Peter Levenda is an American author whose writing has focused on occult history. He is best known for his book Unholy Alliance, which is about Nazi occultism. In this episode Peter discusses The Knights Templar, Freemasons, John Dee and Enochian magic and other occult practices.

​In this episode Peter discusses The OTO, Alister Crowley, The Solar Lodge, The Process Church, The Son of Sam murders, The Church of Satan and other occult practices.

33:00 Joseph Smith and the Mormons. Ceremonial magic to invoke spirits.

Levenda’s book on Mormonism: The Angel and the Sorcerer: The Remarkable Story of the Occult Origins of Mormonism and the Rise of Mormons in American Politics 

Smith got away with mistranslating the plates then, because people didn’t know what they said, which we now do.

Part 2:

12:30 “Do what thou wilt” is separated from “Do what you want.” “You can’t do what thou wilt until you know what your will is. … Once you find out who you really are then you pretty much have to what thou wilt, because at that point, to go against it is to basically committing suicide.”

Red Flag: Levenda refuses to believe that child ritual abuse happens to any significant degree. Bryant brings up proven cases.

Nick Bryant