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Candace Owens: What no one will tell you about WWII

Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie | Candace Ep 7

I go over the lies and propaganda of WW2, the neocons want another world war… according to the Jerusalem Post, IDF knew of Hamas’ plans before the October 7 attack.

E. Michael Jones: The Gun is a Substitute for Moral Courage

Young men and boys are addicted by pornography and violent video games.

The gun is a substitute for moral courage. In Gaza, the Jews don’t follow the moral law, but all we do is give them guns. We could have dealt with this years ago, but refuse to consider what’s really going on and address it.

“The minute the Gaza thing erupted, the only thing we’re allowed to talk about is antisemitism. Anytime you criticize a Jew for killing an innocent woman and child you’re guilty of antisemitism. … And there are large numbers of people who don’t buy it anymore.”

Candace Owens: Tucker derangement syndrome is real [hated for saying nuking people is ‘evil’] — “Japan was at the moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of ‘face’. It wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.” – General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Tucker derangement syndrome is real.

“It always appeared to us that, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse.” -General Henry H. Arnold Commanding General of the U.S. Army Air Forces Under President Truman

“Japan was at the moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of ‘face’. It wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”
– General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Needless to say every American has a right to evaluate whether the drastic measure of dropping a nuke on a non-military target in a country that had been on the defense for two years (plus negotiating their surrender) was necessary.

You may ultimately conclude it was or wasn’t not— but your right to think critically and express your views is about as American as it gets.

Candace Owens: Some Christian historical facts – Nagasaki was the epicenter of Japanese Catholicism. 8,500 Christians were killed. Very few military men were killed— the overwhelming majority of victims were women and children.

Will also add here some Christian historical facts: In Nagasaki, the bomb was dropped 300 yards from a Catholic Church— Urakami cathedral. Nagasaki was the epicenter of Japanese Catholicism, home to the second largest cathedral in the East.

Church was in session when the bomb was dropped. Of the approximately 12,000 Christians living there at the time, 8,500 were killed, including several dozen parishioners and two Catholic priests, who were hearing confessions in the cathedral that morning.

Very few military men were killed— the overwhelming majority of victims were women and children.

Candace Owens posted what a British veteran said about the Dresden Holocaust, saying “despite this, there are psychopaths that believe firebombing civilians is perfectly permissible and ought to be repeated again. Satanists.”

Candace Owens on US/England firebombing Dresden: Did you know that when Dresden was incinerated back in 1945, it was Ash Wednesday? Christians were burned alive on Ash Wednesday— many of them were refugees from Stalin’s Christian Holocaust. Christians will no longer be told that we aren’t allowed to know or discuss our history.

Did you know that when Dresden was incinerated back in 1945, it was Ash Wednesday? Christians were burned alive on Ash Wednesday— many of them were refugees from Stalin’s Christian Holocaust.

Christians will no longer be told that we aren’t allowed to know or discuss our history.

‘Japan was already defeated’: The case against the nuclear bomb and for basic morality

Washington Examiner:

‘Japan was already defeated’: The case against the nuclear bomb and for basic morality

July 26, 2023

“I was against it on two counts,” Dwight Eisenhower, supreme allied commander, five-star general, and president of the United States, said of dropping nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities. “First, the Japanese were ready to surrender, and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon.”

This certainly cuts against the common argument these days: that dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives, certainly the lives of American soldiers, and maybe even Japanese lives on net.


Joe Rogan Experience #2138 – Tucker Carlson (FULL) — The theory of evolution is NOT true | ‘DON’T LIE ABOUT ANYTHING’ would solve everything! | ADMITTING YOU’RE WRONG is LIBERATING! | Weak people are easily CONTROLLED BY EVIL — “We’ve reached a time in history where every leader is either a weak woman or a weak man”

Quotes by Tucker unless noted, transcribed by me:

“It’s wrong to drop nuclear weapons on people. If you find yourself arguing that it’s a good thing to drop nuclear weapons on people, you’re evil.”

“There is no evidence at all, none, zero that people evolved seamlessly from a single cell ameba. … There’s no chain of that in the fossil record at all. … The theory of adaptation [within species] is clearly, obviously true.”

ROGAN: “What is your theory?”

“GOD CREATED PEOPLE distinctly, and animals.”

“Maybe a simpler and more useful way to think about it is: truth or falsehood, lying or honesty. … You can’t participate in lying. You can’t lie. PERIOD! Just don’t lie about anything. Tell the truth all the time. If you can’t say something that’s true just don’t say it. You don’t have to say everything you think. You shouldn’t say everything you think. But you should never lie. If you just stick with that you get pretty quickly back to reason and order.”

“There’s nothing more liberating than admitting you were wrong. That is the moment of liberation. ..honestly admitting to other people, not just to yourself that ‘I got that wrong.’ Then you’re FREE! Because then you don’t have to hide it anymore.”

Evil forces act on people, getting them to do evil things they wouldn’t otherwise do.
Good forces can act on people, compelling them to do good things they wouldn’t otherwise do.

2:34:20 9/11

2:51:15 How WEAK and/or compromised Congressmen are controlled by the deep state

“Evil is an independent force that exists outside of people that acts on people. I really believe that. I’ve experienced it a lot. And what vessel do they choose? The weak. … The weaker the leader, the more evil that leader will be. We’ve reached a time in history where every leader is either a weak woman or a weak man, pretty much.

Judge Napolitano | Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Israeli AI Genocide & the AI Connection to COVID-19

Scott Ritter: “Be careful about saying ‘God bless America,’ considering others inferior — justifying hating and bombing them

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Then when asked “who is our neighbor?” Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan, whom many of the Talmudists considered having lesser souls, subhuman — which is what the Talmud teaches them about all Gentiles today.

One of the bumper stickers on my ‘No Hate’ Eagle Talon says “GOD BLESS ALL NATIONS.”

Same baby, different location!

‘Same baby, different location!

The baby on the left is JUST AS VALUABLE as the baby on the right!’

Dr. Pierre Kory: 90% of those who died from Covid could have been saved with early treatment | “Over half of what is published in medical journals is not true”

“Over half of what is published in medical journals is not true. They are false.” – Marcia Angell via Dr. Pierre Kory (Marcia was a 20-year editor of the #1 medical journal in the world, the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’)

90% of those who died from Covid could have been saved with early treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Pierre Kory: Our Medical Institutions Have Been Captured By the Corrupt FDA & Big Pharma

The Charlie Kirk Show

South Africa’s COMPELLING Genocide Case Against Israel!

The Jimmy Dore Show

To U.S. Military: ALWAYS obey the Holy Spirit, NEVER immoral gov’t orders, regardless…

To U.S. Military: ALWAYS obey the Holy Spirit, NEVER follow immoral gov’t orders, regardless…

— In-Christ, going-to-heaven, REAL Christianity!

Life in the Son!

Israeli soldiers film themselves looting and vandalizing in Gaza

If Americans Knew — but many are so cold-hearted they don’t care, and cheer it on — falsely believing they’ll be blessed for doing so — ignoring the Holy Spirit, what the Bible really says, real history and genetics.


WWII: The Murderous Allied Firestorms against German Civilians

World War II: The Murderous Allied Firestorms against German Civilians

British and American air assaults forced a furious Hitler to reply in kind.

By Shane Quinn

Shortly after becoming Britain’s prime minister in May 1940, Winston Churchill said the war will be directed “against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it’s in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest”. Such statements were a warning of what was to come. With the Nazis then rampaging across Europe, it would take time before Britain’s firestorms could be unleashed on the German people.

On 30 June 1940, Hitler’s Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering, then at the height of his popularity, declared just days after the fall of France,

“The war against England is to be restricted to destructive attacks against industry and air force targets… It is also stressed that every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary loss of life amongst the civilian population”.

By contrast, on 14 February 1942, a British Air Staff directive outlined their bombing campaigns should “be focused on the morale of the enemy’s civilian population”. As Daniel Ellsberg, the veteran former US military analyst, confirms in his recent book The Doomsday Machine, Britain was the first to begin “deliberate bombing of urban populations as the principal way of fighting a war”, starting in early 1942.

Mike Prysner’s Anti-War Speech — “You have the absolute right to REFUSE TO TAKE PART in these criminal wars!”

Peace activist Abby Martin’s husband, Iraq war veteran Mike Prysner:

“To all of those serving in the Army, the Marine, the Air Force and the Navy, you have the absolute right to refuse to take part in these criminal wars!”

Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out — “Brutal occupiers of a disputed land”

A searing interview with Avichai Sharon and Noam Chayut, both veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces and members of Breaking the Silence. Sharon and Chayut served during the second intifada, an on-going bloodbath that has claimed the lives of over three thousand Palestinians and nine-hundred-fifty Israelis. After thorough introspection, these young men have chosen to speak out about their experiences as self-described “brutal occupiers of a disputed land.”

NURIT PELED (Israeli founding general’s daughter): Palestinians do not exist in Israelis’ consciousness

Holocaust education used to promote hatred against possible enemies.

School textbooks show only backward Palestinians, never any doctors, etc..

Nurit is Miko Peled’s sister. They are children of a founding IDF general.

Israel vs. Palestine – Norman Finkelstein w/ Candace Owens — “The lies and lies and lies about Gaza” – Ousted from their homes in 1948, imprisoned by the ‘Jewish supremacist state’ – Israel’s eradication goal and history of ‘mowing the lawn’

“War does not determine who is right — only who is left” – Bertrand Russell

“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”

– Bertrand Russell

MASSIVE War Across The Middle East Is The Plan! – U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark

Peggy Hall asks Netanyahu some questions

M.A.I.D UNLEASHED: Canada Wants To Legalize Medically Assisted Suicides For Drug Addicts!!!

‘Christian’ Zionism: Praying for one without praying for the other

Amy Demboski’s ‘Christian’ logic: “Not Israel’s fault” when Israel mass murders “innocent people” — WWJB? Who Would Jesus Bomb?

“Jesus wept.”

This is so reverse-Christian — justifying remote-control mass murder of children and others whom Jesus commanded us to love — as Israel still rejects Jesus:

“There are going to be civilian casualties brought on by Israeli strikes. There’s no question about it. That will happen. This is war. Innocent people are going to die. It’s going to happen. But it is not Israel’s fault. I say all the blood that is shed, this is Hamas’ fault. All the blood that is shed, this is Iran’s fault.”

– Amy Demboski, The Amy Dembosky Show, 10/18/23 minute-1:08:00

Please watch:

(vid & text) Gaza Made Simple For Christians by Ted Pike (2009) — Real history & God’s conditional terms still apply to Israel

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — God’s covenants require OBEDIENCE • “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel


TruNews w/ Chuck Baldwin: Seminaries teach pastors to root for war to hasten the return of Jesus — Reverse-Christianity!

NOTE: I don’t believe in replacement theology. Romans 11 clearly says that someday, the true Jews will repent. Warmongering dispensational theology is far worse!

Chuck Baldwin, Rick and Doc explain how seminaries teach pastors to root for war to hasten the return of Jesus! The result is reverse-Christianity!

Are we seeing another false flag, Israel allowing the Hamas invasion on purpose? The evidence seems irrefutable, already. Why? Netanyahu is in deep trouble for many reasons, including corruption charges, and just like with 9/11, TalmudVision will rally Americans into approving war, reverse-Christian behavior!

“What do corrupt political leaders do when they start getting in trouble at home? … The default action is to go to war.” – Chuck Baldwin

C-SPAN: Bush Jokes About WMDs w/ Photos – 2004 Correspondent’s Dinner — Where Was the Outrage?


May 6, 2004 [war was launched by Bush because of WMDs on March 20, 20o3 – ed.]

During the annual Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner this week, Bush presented a slide show of quirky photographs from inside the White House. In one, the president is looking under furniture in the Oval Office.

“Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere,” Bush joked. “Nope, no weapons over there … maybe under here?”

“Seeing our president joke about WMDs at a comedy function was terrible. How can a thinking, caring human being joke about the lie that led to body bags and broken young men and women? I was appalled,” wrote Fran… (source)

And millions of Iraquis, including Christian men, women, children and old folk were either killed, maimed or displaced. Nobody cares! It’s all a joke. The soul and end of America. And why they hate US.


(vid & text) Gaza Made Simple For Christians by Ted Pike (2009) — Real history & God’s CONDITIONAL terms still apply to Israel

Video Script

Claims and counterclaims surround the recent crisis in Gaza. Yet, we can’t understand the right or wrong of events in the troubled Mideast without knowing God’s spiritual law about Palestine. This law was repeatedly set forth over 3000 years ago.

If you are a Christian, you must take the Bible very seriously — as the written word of God. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall not pass away.” (Mark 13:31) This means the eternal truths laid down thousands of years ago in Holy Scripture remain true.

Yet, many evangelical Christians say God’s law no longer applies to the modern state of Israel. What law am I talking about? In the Old Testament, God repeatedly instructed His people, the Israelites, that the land of Canaan was to be holy. It could only be occupied by a holy, obedient people. When they rebelled, God allowed them to be driven out. They could only reenter in repentance. [1] God says that if Israel rebels, “The Lord will scatter you among the nations”(Deut. 4:27). But if they repent, “The Lord your God will restore you from captivity” (Deut. 30:3).

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