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Pornography Addiction a Growing Problem Among Women — 49 percent of young adult women agree that viewing pornography is an acceptable way of expressing one’s sexuality

From: Charisma

Pornography Addiction a Growing Problem Among Women

“It was an ordinary weekday morning when Caroline first noticed how much pornography was taking over her life. With 15 minutes to go before she was due to leave for a job interview, she opened up her laptop to print off an extra copy of her C.V. and there, onscreen, was a grab she’d saved from [a porn site].

“’I remember the feeling of being sucked in, really wanting that two-minute fix, that numbness I got when I used porn,’ says Caroline. ‘I was stressed out, and I risked being late for my interview, but I pressed play anyway and fast-forwarded it to the bit I wanted. It took two minutes. … Afterwards I just hated myself for giving in and getting off on images that treated women like pieces of meat. But I kept going back.’”

Those are the opening paragraphs of a story from The Guardian called “Why More and More Women Are Using Pornography.” Revelations of female porn addiction are an eye-opening issue. Most people assume the problem is exclusive to testosterone-driven men. But a new study reveals that women are struggling with graphic sexual immorality in droves.

According to an October report from the Pew Research Center, 12 percent of U.S. adults who use the Internet admitted to watching “adult videos.” Twenty-five percent of them were male, and 8 percent were female.

Whether or not those numbers are accurate—it’s likely that many porn watchers didn’t admit it—they are rising. In 2007, only 6 percent admitted to watching adult videos. That means the overall rate has doubled in just six years.

But get this: Online porn viewership has quadrupled for women in just three years. A 2010 Pew report shows only 2 percent of women admitted to watching online porn. And again, it’s likely that the true numbers are even greater.

And that’s not the worst of it. CovenantEyes has gathered shocking statistics from various studies. Here are a few of them:

  • According to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Research, about half (49 percent) of young adult women agree that viewing pornography is an acceptable way of expressing one’s sexuality.

Entire Article Here


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  1. Why the hell is this “addiction” ? What’s with the immediate the stigmatization of female sexuality? Do I discern a highly predictable pattern here?

  2. Great to bring this to light. Women are free to look at pornography as much as they want but they should realize the consequences are real and damaging. Pornography users generally suffer from lower self-esteem, less ability to establish and maintain relationships, increased feelings of hatred and anger towards others plus many more (see a larger list of consequences at

    Once people learn of the scientifically proven consequences, they generally desire to stop but find it difficult if not impossible to do on their own. They can find help with 12-step programs or with cognitive behavior-based programs, such as Power Over Pornography. The consequences of viewing pornography are too great to not get help.

    • Please keep your slander to yourself. It is rude. And for sweet kittens sake do not peddle your CB spam here. When I hear some busybody come out from under some rock to denounce a culturally liberated behavior, I tend to expect some conservative-reactionary cult attempting to wage a little bit of culture war on the vulnerable of this world.

      • Pornography is anything but culturally liberated. It destroys lives as it preys on the vulnerable. One only needs to look at the scientifically documented consequences to see how damaging it is. I challenge you to research the consequences instead of pronouncing it culturally liberated with no basis.

        For those uncertain about the consequences, they should try living porn-free for six months to see how their life changes for the better. They’ll be amazed at the difference. You’ll find yourself becoming less angry at blog posts you disagree with and more capable of loving others once you stop.

        Jeff also reminds us of the faith-based truths about the destructive powers of pornography

    • Brian,

      This is my site. Thanks for sharing.

      Heart adultery is also puts us in serious danger of losing our salvation according to Jesus in Mt. 5 and Paul in Gal. 5, etc..

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