Snail mail is still the safest way to communicate, though, because unlike emails and phone calls, they’re not recording and storing the content, just who sent what to whom, and when.

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From: The New American

The U.S. Postal Service Is Monitoring Your Snail Mail

The U.S. government is not content to monitor your phone calls and your Internet activity; it’s now reading your snail mail, too. …

The “Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper mail that is processed in the United States — about 160 billion pieces last year. …

When combined, the NSA and the U.S. Postal Service can keep every form of communication — electronic and conventional — under constant surveillance, without probable cause. This last fact is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Entire Article Here


(video) Fmr Agent Russell Tice Accuses Obama, NSA Of LYING — “NSA, today, is COLLECTING EVERYTHING — including CONTENT — of every digital communication in this country, both COMPUTER and PHONE, and that information is being STORED INDEFINITELY”

Fmr Agent Russ Tice: NSA has been BLACKMAILING Supreme Court judges, Congressmen and PRESIDENT OBAMA! — We must now assume the NSA is in charge, not elected representatives

[ video ] Daniel Ellsberg on Snowden, Manning, Government and Whistleblowers: Regain Democracy & Renounce Empire — Bradley Manning’s revelations forced the end of the Iraq war • NSA is storing every email and every phone conversations to be listened to when they feel like it

Greenwald on ‘coming’ leak: NSA can obtain one billion cell phone calls a day, store them and listen