Freedom from Alaska!

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Skousen: WW III Timing & Trigger — China won’t be able to help Russia occupy the US until 2027, following EMP/nukes. Taiwan may be the trigger event

From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, June 7, 2024 — “Is Nuclear War Imminent over US/NATO Weapons to Ukraine?”

As I’ve explained many times before, Putin can’t nuke the West when he is in no position to consolidate that military destruction with occupation. He just doesn’t have the conventional military capacity or troops to do so. That is why he has to wait for China, and China won’t be ready until at least 2027. That doesn’t mean that the war will come in that year, only that China will probably be ready to exercise its aggressive plans to conquer. There will still need to be a trigger event, which may well be the invasion of Taiwan.

Joel Skousen: Deep state won’t let Trump win; Toughest times ahead; Obeying our consciences in little things

Skousen: Israel provoking war with Iran to involve the US in yet another NWO regime-change war (Netanyahu is a ‘full globalist’) — Why we keep US troops in Syria and Iraq, to make sure Americans get bloodied, to justify our so-called “defensive” involvement

From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, April 12, 2024

Is a Larger Middle East War Imminent?

Israel has been provoking Iran into an attack for the last three years by its regular bombing of Iranian bases in Syria, which so far has not worked. Seemingly to increase the provocation, In the first week of April, Israel bombed Iran’s embassy in Damascus, which is a clear violation of diplomatic immunity and which no nation does including in wartime out of respect to other nation’s diplomatic missions. This bombing provocation went even further than violating embassy sovereignty by Israel killing several of Iran’s high ranking military officers which were meeting in an embassy annex at the time. Israel could not have known about this meeting without high level penetration of Iranian and Syrian governments by Israeli spies. So, just as the war on Hamas was started by inviting the attack by the IDF pulling out most of its soldiers from Southern Israel and leaving it wide open and vulnerable, Israel is apparently itching for a fight with Iran by provoking it. In short, if war comes, Israel will be just as responsible for it as Iran.

As Israel’s most important ally, the US will also be drawn into the fight, and the major war that ensues with Iran will deplete US supplies of weapons and munitions much lower than during its current aid to Israel and Ukraine, leaving America even more vulnerable to the major world war still to come with China and Russia. Iran’s military is formidable, so the US and Israel will also suffer many casualties. …

Skousen: Putin’s Fraudulent Landslide Election Victory — No one wins an election with 88% of the vote, except in Communist-controlled countries. And as I’ve long documented, Russia is still a communist country, which controls a lot of fake “independent” parties to make it appear as a democracy

World Affairs Brief, March 22, 2024. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


No one wins an election with 88% of the vote, except in Communist-controlled countries. And as I’ve long documented, Russia is still a communist country, which controls a lot of fake “independent” parties to make it appear as a democracy. The “fall of Communism” and the Soviet Union in 1989-91 was a carefully crafted deception. [See the March 3, 2023 WAB in the archives for the evidence]

Considering all the massive protests in Russia against Putin’s leadership just last year, the world is rightly skeptical of Putin’s claimed election victory with 88% of the vote in this weekend’s election. His banning, arresting, or even killing all the most popular opposition leaders does tend to have a chilling effect on Russian politics—though it should have the opposite effect on the voters. If the skewed results hold, we’ll know Russian elections are about as fraudulent as our own in the West. The Daily Mail filed this report:

Joel Skousen: One More Timing Indicator for WWIII — Admiral John Aquilino – “Chinese leadership has directed the military to prepare for Taiwan’s invasion by 2027”

World Affairs Brief, March 22, 2024. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

One More Timing Indicator for WWIII

Admiral John Aquilino, Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, on the verge of his retirement, issued one last warning to America, saying that the “Chinese leadership has directed the military to prepare for Taiwan’s invasion by 2027.”

“All indications point to the PLA meeting President Xi Jinping’s directive to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027,”, said in prepared testimony to U.S. Armed Services Committee on Wednesday. “Although the PRC claims it prefers to achieve unification through peaceful means, Xi will not renounce the use of force,” Aquilino added. [Newsweek via]

Skousen: Boeing Whistleblower Suicided? Was due to attend a third day of depositions

World Affairs Brief, March 15, 2024. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Boeing Whistleblower Suicided?: Boeing whistleblower John Barnett was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head. There was a gun in his hand and note left on the passenger seat of his truck outside a South Carolina hotel, the police report reveals. He had not yet completed giving evidence in that city about practices by Boeing that marginalized safety checks on their airline assembly lines. He was due to attend a third day of depositions when he was found dead. [Daily Mail] This looks very suspicious especially in light of all the aviation accidents suddenly happening on Boeing airplanes. Hotel employees where he was staying say he had a normal dinner and seemed fine that evening.

Constitution Party Candidate Joel Skousen Running for President 2024! — “As we move closer to WWIII with Russia and China, it’s crucial that as many conservatives as possible wake up”

As we move closer to WWIII with Russia and China, it’s crucial that as many conservatives as possible wake up to how they and all Americans have been deceived by Deep State control over the media, political institutions, and the courts and how difficult it is to root them out now that they control almost all the levers of power in this country.

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World Affairs Brief, February 23, 2024 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Skousen: The Life and Death of Alexei Navalny | Putin’s Long List of Victims

World Affairs Brief, February 23, 2024 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Alexei Navalny was the most effective voice in Russia against the perpetual strong-man rule of Vladimir Putin. He didn’t have all the true free-market answers for Russia’s semi-controlled economy and facade of democracy, but he did recognize that Russia didn’t really have free elections. He was well spoken and openly challenged the corruption of Putin and his oligarchs, and was charismatic as well, with a rising popularity garnering tens of thousands at protest rallies. All of these things made him a formidable threat to Putin and his control over almost all the opposition parties, and that was precisely why Navalny was targeted for arrest and imprisonment where he died this week after being transferred to one of the worst gulag-style prisons in Siberia. Tucker Carlson again showed his ignorance (not treason) of the real Putin by defending him against charges that he had Navalny killed, and so I’ll take readers through the long list of persons Putin ordered killed since oligarch chief Boris Berezovsky brought Putin to Power in 2000. A few years later Berezovsky himself was exiled to London and later assassinated upon Putin’s orders but made to look like a suicide.

Skousen: Putin Admits Russian Leadership Initiated Fall of the Soviet Union

World Affairs Brief, February 9, 2024 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


In Tucker Carlson’s newly-released interview with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, in a moment of historical candor, admitted that the Russian leadership “initiated the collapse of the Soviet Union.” Tucker completely missed the importance of what he just heard as Putin slyly claimed he “didn’t know why they would do this” and then wove a false tale about the aftermath of the “collapse” where Russia continually made overtures of peace and cooperation with the West, but which the US rejected repeatedly. Carlson buys all of this hook, line and sinker, and so will other conservatives who are eager to embrace Russia as the good guy in the war in Ukraine. Putin never admitted that this “collapse” was done to trick the West into thinking “Communism was dead,” and that we had “won the cold war.” In this week’s brief I will help readers see beyond Putin’s artful narrative, and show how the Soviets did this to gain Western aid, trade and technology to catch up as they were losing the economic and military arms race. And it worked. In fact, the US knew the Russians had faked their own demise and went along with it, because the globalists were still in the mode of building Russia and China as future enemies in order to eventually have one more world war that would finally force the US into a militarized global government.

Vladimir Putin doesn’t give interviews unless he is confident the outcome will be favorable to him and his war against Ukraine, and so it was not surprising to me that he welcomed the chance to be interviewed by Tucker, knowing that Carlson has already taken a pro-Russian view of the war and has been a key element in getting conservative Republicans to block aid to Ukraine.

Even before this interview Putin has taken great pains to craft a public image as a “Christian” (which he is not) and someone who is opposed to the Western trend promoting excessive tolerance for the LGBT agenda (which most rational people don’t agree with). And, this interview was clearly intended to reinforce Putin’s claim to be the victim of Western aggression, targeting Carlson’s core audience–Republican conservatives.

John Williams (Shadow Stats): Real inflation about 8% higher — Congress has rigged inflation since 1983

Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, January 19, 2024

John Williams on the Current State of Inflation: John Williams has been at the head of “” for years—the best source for real inflation numbers. In this interview with Jason Burach, founder of Financial Education Company, Williams tells the history of how Congress decided in 1983 to begin skewing the Consumer Price Index with new criteria in order to reduce what Social Security recipients would get from the annual COLA—Cost of Living Allowance adjustment. He says the changes they have made over the years lower the real rate of inflation by 8 full percentage points. So if the CPI is 2%, it’s really 9-10%. I think he’s right.

Skousen: The US is Still Illegally Occupying Syrian Oil Fields

World Affairs Brief, January 12, 2024 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Meanwhile the US is Still Illegally Occupying Syrian Oil Fields

The US certainly can’t say that their occupation of the oil producing region of Syria is defensive. They are doing this to make sure Syria can’t rebuild after all the devastation US-backed terrorists (rebels and ISIS—both of which were imported by the US to Syria) have caused. reports that the presence of the US bases (nine and counting) continue to invite attacks from Iraqi militias.

Skousen: Putin Heart Attack?

From Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, 10/27/23

Putin Heart Attack? Several credible news reports surfaced about V. Putin suffering a heart attack but recovering, (some claim dying) and using body doubles to take his place, including during his recent trip to China. Moscow denies all reports, as expected. “Guards at Vladimir Putin’s residence reportedly entered the Russian leader’s apartment after hearing a loud crash before discovering the 71-year-old ‘lying on the floor next to the bed’.”

Defense Dept. report: China now has more than 500 nuclear warheads | My comment

My comment:

Joel Skousen has been studying the nuclear capability of Russia for over 30 years. He recently said “Russia has about 10,000 warheads on missiles, and we have 400.” We’ve been downsizing, while Russia has been upsizing. Russia’s anti-ballistic missiles can take ours out too, while we can’t reliably take theirs out, because ours have to actually strike the missile. Russia’s only have to get near ours and then explode.

Russia has EMP weapons that can take down our electricity for a year, during which almost all Americans would die from that alone: no heat, water, sewer, transportation, communication, food, etc..

Lisa Murkowski gutted the bill that had passed the House, which was supposed to start the hardening of our power grid. She’s a traitor in more ways than one.

So we’re sitting ducks. Russia doesn’t have the manpower to takeover the US after they strike us, which is why they’re allying with China, who wants arable land: our lower-48. Russia wants Alaska back.

Dumitru Duduman and many others have prophesied Russia and China nuking the USA. But it will start with civil unrest, which probably hasn’t happened fully enough yet, but soon could. The globalists, including Biden are working hard on it.

We have a small window of opportunity to get real Christianity happening, Jesus’ prayer in John 17 fulfilled “that the world will know” — and God’s standard in Ephesians 4:11-16 happening.

It could start from Anchorage, but we have to be serious about teaching and believing what the Bible actually says, so we actually abide in Christ, and do so together in unity “that the world will know,” Jesus’ promised in John 17.

A fairly well known pastor in Anchorage had a dream that Anchorage was a Christian city.

We can’t even feel the presence of God in our churches anymore. Spiritually, Anchorage has declined, big-time! Instead of cranking up the music to rock concert levels so people think something is happening during “worship,” how about everyone making sure they’re right with God and each other, like Paul always practiced doing (Acts 24:16).

Acts 24:16 “So I ALWAYS take pains to have a CLEAR CONSCIENCE toward both God and MAN.”

And have Jesus’ John-17 and Ephesians-4 goal as our goal.

We can lead the whole world into holiness, so we’ll be ready no matter what happens in this next decade.


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From Must Read Alaska:

Defense Dept. report: China now has more than 500 nuclear warheads

The Department of Defense briefed reporters on the 2023 China Military Power Report that DOD delivered to Congress this week. In it, the Pentagon says that China now has 500 nuclear warheads, is deepening ties to Russia, and is increasing its aggression on Taiwan.

David Knight Show: Joel Skousen on WWIII — “Russia has about 10,000 warheads on missiles, and we have 400”

1:15:30 Timing for WWIII

1:16:20 “Russia has about 10,000 warheads on missiles, and we have 400.”

Joel is age 76

BEGINS 1:00:25 Joel Skousen,, talks details on the equipment and tactics in Ukraine and the long term strategy of US, Russia and China.

The David Knight Show

Joel Skousen w/ Richard Syrett: The Durham Report

Joel Skousen w/ David Knight 10/5/23

The David Knight Show

Skousen: The Other Side of the Story of James O’Keefe

World Affairs Brief, September 8, 2023 (

The Other Side of the Story of James O’Keefe: When the Board of Project Veritas took issue with O’Keefe’s extravagant spending and ousted him last year, I generally sided with O’Keefe’s version—something I now regret. Here is the other side of the story showing some of O’Keefe’s bad judgment amid poor moral choices, and his often lavish lifestyle courtesy of donor funds. The Daily Mail tabloid revealed details of his spending habits. Apparently, much of it centered around O’Keefe’s wooing of a TV star in California and purposely setting up donor meetings that would also give him the opportunity to spend time with his girlfriend. Sadly, we can’t always rely on conservatives to have proper moral habits in private, as evidenced by the next story as well.

Skousen: The Maui Firestorm — Lahaina fire NOT started by directed energy weapons

World Affairs Brief, August 18, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


I have received tens of emails buying into the claims that the Maui fires were started by Direct Energy Weapons (DEW), based on stories circulating on the internet purportedly showing lasers focused on these areas. But even though such weapons do exist, the ones powerful enough to start fires are invisible to the naked eye, being in the infrared spectrum. And, there is a tremendous amount of attenuation over long distances through the atmosphere which prohibits their use from space on earth targets. Iain Boyd, director of the Center for National Security Initiatives at the University of Colorado, Boulder said, “Modern lasers with power that is high enough to start any kind of fire operate in the infrared and so cannot be seen by the naked eye.”

So, all the photos used as “proof” have either been photo-shopped or taken from some other time and place. Some are the result of a camera phenomenon called “lens flare.” The NY Post, which is not hostile to legitimate conspiracies, was able to explain away all the photos that are circulating as “proof” of DEW—including the dramatic photo of a red shaft of light coming down into a cloud of smoke (which was photo shopped from a rocket launch in California).

Another video sent to me showing bright flashes of light within the smoke and fire, is actually a known phenomenon in raging fires combined within high humidity conditions where the smoke columns produce internal lightning strikes.

As for taller trees surviving the fire without their foliage being burned, that is a known phenomenon of fires driven by high winds where the flames stay lower to the ground. That was also observed in the wind driven California fires, leading to a lot of erroneous DEW conspiracies as well.

RFK Jr on Tucker: “Putin has 1,000 more nukes than we do… They can shoot down our nukes. We can’t shoot down theirs”

“Look at what this [Ukraine] war is doing. We have pushed Russia into the embrace of China, which is the worst foreign policy outcome imaginable. It is not good for the national security of our country. And we now have Putin’s back to the wall.

Putin is the world’s leading nuclear superpower. We aren’t. He’s got 1,000 more nukes than we do, and their nukes are much better than ours. They can shoot down our nukes. We can’t shoot down theirs.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @ 31:15, 8/14/23 [Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle]

Skousen: US Air Force Told to Prepare for War with China Within Two Years

World Affairs Brief, August 4, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

US Air Force Told to Prepare for War with China Within Two Years

A top US Air Force general has warned war could break out with China in as little as two years and has readied his troops.

Skousen: Finally a Good Data Analysis on Vote Fraud in the 2020 Election

Applying an algorithm to voting results can only effectively be done at the tabulation computer level, not the individual voting machinewith computers at Edison Research, not Dominion.

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World Affairs Brief, July 14, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Joe Hoft of the Gateway Pundit produced a fairly comprehensive report by Erin and David Clements on how we know there was massive vote fraud in the 2020 election. They even mention Edison Research which was hacked into in 2020 to expose how many millions of votes were flipped, changed or disappearedfrom Donald Trump’s true tally. As I have long said, the really big manipulation takes place in the tabulation computers which compile results.

Skousen: WWIII PDD-60 Update – Russians and Chinese don’t believe the US will absorb a nuclear first strike — why they still think they can win even if the US does launch on warning”

PDD-60 is Bill Clinton’s presidential directive changing “launch on first warning” to launch only after the US is actually hit with nukes, which Joel Skousen has documented, and has shown recently that it hasn’t been rescinded. This is the first time I’ve seen Joel say that he believes Russia and China would attack even if they believed we would launch our nukes on first warning, ignoring PDD-60.

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World Affairs Brief, April 28, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


As long-term readers know, I have long documented how the US Deep State drummed up the war on terror in order, in part, to create the image of the US as the “bully of the world” which would help Russia and China justify their eventual attack on the West. Their actions around the world has created a true “ugly American” reputation especially in the Middle East after its military invasions of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, after falsely blaming these countries for the 9/11 attack which justified all the atrocities during the “war on terror.” –Terror which our own Deep State created. …

And relative to the coming war a subscriber asked how the Russians and Chinese will ever feel like they can win against the US even with a nuclear first strike, since they don’t actually believe that the US will use PDD-60 to stop our forces from launching on warning.

Iran Starts to Attack US Illegal Occupation of Syrian Oil Fields

From: World Affairs Brief, March 31, 2023

Iran Starts to Attack US Illegal Occupation of Syrian Oil Fields: Iran-backed fighters fired a series of missiles at a US base near Syria’s Al-Omar oilfield, which the US is illegally occupying under the excuse of “fighting terror”. After the Iranian drone strike killed an American contractor, the US responded with strikes of its own that killed 11 Iranian militants. I’m glad to see Iran helping Syria get rid of this illegal US operation, which is shipping Syrian oil through Turkey to Israel, without paying for it. This hurts Syria’s ability to rebuild after US provoked invasion by IS militants—a Deep State operation.

9/11 Insider Dealing: Marvin Bush, Israeli shipping company, Larry Silverstein

From: World Affairs Brief, March 31, 2023

9/11 Insider Dealing: An Instagram post had information I had never covered on 9/11:

Marvin Bush, the president’s younger brother was not only in charge of security at the Twin Towers in 2001, but he was also a director of the WTC/s Houston Casualty Insurance Company, which cancelled their insurance for the WTC right before 9/11.

The Zim American Shipping company, owned by the State of Israel cancelled their lease on the 16th and 17th floors of the North Tower and paid a $50k penalty to break the contract just weeks before 9/11. -Another sign the Israelis had insider knowledge, like other major CEOs who were warned not to be at the office that day.

Larry Silverstein already owned Building 7 when he bought the $3.5B twin towers in July of 2001 for a down payment of only $15 million, and then took out the maximum insurance for the complex with terrorist coverage just weeks before the event. He got an insurance settlement for $4.5B. Coincidence?

Skolkovo: Hillary Clinton’s Treasonous Russian Connections

Investigative reporter Peter Schweizer has written a 40 page report that is a definite must-read for national security experts and those that want an insight into Clinton corruption with Russia in mind. Here is an in-depth summary about what it reveals about the Uranium-One deal. (Joel Skousen’s WAB)

Skousen: James Corbett Tackles Conspiracy Deniers — “Notice the Hollywood technique of taking something true and then making fun of it, so listeners are embarrassed to believe it or repeat it”

World Affairs Brief, March 24, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


James Corbett publishes The Corbett Report from Japan where he is relatively safe from the clutches of the US Deep State. He is a target because he is one of the few journalists willing to acknowledge real conspiracies, and he is very credible. He does in-depth research and analysis from everything from globalism to Neocon wars, and conspiracy facts in all the major conspiracies of our time. This report and the Epoch Times are what I consider two “must have” resources that are worth subscribing to besides the WAB.

This week he published a piece entitled, Dissent Into Madness: Crazy Conspiracy Theorists” echoing the words of the government and mainstream media. It is one of the best and most comprehensive defenses of conspiracy theory and fact I’ve read. This is a sequel to his great article, “”Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychiatry

In this essay he takes apart the concerted effort by the media and Deep State to so embarrass people who see conspiracy that they dare not express it. The issue of conspiracy in government and the media is very important because only an in-depth understanding of conspiracy roots out false hope of returning to our former liberty and helps us understand how deeply ingrained institutionalized evil is in our government.

One of the most popular articles to be written in recent decades is titled “Why Do People Believe in Conspiracies?” …It starts by noting the worrying rise in the number of people who believe in wild, outlandish theories about how people in positions of power conspire to maintain their influence and expand their wealth.

Skousen: Overview of the Banking Crisis – What you need to know

In summary, it is very clear that the government is going to do everything within its money creation and regulatory powers to keep this banking system failure in check. The PTB even trotted out Joe Biden to tell Americans “the US banking system is safe” even as shares plummeted up to 74% in pre-market trading despite president’s guarantee scheme for SVB and Signature Bank.

The financial powers first had to halt all trading in bank stocks while they organized a stock intervention response so the “crash” of bank stocks was blunted. The fact that the “plunge protection team” had to intervene so forcefully to stop the run on bank stocks indicates the big boys aren’t ready for a market crash yet.

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World Affairs Brief, March 17, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


The collapse of three high-risk banking institutions this week may seem like an anomaly, but it’s not, considering the fragile nature of our banking system. All banks are inherently susceptible to bank runs because they, like insurance companies, are only required to keep a small portion of their assets in cash or liquid assets available for withdrawal within a short time. When cash funds are exhausted, banks must sell their most liquid assets, which are usually in the form of US Treasury bonds. When demands for withdrawal exceed a bank’s cash and liquid assets, the bank becomes insolvent—unless it can get other larger banks to give them some “bridge loans” at higher interest rates, which they just did for First Republic Bank. But they won’t be willing to do if the problem bank’s balance sheet contains too many weak performing loans. Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank both ran out of the foregoing options this week and collapsed, but what was different this week was that the Federal Reserve and FDIC stepped in and decided to bailout all depositors, most of which far exceeded the $250K cap on federal deposit insurance, in order to stave off a larger bank panic. While this may work in the short term, it sets a very dangerous precedent in that it is 1) illegal, 2) rewards risky bank speculation, and 3) it sets up a double standard for bailouts that the government can’t possible fulfill if more banks default. This week I will discuss the many reasons why SVB failed and why other banks are similarly vulnerable.

First, a Primer on Banking

Skousen: The Woke Cultural Path Leads to an Evil End — Conscience’s Role: following demonic thoughts, ignoring the Holy Spirit

Excerpt from:

World Affairs Brief, February 10, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

The Woke Cultural Path Leads to an Evil End


I will tell you frankly why I think establishment America is making a major turn towards acceptance and promotion of evil:

In the first place, I think immorality is rampant in this nation. It starts when youth are young, both in high school and in college, where promiscuous behavior is common and even expected. This loose morality follows people in or out of marriage with affairs, pornography addiction and later on to dissatisfaction with their marriage partners (or otherwise), ending in further unfaithfulness and divorce.

It’s not that immorality is the only essence of corruption in society, but it is a key factor because of how it affects the workings of conscience which are intertwined with our judgment and ethics in everything from business to religion and politics.

As I’ve explained in detail in my essay on “The Still Small Voice of Conscience” this spiritual receptor in the mind not only receives promptings, warnings and reminders from God’s side but also Satanic forces [unless we learn how to be free of the demonic voices/thoughts – ed.] which seem to have equal access—depending on which voices we choose to listen to, and all those rationalizations and excuses to violate the moral standards of God come from the dark side. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether it’s the light side or dark side speaking to our mind because it all comes in our own style and manner of thinking. Only the content is distinguishable.

But once a person makes a habit of listening to the tempting, soft, easy, self-justifying voices of Satan’s messengers a person starts listing toward the looser side of life. They begin to favor abortion, knowing that their immorality might require it someday. They no longer see anything wrong with sexually explicit films and videos, and feel hypocritical holding their teenage children to a standard they themselves don’t live.

Skousen: China’s Spy Balloon — Massive dispersion of a white powder seen after unarmed missile pierced it, etc..

Bolding emphasis mine.

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World Affairs Brief, February 10, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


On Feb. 1 a photojournalist wondering why aircraft were grounded at his Billings, MT airport noticed and captured images of a strange white orb in the sky. His friend at the Billings Gazette investigated and the next day our military publicly admitted it was a high altitude suspected spy balloon from China. The images quickly went viral. The Chinese were prepared with a statement passing it off as a “civilian” weather balloon gone off course, but the path of the balloon carried it near a string of sensitive military installations from Alaska to South Carolina where it was finally shot down in shallow waters off the SC coast. Until the US reveals what kind of equipment was in the wreckage, we won’t know for certain what the real purpose was of the overflight. I doubt very much it was weather research because no nation sends weather balloons aloft so far outside their own country, except, perhaps, for military planning purposes which is still in the spy category. A host of aircraft from AWACS to a high-altitude U2 surveillance aircraft were used to evaluate the balloon with its extensive solar array on a truss-like framework that also contained electric motors driving propellers. This indicates that the balloon was designed to maneuver as well as drift in the upper air currents, which weather balloons are not designed to do. Whether or not there were high definition cameras aboard and batteries to operate equipment at night will be the determining factor on what its purpose was. This week, I’ll discuss the various theories about other purposes the balloon might have.

Joel Skousen: Probable Timetable for WWIII

World Affairs Brief, December 30, 2022. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


In each year end brief, I reiterate my estimate of when I think war is coming. It hasn’t changed but bears repeating for new subscribers. Having some idea of the timing is important because this Third World War will be different than all other wars America has been involved with.

First, we’ll face peer capable enemies with powerful military forces. That hasn’t happened since we were up against Germany in WWII, and never occurred during our recent wars of intervention against lesser militaries in the phony “war on terror.” Fighting Russia and China will be very different, and the American mainland will be attacked.

Russia has the most powerful nuclear forces in the world, and China as the most powerful conventional forces and the world’s largest navy. Together they will be tough to beat, especially if our own globalist government absorbs a nuclear first strike on our military forces (in accordance with PDD-60) in order to force us into a militarized global government in response.

The pre-emptive strike will only happen, however, when both are ready. Russia is almost ready now with her nuclear forces, but will never be fully ready in conventional forces due to the weaknesses caused by the war against Ukraine. China, in contrast, is already ahead of the West in conventional forces, but still has more to build in order to feel confident going up against slightly superior technology in the West. Her growing nuclear arsenal is unknown but also growing steadily.

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