Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Timing Predictions Page 1 of 13

Stan Deyo: The SUN is NEARING THE END of its life, causing GLOBAL WARMING. The globalists blame fossil fuels, creating false hope that they can fix it, while we should all be turning to God – end of days!

‘Caravan to Midnight’ minute-2:12:20:

Stan Deyo says the Russians in 1958 found that our sun had burned up half of its hydrogen supply, and our universe isn’t as old as we’re taught. Stan says more than 100,000 years. The Bible seems to indicate only 6,000 years.

In 1992, scientists discovered signs that the sun is close to undergoing horrific changes as hydrogen levels in the sun reach a critical point, which can change the reaction from burning hydrogen to helium instead, which can throw off an outer layer of the sun, which I would think would end our planet.

The globalists are blaming fossil fuels for what the sun is doing, as the end of its life is nearing — to keep the people from panicking and turning to God.


Dan Fagan Show Highlights 8/21/24 — “If Nancy Dahlstrom chooses to be selfish she will cause GREAT HARM to this nation” “We’ve got a force that is so demonic and so evil… that this COULD BE OVER IN TWO OR THREE YEARS” “When you set your heart against truth you’re going to find yourself in a web of lies”

HIGHLIGHTS I put together from Dan Fagan’s post-election show, 8/21/24 HERE

Dan says: Mike Porcaro is being paid by Nancy Dahlstrom as a consultant, so he’s a compromised Anchorage radio personality.

[My thoughts on Porcaro. Porcaro’s ad agency apparently also made money from Lisa Murkowsky’s campaign. He defended Murkowsky on his show. He also strongly pushed ranked choice voting, so used his large radio platform to deceive a lot of Alaskans, so he’s responsible for it passing (only passed by 1%) and Murkowski staying in, and I’ve heard his ad agency was making money to push ranked choice.

Porcaro’s cohost, Crash spoke of how wonderful marijuana is for himself and others for at least 10 minutes lately, with Porcaro’s approval; though, marijuana dulls people’s consciences so they don’t feel guilt and shame for what they’ve done, so many are blissfully floating along instead of being responsible citizens, living lives with clear consciences.

Porcaro pushed the jab hard with Dr. Keisling, and both refused to tell the truth about high enough vitamin D levels, which would have solved Covid for Alaska.]

Dan spoke of the GLORY politicians get from having so much power. Nancy needs to have the courage to put her personal ambitions aside and do what’s right for the country.

Ron Paul (age-88): America Reaches a Sad Milestone

Last week the national debt reached 35 trillion dollars, a mere seven months after the debt reached 34 trillion dollars. To put this in perspective, the national debt first reached one trillion dollars in October of 1981, almost 200 years after the Constitution’s ratification! …

Those who pretend deficits don’t matter ignore the fact that interest on the national debt will soon be the largest item in the federal budget, consuming as much as 40 percent of federal revenue. This is unsustainable. The devaluation of the dollar resulting from the Federal Reserve’s efforts to stimulate the economy and monetize federal debt, combined with increasing resistance to US hyper-interventionist foreign policy, will lead to a rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. When that occurs, there will be a major economic crisis unlike anything this country has seen since the Great Depression. (text)


Skousen: WW III Timing & Trigger — China won’t be able to help Russia occupy the US until 2027, following EMP/nukes. Taiwan may be the trigger event

From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, June 7, 2024 — “Is Nuclear War Imminent over US/NATO Weapons to Ukraine?”

As I’ve explained many times before, Putin can’t nuke the West when he is in no position to consolidate that military destruction with occupation. He just doesn’t have the conventional military capacity or troops to do so. That is why he has to wait for China, and China won’t be ready until at least 2027. That doesn’t mean that the war will come in that year, only that China will probably be ready to exercise its aggressive plans to conquer. There will still need to be a trigger event, which may well be the invasion of Taiwan.

Joel Skousen: One More Timing Indicator for WWIII — Admiral John Aquilino – “Chinese leadership has directed the military to prepare for Taiwan’s invasion by 2027”

World Affairs Brief, March 22, 2024. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

One More Timing Indicator for WWIII

Admiral John Aquilino, Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, on the verge of his retirement, issued one last warning to America, saying that the “Chinese leadership has directed the military to prepare for Taiwan’s invasion by 2027.”

“All indications point to the PLA meeting President Xi Jinping’s directive to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027,”, said in prepared testimony to U.S. Armed Services Committee on Wednesday. “Although the PRC claims it prefers to achieve unification through peaceful means, Xi will not renounce the use of force,” Aquilino added. [Newsweek via]

Charlie Kirk: They’re going to try to take Twitter down by this summer. People are saying things you’re not allowed to say. Public opinion is changing too rapidly

“People are saying things on Twitter that you’re not allowed to say. … Public opinion is changing too rapidly. … They’re going to try to take Twitter down by this summer.”

Tucker: Doctors have “no credibility” unless they admit they damaged people during Covid

Jimmy Dore was vaccine injured, which may be a main reason he’s now speaking out!

Tucker sees serious problems after the 2024 election. The Fed can prop up the economy through 2024 to keep control of the White House, but after that, we could have a serious depression. He mentioned 1929. Today’s weak Americans would not be able to cope.

“For that easy convenience you’re trading your freedom and your privacy.” – Tucker

BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore!

Reports Say The Red Heifer Was Born, ANOTHER Sign Pointing To The END OF DAYS

David Knight Show: Joel Skousen on WWIII — “Russia has about 10,000 warheads on missiles, and we have 400”

1:15:30 Timing for WWIII

1:16:20 “Russia has about 10,000 warheads on missiles, and we have 400.”

Joel is age 76

BEGINS 1:00:25 Joel Skousen,, talks details on the equipment and tactics in Ukraine and the long term strategy of US, Russia and China.

The David Knight Show

Super Flare Potential of the Sun – “Long-term Solar Variability” – Paper

Trump’s interview w/ Tucker — “Do you think we are moving towards civil war?” – Tucker’s last question

Tucker’s last question to Trump: “Do you think we are moving towards civil war?”


Skousen: US Air Force Told to Prepare for War with China Within Two Years

World Affairs Brief, August 4, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

US Air Force Told to Prepare for War with China Within Two Years

A top US Air Force general has warned war could break out with China in as little as two years and has readied his troops.

Dr. Mercola Exposes the COVID Lockdown as Trial Run – “Way before 2030”

The Alex Jones Show

Skousen: WWIII PDD-60 Update – Russians and Chinese don’t believe the US will absorb a nuclear first strike — why they still think they can win even if the US does launch on warning”

PDD-60 is Bill Clinton’s presidential directive changing “launch on first warning” to launch only after the US is actually hit with nukes, which Joel Skousen has documented, and has shown recently that it hasn’t been rescinded. This is the first time I’ve seen Joel say that he believes Russia and China would attack even if they believed we would launch our nukes on first warning, ignoring PDD-60.

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World Affairs Brief, April 28, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


As long-term readers know, I have long documented how the US Deep State drummed up the war on terror in order, in part, to create the image of the US as the “bully of the world” which would help Russia and China justify their eventual attack on the West. Their actions around the world has created a true “ugly American” reputation especially in the Middle East after its military invasions of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, after falsely blaming these countries for the 9/11 attack which justified all the atrocities during the “war on terror.” –Terror which our own Deep State created. …

And relative to the coming war a subscriber asked how the Russians and Chinese will ever feel like they can win against the US even with a nuclear first strike, since they don’t actually believe that the US will use PDD-60 to stop our forces from launching on warning.

Skousen: US to Send a Token Number of Troops to Taiwan — “Could force the US to intervene if China attacks—a real change in policy that could make Taiwan a trigger event for WWIII”

World Affairs Brief, February 24, 2023 Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

US to Send a Token Number of Troops to Taiwan: The US is putting 100-200 US military advisers on Taiwan, which isn’t enough to bolster its defense, but may be enough to force the US to intervene if China attacks—a real change in policy that could make Taiwan a trigger event for WWIII if China attacks. This one issue may force China to delay the attack until they are fully ready for WWIII.

AI And ChatGPT Is More Dangerous Than You Think – Jordan Peterson

In this video, Jordan Peterson explains how AI and Chat GPT can actually be very dangerous. We are told that they aren’t a threat. but in reality that is simply not completely the truth.

Success Now

Jan 3, 2023

Keynote – Peter Zeihan – 2022 (Sept., Texas)

Definitely worth watching, but I don’t trust some of Zeihan’s analysis. He doesn’t seem to understand the globalists’ plans, and how Russia and China are planning to take the US out with EMPs and nukes. China wants the USA’s land, But he has some ideas that could pan out, based on lots of data!

“I don’t worry about China at all, he says.”


1,121,972 views | Sep 23, 2022

Annual Event 2022 (Dec.) – Peter Zeihan Presentation in Iowa

I don’t trust some of this geopolitical strategist’s analysis. Zeihan doesn’t seem to understand the globalists’ plans, and how Russia and China are planning to take the US out with EMPs and nukes. China wants the USA’s land, But he has some ideas that could pan out, based on lots of data!

Dec 19, 2022

Joel Skousen: Probable Timetable for WWIII

World Affairs Brief, December 30, 2022. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


In each year end brief, I reiterate my estimate of when I think war is coming. It hasn’t changed but bears repeating for new subscribers. Having some idea of the timing is important because this Third World War will be different than all other wars America has been involved with.

First, we’ll face peer capable enemies with powerful military forces. That hasn’t happened since we were up against Germany in WWII, and never occurred during our recent wars of intervention against lesser militaries in the phony “war on terror.” Fighting Russia and China will be very different, and the American mainland will be attacked.

Russia has the most powerful nuclear forces in the world, and China as the most powerful conventional forces and the world’s largest navy. Together they will be tough to beat, especially if our own globalist government absorbs a nuclear first strike on our military forces (in accordance with PDD-60) in order to force us into a militarized global government in response.

The pre-emptive strike will only happen, however, when both are ready. Russia is almost ready now with her nuclear forces, but will never be fully ready in conventional forces due to the weaknesses caused by the war against Ukraine. China, in contrast, is already ahead of the West in conventional forces, but still has more to build in order to feel confident going up against slightly superior technology in the West. Her growing nuclear arsenal is unknown but also growing steadily.

Will Taiwan be the trigger for Russia’s attack on America? Civil war also seen.

Joel Skousen thinks North Korea will be the trigger instead, the excuse Russia uses to attack, after we defend South Korea from North, through nukes.

IT BEGINS: Mark of the Beast Goes Mainstream as Microchiping Humans Starts

Too many Americans won’t do it though, so the globalists have to have Russia and China EMP and nuke the US to take us out before chipping can be fully implemented worldwide.

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It is written in the book of revelation, : he causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to recive a mark on the right hand or the forehead, so that no man may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

This is the prophecy unfolding as you watch this report.

It is the first time a British man has been microchipped with his bank card. The London-based company Walletmor implanted Arnie Szoke’s bank card in his hand for £350.

Watch The Report Here:

Klaus Schwab

Skousen: Rise of Chinese Military Nationalism — “World-Class Status” by 2027

World Affairs Brief, October 21, 2022 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


News Wars citing reports that China’s dictator for life, Xi Jingping vows to elevate the Chinese military to “World-Class Status” by 2027—right in the middle of my WWIII prediction window when I believe China will be ready to join Russia in a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the West.

Officials Are Preparing For Nuclear Conflict | Joel Skousen

Minute-42 TIMING: Russia needs China to help with the ground invasion of the US that will follow the EMP and nuclear strikes from both nations. China won’t be ready to help Russia take over the USA until the “latter part of this decade.”

10 miles from a military base will be a nuclear blast zone.

23: strong turn to the left in South American countries

Joel says piracy will increase, so boats won’t be a safe option.

Joel recommends people read his World Affairs Brief to keep up on the latest details of what’s really going on.

Fmr CDC Director Redfield: Bird Flu will be the ‘Great Pandemic’ – ’10-50% Mortality’!

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:

Yea, I think we have to recognize, I’ve always said that the Covid pandemic was a wake up call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic. I believe the great pandemic is still in the future and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s going to have significant mortality in the 10 to 50% range, it’s going to be trouble.

Will a Weaponized Bird Flu Become the Next Pandemic?

Gates is the guy who says we should all eat fake meat, created by him. His stated goal is to end animal agriculture.

Related: Bill Gates predicts pandemic 2 — “That will get attention this time”

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Will a Weaponized Bird Flu Become the Next Pandemic?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola | Fact Checked

May 18, 2022

Ice Age Farmer

There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs — and it is time to tell it.  As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu “PCR outbreaks,” Europe is warning of chicken and egg shortages, and many states have now outright banned the sale of chicks to the public. The largest egg producer in the US has culled birds and fired its workers.  …


  • As news of the COVID pandemic winds down around the world, we’re suddenly seeing warnings of another pandemic brewing — bird flu, aka avian influenza (H5N1)
  • Natural bird flu is notoriously harmless to humans, but Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci have, for many years, funded research to develop a bird flu pathogen capable of infecting humans
  • Some of that research has been undertaken in Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine
  • Gates funded research by Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, in which the bird flu virus was mixed with the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) virus, creating an airborne hybrid capable of completely evading the human immune system, effectively rendering humans defenseless against it
  • The U.S. and other countries have already started stockpiling H5N1 vaccine, and the H5N1 vaccine Audenz is being marketed “for 2022.” As if on cue, the first-ever H5N1-positive case was identified in the U.S. at the end of April 2022


As news of the COVID pandemic winds down around the world, we’re suddenly seeing warnings of another pandemic brewing — bird flu, aka avian influenza (H5N1). In a March 30, 2022, CenterPoint interview, former Director for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, stated:1

“I believe the great pandemic still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s going to have significant mortality in the 10 to 50% range. It’s going to be trouble.”

Bill Gates predicts pandemic 2 — “That will get attention this time”

“We’ll have to prepare for the next one,” Gates says as he fails to fight off a coy smirk. “That, you know, I’d say is, will get attention this time.”

Foreign Policy Expert Jeff Nyquist Warns: Do Not Fall For Russian Propaganda

March 24, 2022


Key Points — Jeff Nyquist:

Russia’s invasion excuse not valid:

Gary Kah: One-World Government Now Close

I first heard Gary Kah speak in the late ’90s, so he was one of the guys who helped wake me understand what’s going on.

The scenario Gary talks about at 41:15, Joel Skousen thinks will likely be triggered by us using tactical nukes on North Korea (the only way to defend South Korea from NK’s hundreds of thousands of artillery firings on Seoul), which Russia and China will then us as justification to nuke and EMP us.

Skousen doesn’t think both Russia and China are fully ready to take us out yet, but could be soon.

Jeff Nyquist: Bioweapon 2.0 – Is This China’s Next Move? Weaponized smallpox could kill 60% of Americans

China has a serious foot shortage problem which will be exaggerated when global cooling starts. They’re afraid of their own people uprising. “A starving person has nothing to lose.”

America probably has anti-gravity aircraft. China may attack sooner, before our highest tech weapons are operational, Nyquist suggests. Skousen thinks they’re fully developed, and the globalists will use them after the US is attacked to take charge

46:00 Covid-19: China compromised Americans, including Fauci so they would be involved in developing Covid, so China couldn’t be blamed, and Fauci is controlled.

Weaponized smallpox could kill 60% of Americans. “Could you imagine the panic if there was a virus like smallpox that is 60% fatal. If people are panicking at something that’s only killing .03% of the population.”

1:14:00 Russia/China may only use localized EMP weapons, so the nuclear power plants won’t melt down, which would destroy the water table, so they couldn’t live or grow food there.

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