Freedom from Alaska!

(4 min) Video Clips of Las Vegas Shooting

New Video of √ “Terrorist Attack”

Published on Oct 2, 2017


Skousen: Insights from Bill Still's '2nd Gunman? Revisited' Video


(audio) Kurt Haskell: Trouble with the Las Vegas Massacre Paddock Gunman Story


  1. If you notice here is a fella with a black hat on the far left just sitting there.
    Something wrong with that picture if you ask me. Reminds me of the guy sitting on the ground at the Boston Marathon bombing just causally sitting there. I guess their job was just to sit there. Would you just casually sit on the ground when all around you is in disarray?

    • There were some people just standing around in a group, completely oblivious as if nothing was going on, in another video too. Maybe they were on drugs or something. Many were heavily drinking.
      There is evidence of this being part of a drill too, in which there were actors, like Boston and some other false flags.

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