Henry Lahore, creator of the most comprehensive vitamin D website, vitaminDwiki.com, which has 174 diseases listed in alphabetical order on the left side. He’s speaking in high latitude Iceland, 64°. Anchorage, Alaska is 61.2° latitude.
2.5 times the weekly 50,000 iu dose if obese.
Helps 100 illnesses, 48 proven with peer reviewed studies.
55:50 Some health problems like MS solved with 50-150,000 daily.
“Cluster headaches, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and others need much higher amount than 50,000 once a week.” (transcript)
Almost 2 months to respond to 50K weekly unless start with loading dose.
Typically 90% of the people are somewhat low or very low. Only 10% are above 30 nanograms.
1:50:15 Autism reversed with high vitamin D
Recommends 300 mcg of K2 every three days. Best to not take at the same time as D. Can decrease D absorption.
Henry takes 100,000 iu every four days, and he’s thin.
Starts at 21:49
Q & A Continues at 1:50:15
Effectivenss of 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly – discussion March 4, 2023