Select comments tell the story:

Watch the original video (linked below). You can hear the same shot noise at 7:40, 8:12, and 8:36. You can see the light from the top of the Luxor at both 8:12, and 8:36.

Here’s a link to a video that show what the top of the Luxor is like.

I think it is the cabbies cellphone hitting the window of the cab creating the effect of a “flash and gun sound”. Not saying she purposefully did this. I’ve watched that part of the video over and over and over and that is what I have concluded.

if it was a gun shot you wouldnt see and hear it at the same time at that distance would be almost a 1 sec delay

And as far from it as she is, the sound should have been heard a second or 2 after the flash.

That’s incorrect. Look at the size of the so called flash, it is as big as the top of the building, if you were to put that in scaled size the weapon would be like a 12″ gun on a naval ship lol the flash is so immense when comparing to the rest of the building it just is not a muzzle flash. That’s a glare through her window

I am an experienced police combat competitor. I’ve seen and heard lots of shooting in my day.
That flash is way too bright to be muzzle flash from 300 yards away.
If the flash and the report (bang sound) seem to occur at the same time then the shooter must be within 40 yards of the camera.
Your shooter can’t possibly be atop the Luxor pyramid. More likely he is atop the stage or one of the band support vehicles.

If this is what you believe then we should see the “flash” first and then we should hear the rifle report shortly after. The speed of sound travels at 331.2 meters per second, in a dry atmosphere. The speed of light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second. So how can something that far away be in total sync? It’s because there was no shot. It was the camera hitting the glass window, hence the reason for both the sound and flash occuring at the same time. The sound and light didn’t have to travel far at all because it happened exactly where the camera was. That’s why we hear them in complete sync.

Its the cell phone hitting the window. you can see it in the reflection.

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According to Joe
Published on Oct 29, 2017
This looks like a single shots coming from the top of Luxor pyramid. Please watch this. I need your opinion.