Hoffman presents a more balanced view of Hitler, standing up to the Hitler worship cult. At the end of the show, Hoffman tells how he hoped his book would be the start of a discussion about the true truth about Hitler, but some revisionists have don’t want to know the truth.

I totally agree. Many so-called “revisionists” aren’t really interested in the truth about who Hitler was and what he actually did. And they’ll attack anyone who tells the truth.

Sadly, they have hijacked the movement that could have exposed the falsehoods about this period, and especially the mistruths about the ‘Holocaust,’ which the Talmudists use to hide behind, as they further their NWO agenda.

Germar Rudolf also has also tried to bring balance. One die-hard “revisionist” Hitler apologist even censored Germar without Germar’s permission.

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Michael Hoffman on Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People
by Our Interesting Times

July 8, 2020

Michael Hoffman joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People. Michael is an independent scholar and the author of many books including The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, Judaism’s Strange Gods, and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. He is the editor of the Revisionist History newsletter and his primary website is www.revisionisthistory.org.

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