Swede Cries Out For Help From Invasion b, 2027

Published on Feb 3, 2018
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Good evening, I’m still reporting on: Swede Cries Out For Help From Invasion b, 2027
Synopsis: I do not know this man’s name. He is a Swede crying out to the internet universe for some sort of help from Trumpers for his nation. There are two videos. Here is the first one:
This is so sad. He doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. He’s just throwing himself out into the universe looking for help for his country.
So what’s going on in Sweden as a result of the most liberal immigration policy in Europe?
Sweden has been among the world’s safest, richest and best-run countries in the world – until the open-door immigration policy hit.
However, so many migrants came in such a short time that none of them bothered to integrate, they just banded together and transplanted their culture into urban centers, and then started spreading.
Now, according to the Sunday Times of London, teens roam the streets with assault rifles as Sweden has done a cultural 180 and is rapidly becoming a crime and especially a rape capitol of Europe.
It’s so bad that Swedish police have recently completely abandoned an entire town – abandoning it to the law-of-the-jungle.