Pornography is deployed today as a psyop or mind weapon: to pacify, control, brutalize, and ultimately enslave the masses.
“We corrupt in order to rule.”
— Italian Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini

How do you take a nation of free and independent citizens and turn them into slaves? How do you do this slowly and imperceptibly, without violence, and with the willing participation of the slaves-to-be?
The answer is simple.
You corrupt them, undermine them, deprave them, demoralize them, until they have acquired all the characteristics of slaves.
As the sorceress Circe, with a wave of her magic wand, turned the followers of Ulysses into grunting swine, you can wield your weapon of mass hypnosis, the media, over a nation and transform its citizens into willing slaves. You can learn to roboticize man and turn him into a living machine. This is power. This is what it must feel like to be God — or the Devil.
Is there a secret weapon or “magic wand” for turning men into swine? Yes, there is. Sex is the secret weapon, the magic device, that turns men into swine.
1. Jews use pornography “to destroy gentile morals”
Who are the richest and most successful entrepreneurs of the $100 billion year porn industry? [1] The peddlers of pornography belong to all races, but one race above all stands out as preeminent in this field. Selling sex, like slave trafficking and moneylending, has always been a Jewish speciality.

“Though Jews make up only 2 percent of the American population, they dominate porn.”
Jewish academic historian Dr Nathan Abrams (right), perhaps the world’s most renowned authority on the Jewish role in pornography, let the cat out of the bag a few years ago in his controversial essay, Triple-Exthnics. [2]
Published in the prestigious Jewish Quarterly in 2004, this essay spelled out in detail how the world’s multibillion dollar porn industry was dominated by Jews.
Dr Abrams not only admits that Jews are the world’s most successful pornographers, he celebrates the fact. Jews, he tells us, have a grudge against Christianity, an “atavistic hatred of Christian authority” rooted in centuries of humiliation, and pornography is one of the ways in which they get their revenge on their Christian persecutors — the hateful oppressors who expelled them from 109 countries since the year 250 AD, always without justification. [3]
So it’s now payback time.
Jewish involvement in pornography [Dr Abrams notes candidly] has a long history in the United States. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography.
According to one anonymous industry insider quoted by E. Michael Jones in the magazine Culture Wars (May 2003), “the leading male performers through the 1980s came from secular Jewish upbringings and the females from Roman Catholic day schools”.
The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa [non-Jewish female].
Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America.
Jewish involvement in porn, Dr Abrams believes, “is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.” [4]

— Al Goldstein, Jewish pornographer
Al Goldstein (pictured), the publisher of Screw magazine, had once said — and Dr Abrams is happy to quote him: “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that CHRIST SUCKS.”
Dr Abrams’ indulgent attitude to porn is a little surprising. Here is a man who actually believes that Jewish domination of the porn industry is a stunning achievement. Jews get gold stars for masturbation promotion.
ADL National Director, Abraham H. Foxman, agrees with the “liberal” idea that pornography is a good thing — if not for the countless victims of porn addiction, at least for Jews who grow rich on exploiting those addicts. “Those Jews who enter the pornography industry,” Foxman notes with approval, “have done so as individuals pursuing the American dream.” [5]
Dr Abrams, the sober Jewish academic, now ups the ante by adding a sinister touch to the controversy. “Jews are the driving force behind the modern pornographic industry,” he tells us smugly, “and their motivation is, in part, to destroy gentile morals.” [6]
To destroy gentile morals.
Note that phrase well. It amounts to an open declaration of war. For why should Jews wish to “destroy gentile morals” unless they hated the gentiles — in this case, Christians — and wanted to destroy our most cherished values?
There is no law to prevent this Jewish comedienne (pictured opposite) from uttering blasphemous obscenities against Jesus Christ and giving offense to 2.1 billion Christians by her infamous comment, “I hope the Jews did kill Christ! I’d fucking do it again — in a second!”
Just imagine an equally well-known Christian comedian coming out with a similar insult against the victims of the Holocaust: “I hope the Nazis DID kill 6 million Jews! I’d fucking do it again — in a second!”
Such a grossly offensive comment would be unthinkable. The comic who made it would be ostracized at once and never allowed to work again in the entertainment business.
And yet the Jew today, in the person of Sarah Silverman, is perfectly free to spit in the Christian’s face and is even applauded for this hate speech. The Christian can do nothing about it. He has become a slave in his own country — an object of ridicule and contempt.
2. How Jews Dominate the American Porn Industry
It comes as no surprise to learn that Jews dominate the production and distribution of pornography. If you want to learn more about these luminaries of lust and see what they look like, here is an excellent starting point.
In a now defunct article entitled Jews in Porn, parts of which have been published on Henry Makow’s site, Luke Ford notes:
Used to hatred from society, Jews will do its dirty work – such as money-lending in the Middle Ages or porn today – for the opportunity to make money.
Persecuted for millennia in the various societies they’ve lived in, many Jews developed an allegiance to their own survival as their highest value and care little about the survival of the persecuting society.
Even when Jews live in a society that welcomes them instead of harassing them, many Jews hate the majority culture.
Neither rooted in their own tradition or in that of the majority Christian tradition, they live in a community of rebels.
Because of Judaism’s emphasis on education and verbal dexterity, Jews dominate academia, entertainment and media generally. Porn flows out of this culture over which Jews exert an influence disproportionate to their 2% proportion of the American population. [7]
Robert J. Stoller, M.D. in his 1991 book, Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century, sought to understand the mentality of the people involved in the hard core pornography business. While interviewing some of the actors and actresses in California, he was told, “If you’re welcomed into the porn scene, it’s unbelievable. It’s an extended family…. So many Jewish people involved with it.” [8]

Known also as “Porn Valley”, this bastion of Jewish sleaze is thought to produce 90 percent of America’s pornography.
Today, most porn movies and porn videos in America are produced by Jews in the San Fernando Valley (pictured) in Southern California. This is located just north of Los Angeles in a sprawl of seedy suburbs known to locals as “Porn Valley” or “the Other Hollywood”.
Here Jews are the kingpins of the sex industry and own every single major studio. Chief among these is Vivid Entertainment [9], reportedly the largest porn production company in the world.
This is owned by Jewish multi-billionaire Steven Hirsch, sometimes known as the “Porn King”. Vivid generates an estimated $100 million a year in revenue, cranking out 60 films per year and selling them in video stores, hotel rooms, on cable systems and on the Internet. [10]
“Sex is a powerful thing,” Hirsch notes complacently. “This is the right time for us!” [11]
Another billionaire Jewish porn mogul, Paul Fishbein, founder of Adult Video News (AVN), is also headquartered in Porn Valley, California. Fishbein’s business associates, Irving Slifkin, Barry Rosenblatt, and Eli Cross are all fabulously rich Jews. [12]
So make no mistake: Porn Valley, California, is a Jewish enclave, as Jewish as Tel Aviv or Brooklyn.

“Those Jews who enter the porn industry have done so as individuals pursuing the American dream.”
3. The Jewish Role in Child Pornography
According to the British charity, National Children’s Homes, 55 percent of the world’s child porn in made in America. [13]
It would be astonishing to learn that Jews were not in the forefront of this sordid enterprise also, given that they dominate the porn industry as a whole. [14]
Pedophilia is a worldwide phenomenon, but it is an undeniable fact that the large number of Jews who practice it appear to do so with a certain impunity. Roman Polanski, after he had drugged and raped an unconscious nymphette, got off the hook lightly. All he had to do was buy a one-way ticket to Paris, France. Nothing was done to bring him to justice.
In July 2000, Brazilian police tried to arrest the Israeli vice-consul in Rio de Janeirio, Arie Scher. He was wanted on suspicion of running a child porn ring from the Israeli embassy. Vast quantities of pornographic material had been found on his computer. What happened to Scher? Nothing. Claiming diplomatic immunity, he hopped on a plane to Tel Aviv and that was the last that was heard of him. [15]
Another Jewish pedophile too important to receive serious punishment for his crimes was the son of the famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. Found in possession of the hugest cache of child pornography in California, a federal crime normally carrying a 20-year sentence, David Asimov was to receive a slap on the wrist: six months home detention.
How is it he got off so lightly? “A look at the players yields the answer,” a sensational news report reads. “Asimov’s child porn stash was so big that many child victims and perpetrators would have taken a fall had Asimov been zealously prosecuted at trial.” [16]
There is one law for the Jews, it seems, and another for us lesser mortals.
4. Jewish Gang involved in Child Murder and Snuff Pornography
If 55 percent of the world’s child pornography is produced in the US — according to the British charity National Children’s Homes — 23 percent of the world’s child porn is produced in Russia. [17]
Whether or not Russian child porn is dominated by Russian Jews remains a nebulous issue. There is a high probability that it is, given that there is more than enough solid evidence of Russian Jewish involvement in sex trafficking, kidnapping, pedophilia, and even child murder in the production of snuff porn movies.
See endnote 17 for more on the subject of the Jewish role in the world child porn industry.
Here is a news report first published in October 2000. It will give the reader some idea of the depths of depravity to which some pornographers are willing to sink:
Rome, Italy — Italian and Russian police, working together, broke up a ring of Jewish gangsters who had been involved in the manufacture of child rape and snuff pornography.
Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five years old from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and then murdering them on film.
Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1700 nationwide, 600 in Italy, and an unknown number in the United States, paid as much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped and murdered.
Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up, but were circumvented by Italian news reporters, who broadcast scenes from the films live at prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million Italian viewers. Jewish officials then fired the executives responsible, claiming they were spreading “blood libel.”
Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media conglomerates refused to carry the story on television news, saying that it would prejudice Americans against Jews. [18]

According to the Talmud, 3-year-old girls like this are fair game for sex with adults (Sanhedrin 54b). Killing them is permissible too. “The best of the gentiles deserves to be killed,” the revered Rabbi ben Yohai states authoritatively in the Talmud. [19]
5. Mass Enslavement through Sex
It is a tragedy that the Jews should have been allowed to deploy pornography to such good effect that they have succeeded in enslaving entire nations, as Circe with a touch of her magic wand enslaved the Greeks, turning men into swine: an apt metaphor for what lies ahead for the masses under their new masters.
“A really efficient totalitarian state,” Aldous Huxley once noted, “would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” [20]
Organized Jewry seems to have no moral scruples about profiting from the sale of pornography. They show no concern about the proven fact that highly addictive and dangerous erototoxins are released into the brain after contact with pornography and can cause progressive brain damage. [21]
Nor do these pornocentric Jews have any qualms of conscience in regard to the wholesale corruption of families, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, or show the slightest concern about the tragic descent of children into the hell of compulsive masturbation and porn addiction — a subject I have covered in detail in a soon-to-be-published article.
These sex entrepreneurs, intent on easy profits, have eagerly sought to provide the masses with the cheapest and deadliest of tranquilizers: opportunities for endless orgasms, by way of a ceaseless flow of pornographic images in the mass media they control.
This is one way to achieve world domination without the need for revolutionary violence or military conquest: to take entire countries and turn them into giant masturbatoria.
The model citizens of the future will be happy masturbators. This enthralling activity will keep them occupied throughout the day. It will make them docile and complacent, sated and semi-somnolent, like drugged dung flies in a cesspool or swilling latrine. They will be too busy debauching themselves to mount revolutions or plan revenge attacks against the shadowy elite who have been the architects of their slavery.
These are not the worldchangers and wizards of the future of whom Nietzsche said, “Behold, I show you the Superman!” Because of their degeneracies, their weaknesses, they are destined for the dustbin of history.
“Behold, I show you the Superman!”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra
Here is what Brother Nathanael Kapner has to say on this subject. It is a neat summation. The fact that Kapner is Jewish makes his words even more compelling:
“The degradation of Western Christian social life did not merely happen, it was planned, deliberately fostered and spread, as outlined by The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This systematic undermining of the culture of the West continues today.
The instruments of this assault on Christian culture and consciousness are the weapons of propaganda: the press, television, cinema, and education. The chief fount of the propaganda is the cinema.
From his capital in Hollywood, the Jew spews out an endless series of perverted films to debase and degenerate the youth of America and the Western world. Divorce replaces marriage, abortion replaces birth, and the family becomes the battleground of individual strife. The Jew has attained his goal in destroying Western culture.” [22]
I am afraid I cannot agree with Kapner’s sweeping conclusion that the Jews are entirely to blame for the decline and fall of Western culture. If the West has gone to hell in a handbasket, the goyim are as much to blame. Their enthusiastic complicity with their own corrupters has been their undoing.
The society we get is the society we deserve.
6. Conclusion
There is little doubt that the virulent sex epidemic we witness all around us is a deliberately planned sex psyop. This is what governments want.
The Puppet Masters who pull the hidden strings of our Western regimes, all masquerading as democracies, have managed to manufacture exactly what we see when we look around us: widespread neurosis, mass misery, the collapse of moral values, Christianity in ruins, and the coarse brutalization of the common man.
No need for gulags for those who consent to their own chains.
[1] “Worldwide pornography industry approaches $100 billion.”
[2] Nathan Abrams, Triple-exthnics, (Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2004, Number 196). Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry.
[3] 109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250
[4] Nathan Abrams, Op.cit.
[5] Quoted in Nathan Abrams, Op. cit.
[6] Nathan Abrams, Op. cit.
[7] Quoted in Henry Makow, Jews and Porn.
[8] Robert J. Stoller, Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century.
[9] “Hard Times in Porn Valley.”
[10] Vivid Entertainment (Wikipedia).
[11] Forbes magazine, “The Porn King”. # 20,000 pornographic videos are produced each year in the San Fernando Valley, roughly at the rate of one new porn video every 40 minutes. (Rachel Alexander, Porn Addition at Crisis Levels.)
[12] AVN Magazine (Wikipedia, history).
[13] Penn State Law Professors Trot Out ‘Female Porn Leaders’ to Whitewash Realities of Adult Industry (explicit language).
[14] Dr Lasha Darkmoon, Masters of Porn: The Systematic Promotion of Sexual Deviance. (See also n.2 above, Dr Nathan Abrams, Triple-Exthnics).
[15] (1) Brazilian police stake out diplomat accused of running kiddie-porn ring (07/06/2000). (2) Israeli Consul Assistant involved with prostitution of minors escapes from Brazil (07/05/2000). (3) Brazil links Israeli consul to child prostitution (07/05/2000).
[16] Isaac Asimov’s son, his involvement in child porn. Link lost. We receive the message, “Server not found. Firefox can’t find the server at”
[17] Penn State Law Professors Trot Out ‘Female Porn Leaders’ to Whitewash Realities of Adult Industry.
Since 55 percent of the world’s child porn is produced in the US (see above), and since 90 percent of US porn is produced by Jews in the San Fernando Valley, California, it follows that Jews dominate the child porn industry in America.
In addition, if 23 percent of the world’s child porn is produced in Russia, it is more than likely that Russian Jews are behind this sleazy industry in view of the well-known involvement of the Judeo-Russian mafia in sex trafficking, sex slavery, prostitution and pornography in general.
This would make the Jews the predominant purveyors of child pornography in the world — a remarkable achievement for a race who make up no more than 0.2 percent of the world’s population.
[18] “Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As Two on Film.”
Note. The article quoted above has also been published on a reputable Canadian website, the Jewish Tribune, giving it an added authenticity. Scroll down to: “Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As 2 On Film. JEWISH CHILD PORN / SNUFF FILM RING DISCOVERED.”
[19] Michael A. Hoffman, The Truth about the Talmud. A Documented Exposé of Supremacist Rabbinic Hate Literature. Excerpts from Michael A. Hoffman’s book, “Judaism’s Strange Gods” (2000).
[20] Dr Lasha Darkmoon, The Sexual Subversion of America (Part 2). An edited abridgement of E. Michael Jones’ 2003 essay, Rabbi Dresner’s Dilemma: Torah v. Ethnos.
[21] Dr Lasha Darkmoon, Pornography’s Effect on the Brain.
[22] Bro. Nathaneal Kapner, The Judaic Destruction of Western Culture.
Lasha Darkmoon
Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles and poems have been translated into several languages. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker. Her own website,, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.
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