Freedom from Alaska!

Tag: car

Alaska: Falling Moose Nearly Takes Out Trooper—Always Gotta Be Ready

From: Anchorage Daily News

We’ve seen the highway signs that warn of falling rocks, and we’ve seen the ones that warn of moose crossing.

Now Howard Peterson of the Alaska State Troopers wonders if we need a new sign:

Watch for falling moose.

A swing-shift trooper based in Girdwood, Peterson was cruising the Seward Highway the night of Feb. 2 a couple miles north of McHugh Creek [about 10 miles from Anchorage – ed.] when something big and black fell from the sky, landing about 20 feet from his car.

“Falling rock!” he thought, ready to steer clear if it bounced onto the highway.

When the rock didn’t roll or shatter, Peterson’s brain came up with a crazy image:

“Falling moose?”

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Falling Cow Hits Car (After Church)–Always gotta be ready!

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Why aren’t we hearing more about this?

Could all of these reports be bogus? Some think so.

Or is the corporatocracy protecting its ability to control the people through the energy source they manage—extracting $billions$ from the people in the process?

[youtube=]Denny Klein

[youtube=]Salt Water Into Fire 2 (John Kanzius)

[youtube=]Salt Water Into Fire 3 (John Kanzius)

[youtube=]Salt Water Into Fire 4 (John Kanzius)

[youtube=]Stanley Meyer


(video) Jim Marrs in studio with Alex Jones: NWO Suppressed Technology

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Suppression of Energy Technologies

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