Kurt Richard Haskell writes:

Ted Cruz’s father was part of the JFK assassination, which means Ted Cruz’s father = CIA. This also likely means that Ted Cruz himself is CIA. This also explains how Ted Cruz, a non- US citizen by birth could get this far in the election without anybody challenging his citizenship and eligibility to be president.

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From: Infowars


Cuban hired by Lee Harvey Oswald bears a striking resemblance to Cruz

Wayne Madsen – APRIL 15, 2016

Based on the presence of the elder Cruz, an anti-Castro activist, in Dallas and New Orleans before the November 22, 1963, assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there is a strong reason to believe that Cruz was associated with Central Intelligence Agency’s anti-Castro operations.

Furthermore, a Cuban hired by alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and who bears a striking resemblance to Cruz is seen in an iconic photograph of Oswald and a group of Cubans Oswald hired who were distributing “Hands off Cuba!” pamphlets in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. The photo of Oswald and other Cubans he hired for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was taken outside the International Trade Mart in New Orleans on August 16, 1963. WMR has been informed by a source that the individual to Oswald’s left is none other than Rafael Cruz.

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