Freedom from Alaska!

[video] Alex Jones: Rand Paul Joins The Dark Side! — "Paulistas, we never compromised one hair during this whole journey. Are you willing to begin compromising now?"

[youtube=]Rand Paul Joins The Dark Side!

Published on Jun 8, 2012 by 

Editor’s Note: Alex Jones will be covering this issue on today’s show. He will also release a special message for Ron Paul tonight.

Rand Paul’s decision to endorse Mitt Romney as Republican candidate for President is causing a firestorm of outrage amongst Ron Paul supporters, who are accusing the Kentucky Senator of selling out to the political establishment.

During an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show last night, Rand Paul threw his weight behind the former Massachusetts Governor.

“My first choice had always been my father. I campaigned for him when I was 11-years-old. He’s still my first pick,” Paul told Hannity. “But now that the nominating process is over, tonight I’m happy to announce that I’m going to be supporting Gov. Mitt Romney.”

The Romney campaign quickly shot back with an official press release welcoming the endorsement.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of Rand Paul. Senator Paul has been a leading voice in the effort to scale back the size and reach of government and promote liberty. Over the past three and half years, President Obama has made government more and more of a presence in our lives, and Americans can’t afford four more years of the same failed policies. As President, I will reform the federal government and make it smaller, simpler, and smarter. I am grateful for Senator Paul’s support and look forward to working with him to get America back on the right track.”

When asked about signs that Rand Paul was moving closer to Romney after a series of low-key meetings with the former Governor of Massachusetts, Alex Jones pointed out that Paul would be far wiser to wait four years before trying to have an impact on the presidential election.

“I think Rand will destroy himself if he does that,” said Jones, adding, “I would advise Rand Paul to refuse it,” if he is offered the VP slot by the Romney campaign.

The reaction to Rand Paul’s endorsement of Romney on pro-Ron Paul websites has been nothing short of savage. Listed below are just a handful of the thousands of comments attacking Rand for his apparent decision to jump in bed with the Republican establishment.

“Not another penny for Rand! THAT IDIOT! He got himself infected by the Washington, shifting, turning, spinning, compromising, eye shutting WASHINGTON BUG!”

“Son betrayed the father. Looks are perception. Perception is marketing. No kid does this to his father. Rand could have quietly gone to the polls and voted. I can’t see it as anything except spineless.”

“He was an equivocator from the beginning. He does not have the same commitment to the Constitution. He’s feathering his own bed. Now, let him lie in it!”

“This weakens us by making us have to bend to the establishment and compromise our beliefs. Paulistas, we never compromised one hair during this whole journey. Are you willing to begin compromising now?”

“Rand Paul is a pathetic sellout! I just emailed the Campaign For Liberty to let Rand know exactly how I feel. He is a traitor. He has lost my vote in 2016.”
by paul joseph watson


Joel Skousen: US STRATCOM Commander Says Chinese no Threat — "With idiots like this in charge of US deterrence, America is doomed to suffer a nuclear first strike"


[video] Alex Jones: Ron Paul, Don’t Destroy Yourself — And don’t destroy the liberty movement you helped build either. That goes double for the junior senator Rand Paul: you can’t win by joining the “lesser of two evils,” because it is still a submission to evil.


  1. I’m sure that Rand Paul and Ron were gotten to in some way and threatened. Check out Chip Tatum’s testimony on this site about the ‘neutralization’ of H. Ross Perot and Gary Hart. Perot said something about his daughter’s wedding being threatened which in itself doesn’t sound very bad but there was probably more to it. They could have told Rand and Ron anything, probably threatening other members of their family would be most effective.

    • Andre, I agree. I’ve said many times on Facebook that I think Ron probably knew that if he was too successful in this campaign that they would kill him (he would have an ‘accident’ or a heart attack). And I have posts here that show his brother was concerned. Dr. Stanley Monteith also expressed concerns.
      If this was true, then perhaps the best thing would be to go public with the concern, and then keep fighting to win, or get out of the race. But to half-heartedly continue on isn’t fair to the supporters, and isn’t honest.
      I’ve said all along that the main problem has been the lack of support from the evangelicals. Many ‘Christians’ have even fought against him, in order to fight for someone who is pro way (which is pro murder and pro torture). None of these wars have been justified, and if they were, I think Ron would support a just war. But today’s ‘Christianity’ is a long way from biblical Christianity.

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