Category: BIG Pharma Page 1 of 39
“As I’m starting to learn things, obviously, the first person I always talk to is my husband, and I feel like he’s the more rational side of my brain.”
“..they are thee most faithful to the church of science. They are thee most faithful to the church of Satan.”
Minute-9:30 Patients vitamin D levels should be tested upon admission. Calcifediol, fast acting vitamin D should be administered when low. Works right away, unlike D3, which can take a week or two to be bioavailable to fight infection and disease.
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Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(28th Feb 2024)
Bret Speaks with Ryan Cole about his role as a Covid dissident over the last 4 years, and his unique viewpoint as a pathologist.
(00:00) Introductions and pathology
(07:25) Sponsors
(09:17) Cancer
(17:03) Anecdotes and pattern recognition
(27:20) Clots
(34:50) Why aren’t more doctors speaking out?
(42:15) mRNA injections and LNPs
(48:55) Antibodies and Bioweapons
(57:27) Immunology and Evolutionary thinking
(01:08:00) Vitamin D
(01:16:35) Cancers and mRNA injections
(01:24:17) Process 2 and DNA contamination
(01:37:20) Myocarditis
(01:46:25) No novel pathogen?
(01:58:35) Viruses in the heart
(02:02:30) GVB, evolutionary pressure, and free speech
(02:10:45) Informed consent and ivermectin
(02:15:07) Dr. Cole’s practice
(02:28:45) US politics
(02:40:30) Wrap up
The Jimmy Dore Show
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Dr. Kory tells Tucker @ 28:32
“We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide. It would have been very easy to do.
As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D. …
I got an email from a guy, William F. Grant, a professor out in California. … My life was going totally sideways because our protocols focused on Ivermectin. I was using a lot in my practice, as were tens of thousands around the world to really good benefits. I was getting attacked; there were hit jobs in the media. And he wrote me this email that said: ‘What they’re doing to Ivermectin they’ve been doing to vitamin D for decades,’ and he included a link to an article called ‘The Disinformation Playbook,’ and its got five tactics. And these are the five tactics that all industries employ when science emerges that’s inconvenient to their interest.”
• High enough levels would have sailed us through Covid!
• Cuts breast cancer by 70% if levels above 60 ng/ml!
• Improves sleep and well being, cuts depression!
• Helps with 100 illnesses!
• Would cut hospital visits drastically!
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“As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D.” – Dr. Pierre Kory
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“Before Covid, ‘doing your own research” used to be called ‘reading.'” – Jimmy Dore
Some of my favorite comedians betrayed comedy, their audience, & themselves when they shamed people for questioning Authority/Big Pharma/Government & scolded them for "Doing Their Own Research".
And the fact that -To This Day- none of them have ever apologized or admitted they…
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) March 15, 2024
In the RCTs performed on HCWs, the overall reduction in risk in the population supplemented with vitamin D was approximately 80%.
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Vitamin D supplementation has a protective effect, against the incidence of COVID-19 in RCT studies,
OR 0.403, (95% IC 0.218, 0.747)
In the RCTs performed on HCWs, the overall reduction in risk in the population supplemented with vitamin D was approximately 80%
Against the incidence of COVID-19 in analytical studies
OR = 0.592, (95% IC 0.476–0.736)
Against the incidence of COVID-19 ICU admission
OR 0.317, (95% IC 0.147–0.680).
Our meta-analysis suggests a definitive and significant association between the protective role of vitamin D and COVID-19 incidence and ICU admission.
Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(28th Feb 2024)
Neither doctor has seen one case of hypercalcemia from taking too much vitamin D.
Dr. Grimes says hypercalcemia would require a dose of 100,000 iu/day.
Both say hospitals should be prescribing fast acting D, calcifidiol for sick patients, to get D levels up fast. UK doesn’t even make calcifidiol available to any patients for anything, which is “criminal.”
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Consultant Physician, medical researcher and author, Dr David Grimes conducted much original research on the essential to life Vitamin D. Buy his inexpensive latest book here.…
2 minor corrections – 150nmol/L = 60ng/mL (not 80ng/mL as stated and at 2min 27secs)
57min 11 secs Calcifidiol appears in the BNF here:… and medicinal form here…
1) Cut off glucose through a ketogenic diet.
2) And block glutamine with a drug that Big Pharma won’t make.