Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 1 of 22

He Can Prove Israel Was Behind JFK’s Murder and 9/11: Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Matthew Tower

The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 11, 2024

Tonight we have a conversation with documentary filmmaker Matthew Tower, the creator of Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine. Watch the documentary here: Follow Matthew on X here:


Candace Owens: Israel protected Solomon Morel, a man who tortured and murdered German Christians in a concentration camp

Israel protected Solomon Morel, a man who tortured and murdered German Christians in a concentration camp. Zionists are in overdrive trying to get this episode banned where I talk about it. Here’s the FULL clip they don’t want you to see. Would be a shame if it went viral.

How Israeli Prime Ministers Changed their Names to Sound Middle Eastern

Benjamin Netanyahu’s father hebraized his name to Mileikowsy — one of many who adopted semitic sounding names — mass deception!

Scott Adams FREAKS OUT At IHRA Israel Hate Speech Laws & Mark Levin DEFENDS THEM With John Hagee!

Scott Adam’s full statement, including his stand on the Holocaust starts at 1:08:00 here: Episode 2463 CWSA 05/03/24

Rumble link for An0maly’s video


Howard Stern Admitted He Has Demons — Pays Homage To Biden

Howard Stern has transformed from the over-the-top, say anything shock jock that made him famous in the ‘90s into a bootlicking shill for the establishment. This was never more on display than during the recent interview with Joe Biden, who received a tongue bath from Stern worthy of any MSNBC anchor.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether Stern has always been this way or the $400 million he got from Sirius XM turned him into a rank elite apologist.

Washington Post: Trained-as-rabbi Solomon Friedman – Pornhub can be ethical — “We cherish freedom of expression, individuality and sexuality”


Ben Shapiro Moves To Take Down Tucker Carlson — Atomic bomb TRUTH!

Washington Examiner: ‘Japan was already defeated’: The case against the nuclear bomb and for basic morality

“I was against it on two counts,” Dwight Eisenhower, supreme allied commander, five-star general, and president of the United States, said of dropping nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities. “First, the Japanese were ready to surrender, and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon.”

Alejandro Mayorkas, open borders & HIAS – Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

The Talmudic, antiChrist, NWO takeover of America!

Alejandro Mayorkas is fully in bed with the open borders lobby.

Until 2020, he served on the board of HIAS — a radical left-wing group that is actively ferrying illegals into America.

He was never serious about border security.

Israeli propagandist behind Hamas ‘mass rape’ narrative exposed as grifter, fraud

Israeli propagandist behind Hamas ‘mass rape’ narrative exposed as grifter, fraud

Cochav Elkayam-Levy, the Israeli lawyer at the center of the campaign accusing Hamas of systematic sexual violence on October 7, now stands accused by Israeli media of scamming donors and spreading misinformation. The allegations appeared just days after Elkayam-Levy received the prestigious Israel Prize.


Lawyer behind ‘Hamas rape’ claims exposed as fraud

Lawyer behind ‘Hamas rape’ claims exposed as fraud

Employees of Israeli ministries claim that Cochav Elkayam-Levy has spread fake news and sought to make millions off her false claims about Hamas carrying out mass rapes on 7 October

MAR 26, 2024

Israeli officials have “dissociated themselves” from a lawyer who has played a vital role in promoting false claims that Hamas carried out systematic rape and sexual abuse on 7 October, Yedioth Ahronoth reported on 24 March.

The Israeli newspaper reported claims by Israeli ministry officials that lawyer Cochav Elkayam-Levy had produced inaccurate research, spread false stories about Hamas atrocities, and sought to collect millions of dollars in donations for a so-called ‘civic commission’ of which she is the only member.

Elkayam-Levy, who is the head of the Deborah Institute and a lecturer in the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University, was among the first to spread false claims that Hamas had carried out systematic rape during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

As The Grayzone detailed, Elkayam-Levy presented images of female Kurdish fighters killed in Syria while claiming they were Jewish Israeli women who had been killed and raped by Hamas fighters at the Nova Music Festival on 7 October.

Jimmy Kimmel admits how much he lies to guests

Starts at 4:35

Ben Shapiro had no problem with Ben & Jerry’s liberal views until they criticized Israel!

Starts at 13:34

Ben Shapiro: “King of Cancel Culture in Conservative Media” – More Problems for Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire! – Mark Dice

Rabbi Shmuley Goes FULL PERVERT In Jones Interview: ‘Rabbi BUTTPLUG’ Becomes INFAMOUS

Ben Shapiro in a Panic – Joe Rogan is Getting Involved Now! – Daily Wire Debacle w/ Candace Owens Getting Worse!

Jimmy Dore: Alex Jones To Rabbi Schmuley – “You’re Having A Mental Breakdown!”

Shapiro’s Daily Wire Protects Jewish Power: Candace Owens FIRED Over Her Christian Faith | Rabbi Shmuley’s Filth!

Stew Peters Network

911 – PROOF of WHO DID IT! — Israel’s Major Role!

911 – PROOF of WHO DID IT!

Crash Course: 911 Inside Job – John B Wells LIVE

Mike King’s book: CRASH COURSE: 9-11 INSIDE JOB: Debunking the Official Story in Just 1 Hour

Great. quick overview of Israel’s heavy involvement and other issues, but Mike gets some things wrong. Israel’s reason is not only the Greater Israel Project. As Talmudists, they’re also definitely globalists, believing their superior race will rule over all Gentiles (who have lesser souls) once their ‘messiah’ comes.

He also says the planes could not have gone through the outside steel walls. Researchers have studied this. The mass at that high speed would have been substantial. Many believe the planes were switched in-flight with remote-controlled drones that could have had beefed up wings to withstand the tremendous forces on the planes at low altitude at such high speeds.

Also, the towers’ walls were put together in small sections with bolts. So the bolts are probably what gave way.

Many people saw the planes hit the towers with their own eyes, along with being recorded in video from multiple angles.

Starts at Minute-1:44:30

Candace Owens Wars Against Perverted Rabbi: Zionist Enforcer Rabbi Shmuley Bullies Israel Critics

Israeli rabbi Eliyahu Mali: Kill everyone in Gaza, including children

Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the settlers’ yeshiva school in occupied Jaffa, incited his students serving in the Israeli occupation forces to kill everyone in Gaza, including babies.


Candace Owens says she was threatened by Rabbi Shmuley

Candace Owens says she was threatened by Rabbi Shmuley.

Zionists act like thugs & cry hate speech to suppress the truth.

Netanyahu extending/launching wars to delay his “expiration date” — will face political reckoning for allowing the October 7 attack to happen

US Officials Expect Israel to Launch Ground Invasion of Lebanon

February 29, 2024

US officials believe that Israel is planning to launch a ground invasion into Lebanon in late spring or early summer if a diplomatic solution is not reached, CNN reported on Thursday. …

US officials have acknowledged that a war in Lebanon would benefit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is expected to face a political reckoning for allowing the October 7 attack to happen once Israeli operations in Gaza are over.

“Once the war is over, his expiration date arrives,” an administration official said. “So he needs to maintain the impression, maintain the narrative that Israel is still in the middle of a campaign, to try to stave off efforts to remove him.”

Mark Dice: The role that HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) plays in facilitating mass illegal migration into the US

Starts at 6:18


John Torell w/ John B Wells: The Protocols of Power Part 1 of 3 – Caravan to Midnight


John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 2 of 3 – Protocols & Politics

John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 3 of 3 – World Federalism & Global Governance

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John S. Torell shows how the book: ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ (‘The Protocols of Zion,’ ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’) lays out their cutthroat, Talmudic, Satanic world domination plan.

An overview of the first 5 protocols.

Facebook: John S. Torell, European-American Evangelistic Crusades

Website and Books: European-American Evangelistic Crusades

EMJ Live 55: Netanyahu Invokes The Holocaust Narrative To Justify Genocide In Gaza

E. Michael Jones

Body Language – Dershowitz on The List

“He’s a Jew, so he’s got victim status,” playing the victim card.

Changes the subject.

Bombards Body Language

Treason: US Senator Charles Schumer pledges TOTAL allegiance to Israel

🇮🇱 Former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, hides his face as he enters Jeffery Epstein’s Manhattan mansion (2016)

Times of Israel: CHIEF RABBI calls black people ‘monkeys’ — Has said “non-Jews are in Israel only to serve Jews,” and “non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven Noahide Laws… prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming God” [worshiping Jesus]

Related: (video) Chuck Baldwin: If You Think the Koran is Bad, You Should Read THE TALMUD, IF YOU CAN STOMACH IT — “Jesus addressed the Talmud and the Zionists when he addressed the Pharisees” • “They believed the writings of the Mishnah were SUPERIOR to the writings of Moses. They still believe that today in the modern state of Israel” • “Benjamin NETANYAHU is a Talmudist” | “All these PROPHESY ZEALOTS on TV and radio think it’s wonderful that they’re talking about REBUILDING THE TEMPLE: ‘preparing the way for Christ!’” • “This is PREPARING THE WAY FOR THE ANTICHRIST who will deceive the world”

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