More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2012 MARCH 10 – 16

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Goldman Sachs is reeling from charges made by an executive who quit his job and blasted the company for sacrificing the best interests of its clients so they could make money from them, not for them. [No one doubts the charges are true, but that only scratches the surface of the banking firm’s deplorable ethics, especially its history of covertly working with governments to milk the taxpayers and obtain competitive advantages over their competitors.] New American 2012 Mar 16 (Cached)

US State Department condemns N. Korea’s plans to launch a satellite, saying it is the same as a long-range missile test. US food aid to N. Korea was contingent upon freezing their weapons, so now the aid is in jeopardy despite N. Korea’s claim that the satellite is for peaceful purposes. [It makes one wonder what would happen if the US should run out of food (or money) to give away.] LA Times 2012 Mar 16 (Cached)

New study shows that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide and Bt (a pesticide that is genetically engineered directly into GMO crops) kill kidney cells at very low levels (100 parts per million). [These chemicals now are in the ground water in areas of the world where there is ‘modern’ agriculture, which means you probably are drinking them daily – and eating them in GMO foods. Is it a coincidence that the use of kidney dialysis machines is on the rise?] NaturalSociety 2012 Mar 15 (Cached)

Mainstream science finally links massive honeybee deaths to pesticides. We have been reporting that fact from non-mainstream sources for more than three years. [The investigators did not advocate putting a stop to or greatly reducing the use of pesticides. It is true that this might reduce crop yields (although organic farmers say there are natural, non-toxic insecticides that do a better job than toxic chemicals), but it also is true that this would reduce the cash flow for large chemical companies that, typically, provide funding for these same investigators. Instead, their proposed solution is to find a better way of delivering toxic pesticides to minimize contact with bees.] World Science 2012 Mar 15 (Cached)

Ireland: A major oil and gas discovery this week is expected to spark a much needed influx of capital that could go a long way to offset the national debt – and eliminate the need for a second bailout. [Luck of the Irish!] DailyMail 2012 Mar 15 (Cached)

The UN’s International Criminal Court (ICC) has convicted Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga of using child soldiers. This is the first conviction for the Court and is expected to open the door for many more to follow. [The ICC is intended to be the judicial arm of the New World Order centered at the UN. Piece by piece, the structure is being built and is near completion.] LA Times 2012 Mar 15 (Cached)

 UN Council on Human Rights is investigating US state laws that require photo ID to vote. The theory being advanced is that requiring a photo ID to vote is a human-rights violation. [Many UN member nations now require citizens to have biometric IDs to travel or engage in commerce, but no one at the UN is concerned about that. It’s what those nasty American states are doing that must be investigated. Hypocrisy rules!] Fox News 2012 Mar 14

The only remaining mainstream media reporter covering Ron Paul has been pulled from that assignment despite Ron Paul’s popularity and relevance. Prison Planet 2012 Mar 14 (Cached)

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says that China must embrace democracy to avoid another ‘Cultural Revolution’ and survive economically. [Words, words, words. The Communist definition of democracy is merely Communism modified slightly to allow totally controlled voting to appease the restless masses. As Lenin, himself, said: “Words are one thing; actions another.”] DailyMail 2012 Mar 14 (Cached)

Orlando, Florida, airport cancels contract with TSA and instead will retain the services of a private security firm to do ‘customer friendly’ screenings.InfoWars 2012 Mar 14 (Cached)

Afghanistan: US soldier who is believed to have gone on a shooting spree, killing 16 citizens including 9 children, has been flown out of the country for his safety from angry rioters. [Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who is visiting Afghanistan, spoke to US troops, urging them to continue with their mission undeterred by the unpopularity of their presence.] VOA2012 Mar 14 (Cached)

Former US VP, Dick Cheney, cancelled his visit to Canada due to security concerns over protests and fear of being arrested for war crimes.
DailyMail 2012 Mar 13 (Cached)

 This video of the Oklahoma GOP Central Committee meeting shows how the Establishment tried to prevent Ron Paul delegates from being accepted – but failed to do so when an amendment was proposed (and passed) to amend the rules.[Anyone serious about becoming active in their political party needs to see this to know what to expect as the old guard attempts to preserve its power.]
Lew Rockwell 2012 Mar 13

Bioethics professor at NY University recommends mass drugging of the population to make them ill if they eat meat and to improve their environmental consciousness. He also proposes genetically altering babies to be smaller, thus reducing their food consumption and carbon footprint. [Since this is offered as supposedly for the greatest good for the greatest number, his proposals are consistent with collectivism.] InfoWars 2012 Mar 13 (Cached)

Russia says it will continue selling weapons to Syria despite pressure from the West and the UN.
Guardian 2012 Mar 13 (Cached)

US: Business owner threatened with jail time for flying the American flag. Why? Because it was on city property by one foot! Fox News 2012 Mar 13 (Cached)

US: Gun sales boom as the election approaches. Buyers are worried that, soon, they may not be able to purchase firearms for protection.
KCBD 2012 Mar 13 (Cached)

New report reveals that Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready herbicide is destroying microbes in the soil which are vital for plant growth – and these changes may be irreversible. [Traces of this herbicide now are found in all water systems in the US. It is not an overstatement to say that Monsanto’s so-called scientists already may have doomed the planet’s biosphere.] 
Natural News
 2012 Mar 12 (Cached)

UK: Government plans to have vehicle license-plate-recognition cameras at gas stations to prevent uninsured vehicles from refueling. [It’s for everyone’s benefit, of course – and who knows what other use could be made of data showing where you have been.]Mirror 2012 Mar 12 (Cached)

Afghanistan: A lone US soldier brutally massacres 16 civilians, including nine children. This, plus the burning of copies of the Koran by the US military last month has triggered the Taliban to promise revenge. [Does anyone really think that US military occupation is helping to bring peace in the Middle East or security for America?] LA Times 2012 Mar 12 (Cached)

US: Banks face lawsuits from investors and a criminal investigation by the government over manipulation of interest rates to benefit themselves.[The hidden story here is, not that banks use the power to manipulate interest rates for their own benefit, but that Americans have naively accepted a fiat monetary system controlled by a banking cartel (the Fed) in which banks have the power to manipulate interest rates for ANY purpose. Because gold-backed money cannot be created from nothing, its interest rate is determined by the free market, not banks.] KSBW 2012 Mar 11 (Cached)

US: Bill introduced in Congress to impeach Obama or any President if they use offensive military action without authorization from Congress. The bill was written after Secretary of Defense Panetta said that he and Obama seek international permission for military action before they decide whether or not to consult Congress. [This is grandstanding. It is merely a resolution of intent with no binding effect; collectivist Presidents always say that pre-emptive strikes are defensive, not offensive; and where were these politicians for the last 62 years in which every US war including the Korean War was based on international commitments, not Congressional Declarations of war?]WND 2012 Mar 11 (Cached)

 FBI Director Robert Mueller “isn’t sure” if our government can kill citizens inside the US without a trial. [Judge Napolitiano is indignant and explains that killing of US citizens without due process of law is unconstitutional – inside the US or anywhere else. Period.] Alt-Market 2012 Mar 10

US: Federal court rules that using news excerpts in the Internet falls under ‘Fair Use’ protection.[Righthaven, the law firm that attempted to collect damages, was exposed as a ‘business’ established solely to file nuisance lawsuits. It is now out of business.]
EFF 2012 Mar 10 (Cached)

US: Three veterans groups sue the Department of Defense, CIA, and the US Army for secret chemical tests, including bioweapons, on thousands of soldiers. Stars & Stripes Posted 2012 Mar 10 (Cached)

Monsanto seeks to expand its joint-venture agreement with Sonichem, China’s state-owned agricultural chemical company. [The goal is to force China’s 8000 independent seed companies out of business in favor of a single entity – and, of course, to expand the market for Monsanto’s GMO seeds.]PeopleDaily Posted 2012 Mar 10 (Cached)

 The easiest way to steal your car. You should watch this – 30 seconds. [This was not an actual theft but was staged to illustrate the technique.] 


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

 This documentary tells the story of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who developed a treatment for cancer that produced thousands of recoveries for patients who had been given up by orthodox medicine. [It also shows how the federal government has harassed him and continues to try to close down his clinic. Watch the full movie here.] Vimeo posted 2012 Mar 16

UN’s ‘Covenant on Environment and Development’ is a proposed treaty designed to place control over all human activities and land use into the hands of UN bureaucrats – in the name of protecting the environment, of course. [It is an attempt to put legal force behind the UN’s Agenda 21, which is a blueprint for global collectivism. You should know about this and then support a candidate for federal office who will pledge to oppose it in its entirety.] PPJ Gazette 2012 Mar 14 (Cached)

 ‘Kony 2012’ is a video that went viral with almost 80 million hits in 24 hours. It’s about a crusade to stop Joseph Kony, a Uganda warlord who kidnaps children and forces the boys into his army to commit atrocities and the girls into sex slavery. The producer of the video wants governments to launch a military action to kill or capture Kony and bring him to trial at the UN International Court of Justice. The plan is well thought out, and the movement is rapidly growing. [Most people will enthusiastically approve of this plan. However, to stir the pot a bit, we invite your comments on these questions:
(1) Should state military forces be used for this mission or should the soldiers and ‘advisors’ be strictly volunteers?
(2) If your answer is that it’s OK to order men into combat for purposes other than national defense, what is the source of the authority to do so? You will not find it in the US Constitution or in
 The Creed of Freedom.
(3) If you believe that such missions are a proper function of the state, would you object to launching hundreds of similar missions around the world wherever warlords or cruel rebel leaders are found?
(4) If it could be shown that certain ‘respectable’ leaders of member nations at the UN also are responsible for crimes against humanity (such as in false-flag operations and aggressive wars for hidden agendas, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people), would you also approve of states sending in commando-like teams to assassinate those leaders? Send your thoughts on any of these questions
 here. Only those under 200 words can be published.]
 YouTube posted 2012 Mar 13

This analysis of the video Kony 2012 illustrates the techniques used to promote US invasions into other countries. Any student of modern propaganda techniques, especially the use of Internet social networks, should study this carefully.
VigilantCitizen 2012 Mar 13 (Cached)

 Author, F. William Engdahl, explains the GMO fraud – and touches on many other frauds as well. This is one of the best overviews you will find on the extent to which mainstream science has been subverted to serve financial and political agendas.YouTube 2012 Mar 12

Obama has added $5 trillion to the public debt. Most of that is in short-term, low-interest rates (0.3%). [Interest that low is good for the borrower (government), but 2 years from now, when those loans are rolled over at 2% or even 5%, interest payments will explode. This will crush taxpayers with higher taxes and run-away inflation.] WSJ 2012 Mar 12 (Cached)

 A human attempts to explain to an alien from outer space what government is. You will be amazed at the absurdities humans accept as logical but which make no sense to the alien. [This will make you laugh – and think.] YouTube Posted 2012 Mar 10