Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Lying Page 1 of 30

Any agenda or historical event that requires censorship is a lie!

When you have any agenda that requires censorship, you know it’s a lie, guaranteed.

Any historical event that requires censorship is a lie.

The truth never requires censorship.

The truth does not fear investigation or debate.

Elon Musk posted on X – (6 minutes) MSM Lying About Biden’s Condition — ‘Sharp as a tack!’

Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It! w/ Ben Swann

Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date.

Ben Swann on Twitter:   / benswann_  
Ben’s website:

Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie | Candace Ep 7

I go over the lies and propaganda of WW2, the neocons want another world war… according to the Jerusalem Post, IDF knew of Hamas’ plans before the October 7 attack.

Glenn Greenwald: ISRAELI>MEDIA’S MASSIVE 10/7 LIES DEBUNKED: “BEHEADED BABIES” (only 1 died, shot through wall), “MASS RAPE” (NY Times/Israeli fabrication) — 764 civilians killed in total (many by Israeli tanks, hellfire missiles & bullets)

The Unemployment Rate Is A Lie! — Actually 25%

John Stone cites stats from

Gold is now $2300!

Amazon censors negative, truthful comments about products!

Ever wonder why a product on Amazon says it has 10 comments, for example, but they’re all missing? I’ve seen this multiple times.

They’re deleting comments that tell serious problems!!

Candace Owens: So…Is Brigitte Macron A Man? | Candace Ep 6

Candice is waking millions up!!!

Will she expose ‘Michelle’ actually being Michael soon, which could have MAJOR impact?!!


How Israeli Prime Ministers Changed their Names to Sound Middle Eastern

Benjamin Netanyahu’s father hebraized his name to Mileikowsy — one of many who adopted semitic sounding names — mass deception!

Biden KEEPS LYING About October 7!

RFK Jr. Tries To Sell Russel Brand On Genocide

Trump’s Top VP Pick Is Now Toast 🙁 — Ghost written book; executive order prohibits businesses boycotting Talmudic Israel

7:10 Mark Dice tells how he writes and edits his own books

How Kristi Noem’s “Phony” Exploitation of Identity Has Been Happening For Years, with Buck Sexton

BOMBSHELL! Most Skin Cancer Deaths Are From LACK Of Sunlight — Vitamin D!!

Did you know that dermatology is pulling a huge scam on the American public? It’s true! Since the 1980s when dermatologists hired a big money advertising agency, the dermatologic profession has been aggressively “raising awareness” about the danger of skin cancer and the threat represented by the sun. Except that the vast majority of skin cancers are benign, and the more dangerous variety is actually caused by not getting enough sun.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the dermatological profession has become a huge money maker while offering no tangible health benefits.

Another pro-Israel hate crime hoax

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the mass arrest of student anti-genocide protesters at Boston’s Northeastern University for a hateful phrase uttered by a pro-Israel counter-protester, and mistakenly attributed to them.

OCTOBER 7: The Hasbara Lies In Brief — NO beheaded babies, NO baked or cut out babies, NO mass rapes | Netanyahu thanks the liars


Glenn Greenwald: Oct. 7 Reports Implode: Beheaded Babies, NY Times Scandal (‘Mass Rape’ Fabrication)

The art of deception: How Israel uses ‘hasbara’ to whitewash its crimes

Joe Rogan Experience #2138 – Tucker Carlson (FULL) — The theory of evolution is NOT true | ‘DON’T LIE ABOUT ANYTHING’ would solve everything! | ADMITTING YOU’RE WRONG is LIBERATING! | Weak people are easily CONTROLLED BY EVIL — “We’ve reached a time in history where every leader is either a weak woman or a weak man”

Quotes by Tucker unless noted, transcribed by me:

“It’s wrong to drop nuclear weapons on people. If you find yourself arguing that it’s a good thing to drop nuclear weapons on people, you’re evil.”

“There is no evidence at all, none, zero that people evolved seamlessly from a single cell ameba. … There’s no chain of that in the fossil record at all. … The theory of adaptation [within species] is clearly, obviously true.”

ROGAN: “What is your theory?”

“GOD CREATED PEOPLE distinctly, and animals.”

“Maybe a simpler and more useful way to think about it is: truth or falsehood, lying or honesty. … You can’t participate in lying. You can’t lie. PERIOD! Just don’t lie about anything. Tell the truth all the time. If you can’t say something that’s true just don’t say it. You don’t have to say everything you think. You shouldn’t say everything you think. But you should never lie. If you just stick with that you get pretty quickly back to reason and order.”

“There’s nothing more liberating than admitting you were wrong. That is the moment of liberation. ..honestly admitting to other people, not just to yourself that ‘I got that wrong.’ Then you’re FREE! Because then you don’t have to hide it anymore.”

Evil forces act on people, getting them to do evil things they wouldn’t otherwise do.
Good forces can act on people, compelling them to do good things they wouldn’t otherwise do.

2:34:20 9/11

2:51:15 How WEAK and/or compromised Congressmen are controlled by the deep state

“Evil is an independent force that exists outside of people that acts on people. I really believe that. I’ve experienced it a lot. And what vessel do they choose? The weak. … The weaker the leader, the more evil that leader will be. We’ve reached a time in history where every leader is either a weak woman or a weak man, pretty much.

NPR Editor Resigns After Suspension: Reveals Rampant Left Wing Bias At National Public Radio

NPR’s New CEO Is The Epitome of EVIL!


“Seeking the truth, and seeking to convince others of the truth may not be the right place to start,” she says.

“Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction getting in the way of finding common ground & getting things done.”

“We acknowledge there are many different truths.”

NPR’s new CEO: “Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction getting in the way of finding common ground & getting things done”

Vivek Ramaswamy

NPR’s new CEO: “Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction getting in the way of finding common ground & getting things done.”

This gets to the heart of the cultural divide in the modern West: whether you believe truth is a priority or a hindrance

New York Times EXPOSED Over Israel Bias After Memo Leak

New Israeli report alleging ‘systematic and intentional rape’ by Hamas relies on debunked Western media reports


The contents of the Israeli Association of Rape Crisis Center’s paper alleging “systematic” Hamas rape derive largely from discredited second-hand testimonies and debunked media reports. Among its most heavily cited sources is a dubious NY Times article that triggered a staff revolt at the paper.


The Intercept: New York Times Exposé Lacks Evidence to Claim Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence Oct. 7 — ‘Mass Rape’ Story

Democracy Now


NYT investigates staff as ‘Hamas rape’ scandal deepens

Mar 4, 2024

Glenn Greenwald: Oct. 7 Reports Implode: Beheaded Babies, NY Times Scandal (‘Mass Rape’ Fabrication)

Israeli propagandist behind Hamas ‘mass rape’ narrative exposed as grifter, fraud

Israeli propagandist behind Hamas ‘mass rape’ narrative exposed as grifter, fraud

Cochav Elkayam-Levy, the Israeli lawyer at the center of the campaign accusing Hamas of systematic sexual violence on October 7, now stands accused by Israeli media of scamming donors and spreading misinformation. The allegations appeared just days after Elkayam-Levy received the prestigious Israel Prize.


Lawyer behind ‘Hamas rape’ claims exposed as fraud

Lawyer behind ‘Hamas rape’ claims exposed as fraud

Employees of Israeli ministries claim that Cochav Elkayam-Levy has spread fake news and sought to make millions off her false claims about Hamas carrying out mass rapes on 7 October

MAR 26, 2024

Israeli officials have “dissociated themselves” from a lawyer who has played a vital role in promoting false claims that Hamas carried out systematic rape and sexual abuse on 7 October, Yedioth Ahronoth reported on 24 March.

The Israeli newspaper reported claims by Israeli ministry officials that lawyer Cochav Elkayam-Levy had produced inaccurate research, spread false stories about Hamas atrocities, and sought to collect millions of dollars in donations for a so-called ‘civic commission’ of which she is the only member.

Elkayam-Levy, who is the head of the Deborah Institute and a lecturer in the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University, was among the first to spread false claims that Hamas had carried out systematic rape during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

As The Grayzone detailed, Elkayam-Levy presented images of female Kurdish fighters killed in Syria while claiming they were Jewish Israeli women who had been killed and raped by Hamas fighters at the Nova Music Festival on 7 October.

NY Times Hired Fake Journalists To Spread Hamas R@pe Lies On FRONT PAGE!

At 10/7 2AM, Israeli security met to discuss IDF spotters’ Hamas activity reports and didn’t warn anyone!

32:11 Shin Bet (Israel’s security agency) and military intelligence had a meeting at 2 AM on 10/7 after the young female IDF spotters who monitored the Gaza fence and what was going on inside Gaza reported unusual activity. Shin Bet didn’t raise the alert level to even level-1. The concert was going all night. No one was warned!

“Given that Shin Bet and military intelligence had enough information that they were talking to each other in the middle of the night, that there are then soldiers 4 hours later were killed in their beds is unforgivable.”  – Richard Sanders

The truth about October 7: Director Richard Sanders discusses his full length documentary with Peter Oborne

32:11 Shin Bet (Israel’s security agency) and military intelligence had a meeting at 2 AM on 10/7 after the young female IDF spotters who monitored the Gaza fence and what was going on inside Gaza reported unusual activity. Shin Bet didn’t raise the alert level to even level-1. The concert was going all night. No one was warned!

“Given that Shin Bet and military intelligence had enough information that they were talking to each other in the middle of the night, that there are then soldiers 4 hours later were killed in their beds is unforgivable.”  – Richard Sanders

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