World Affairs Brief, February 8, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief ( <>  )


The untold story emerging from the Super Tuesday primaries is not that McCain has the Republican nomination almost wrapped up, or that the Democrats are evenly split in their support for Obama and Clinton.  The real story is that the manipulation of the election process has become so obvious to the thinking portion of each party that a latent rebellion is brewing. More and more people are cynical and angry over media bias, carefully timed big name endorsements that sway ignorant voters, and back room party deals (yet to come) that are specifically aimed at thwarting the ever-growing dissatisfaction of voters with the hollow promises of change.  Those that spend a considerable amount of time pondering the issues and candidate positions (both real and feigned) are in the minority of each party.  But, they are at least twice as active as passive and manipulated voters–and they don’t like what they see ahead.  Is this growing rebellion enough to stop the establishment process of limiting our choice to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum?  Probably not, at least not yet, but dissatisfaction levels are growing so much that if the establishment forces John McCain and Hillary Clinton upon the nation, an independent challenge is probable. This week I’ll talk about the options.