46:45 “Every other technology has improved the user experience except one, music. … Over a period of decades you actually make the audio quality worse….”

55:00 The less Spotify subscribers stream music the more Spotify makes. “There is a whole system out there incentivized for people to care not care much about music.” So feature and post boring, uninspiring music — the love of money factor.

56:30 Bending the note is now gone with the feeling.

A Warning On the Future of Music: with Author Ted Gioia | Podcast #1

May 19, 2022

Rick Beato

Ted Gioia is an American music critic and historian. He is author of eleven books, including Music: A Subversive History, The Jazz Standards: A Guide to the Repertoire, The History of Jazz and Delta Blues. He is also a jazz musician and one of the founders of Stanford University’s jazz studies program.

Episode links:

Ted’s Website: http://tedgioia.com/

Ted’s Twitter: @Ted Gioia

Ted’s Substack: The Honest Broker | Ted Gioia | Substack https://tedgioia.substack.com/
