Christopher Bollyn writes on his Facebook page:

President Trump’s First 100 Days

Having heard Donald Trump’s speeches in Detroit and Milwaukee, I was impressed that he was saying all the right things about getting American jobs back by rectifying lousy trade deals like NAFTA. In his Gettysburg speech on October 22 Trump laid out his plans for the first hundred days in office hitting, among other things, three main subjects that should resonate with all Americans: cleaning up corruption in government, straightening out U.S. relations with other nations concerning free and fair trade and illegal immigration, and rebuilding America – infrastructure and otherwise. All great ideas whose time has obviously come.

He did not discuss foreign policy in this speech, but his friendly and positive position vis-a-vis Russia is extremely important as is his desire to reduce U.S. military involvement in places like Syria, where the U.S. does not belong. We don’t hear about solving 9/11 or ending the fraudulent War on Terror, but hope that Trump’s plan to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington reveals more about who really carried out 9/11 and why.