as it may seem. Previous sales by other bailout recipients have been based on similar scams. We’ll be watching this closely.] SFGate 2012 Mar 5 (Cached)
The US will pay over $5 trillion in interest on its debt over the next 10 years. More than 14% of all revenue the government collects will be used just for that. [Note there is no serious effort to pay down the principle, just the interest. Therefore, the debt will continue to grow until the interest approaches 100% of revenue; but long before that, the whole system will collapse. It will not be pretty.] CNN Money 2012 Mar 5 (Cached)
Mozilla/Firefox turns the tables on Big Brother by allowing Internet users to watch who is spying on them. This is a blow against Google’s policy of selling data showing what search-words people use and what sites they visit. 
 Posted 2012 Mar 3 (Cached)
US: TSA forces a nursing mother to pump breast milk before allowing the device through security. [It makes you wonder what else they thought the device could do.] DailyMail Posted 2012 Mar 3 (Cached)
 Amazing sculptures from junk auto parts.
(Click for more.)



Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.
US: Recent Supreme Court decisions have given the federal government control over manufacturing throughout the country. The states, however, still have the power to hold companies liable for damages caused by their products. [Although states cannot ban the manufacture or sale of products, such as GMO seeds or pesticides with Dioxin, they can make the executives of the companies liable for the damage their products do. In that event, companies would cease to distribute such products within those states.]NaturalSociety 2012 Mar 6 (Cached)
Oxford University shreds US Attorney General Eric Holder’s claim that the US government is justified in assassinating US citizens if the President says they are enemies of the state. Practical Ethics 2012 Mar 6 (Cached)
 Here is a review of the history of fraud committed by man-made global-warming alarmists, with focus on how “peer review” has been subverted into a mechanism to squelch true science. [If there are 3 journals that publish scientific papers on climate, make sure the editorial staffs of those journals are dominated by global-warming advocates. Papers from dissenting authors will be rejected and, hence, not peer reviewed. Very simple.] YouTube posted 2012 Mar 5
‘Global finance: The Shylock model’ – This analysis by Adrian Salbuchi explains why bankers and the IMF have loaned money to countries, never expecting repayment of the funds. [The objective is to ‘take a pound of flesh’ and obtain real resources in exchange for fiat currency (which they create out of nothing). In other words, something for nothing. Very simple!] RT 2012 Mar 1 (Cached)
This analysis shows that the reason the EPA rubber stamps approval for dangerous chemicals is because chemical companies supply all the safety studies, which gives them total control over what those studies contain. NaturalSociety 2012 Mar 1 (Cached)
 John Stossel shows how nearly everything in America is illegal – and they keep adding new laws to make more things illegal every day. This really shows what collectivism has done to America.YouTube 2012 Feb 26

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