Freedom from Alaska!

(vid) 🚨 YouTube Censors Dice AGAIN 🚨- Deletes 'Black Man Shoots Up White Church – Media Ignores…' — Allows Leftist, Violent Threats Videos

🚨 YouTube Censored Me AGAIN 🚨 – Deleted My Video – And You Won’t Believe Which One!

Published on Oct 9, 2017

YouTube has censored another one of my videos and the irony is just too much when you see which video they deleted!


(6-Min Video Compilation) MULTIPLE Witnesses Say Multiple Shooters, Locations, Angles!


(vid) Paul Joseph Watson & The Lone Gunman LIE!


  1. What is interesting about Mark is he is a “Holocaust” believer and he is being put into the same pot as us “Holocaust Deniers”! So as you can see the powers to be don’t like any exposer of their pet fake news stories but then again the HoloHoax story is the biggest false news story of them all and still many chose not to investigate it and many actually believe the false news about it and think they are on the right side of the main issues we are being forced to believe today.
    Bottom line is you either believe in them all or none at all, and the media censors don’t care which ones you believe but only the ones you don’t believe or give them a hard time on.

    • Mark, for sure, won’t go anywhere near where we’re going. I don’t know why. He certainly gets a lot of traffic this way, and probably a lot of money.
      I watched the video that he’s talking about here, and chose not to post it, because he gets too sarcastic and puts down people. He says he’s a Christian, but clearly doesn’t love many people as much as he loves himself, and just slams them.
      It’s sad that Mark hasn’t been willing to expose Zionism. He could have really helped it be blown wide open. All we really need is one or more people like him to become like Alison Chabloz, and the truth would spread like wildfire.
      Maybe if the Talmudists push him around too much he’ll finally be willing.
      He may have to start posting on an alternative video site, and should probably already be mirroring his videos on another host.

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